Managing the Strategy Formulation


  • To gain appreciation of the nature and value of strategic management process
  • To develop expertise in scenario planning for supporting the process of strategy formulation
  • To gain understanding of how to manage business model innovation  
  • To build competencies in managing strategic renewal through exploration and exploitation


Strategic management is a well-established field of scientific inquiry and management practice. The overall objective of this course is to develop students’ theoretical understanding and practical expertise in relation to the process of strategy formulation. To achieve this objective, students will have opportunity to participate in interactive classes, and to complete team-based and individual assignments centering on the application of theoretical concepts and tools to find solutions to real-life issues practitioners face. The course prepares students for a managerial career through the provision of knowledge and skills relating to strategic leadership, use of scenario planning, management of business model innovation, and the orchestration of strategic renewal.
Teaching methods include lectures, student team-work and instructor-led discussions. Students must come prepared to each class by having read the literature and having completed the mandatory assignments


Exam, assignments(100%)

Team Assignments (60%), Take-Home Exam (Individual Assignment; 40%)



To be announced.