The unwanted body of man or why is it so difficult for women to make it in academe? A feminist psychoanalytic approach



Women are significantly under-represented in senior academic ranks in both the social and natural sciences. However, the work of feminists in accounting for the psychic origins of social structures is habitually absent from the theorizing on the position of women in universities and this means that important insights are left out about the genesis and reproduction of their unequal position in academia. The paper draws on the work of Luce Irigaray and Julia Kristeva, two philosophers working in the psychoanalytic tradition, to make a case for the necessity of changes in the socio-symbolic space, specifically concerned with woman’s re-presentation in the body of knowledge as a possible way of addressing this gap. Findings of an empirical study looking into the experiences of twenty women in five English management and business schools are being exampled to illustrate our theoretical arguments.
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Babs Verploegh