Is There a Recipe for Creativity? Evidence from across the Globe



This seminar describes a large program of research based upon data from across the Globe that seeks to understand what leads to employee creativity. This program advances previous research by examining the influence of personality and self-concept approaches when considered in team contexts.  This presentation will increase your understanding of the dynamic interplay between the individual and their context - an interaction that occurs in virtually all work contexts.  Giles will present at least three different pieces of research.  He will begin by briefly illustrating the relevance of this approach to understanding creativity in the Taiwanese and Chinese context. Subsequently he will discuss advances based on self-concept approaches as well as use the ambidexterity literature to unite the study of employee performance and creativity. Finally he will discuss the role of social network methods in developing a more fine grained understanding of the person-contextual interaction and how these relate to employee creativity.
Dr Giles Hirst is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management, Monash University. He has a track record of top tier journals publications, and outstanding research and consulting expertise.  His output is even more impressive given that until recently Giles was classified as an early career researcher. In 2008 to 2009 Dr Hirst had six articles accepted for publication including The Academy of Management Journal, The Journal of International Business Studies, The Journal of Organizational Behavior and Applied Psychology: An International Review.  Previously he has published articles in The Leadership Quarterly as well as The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and R&D Management.  These publications coupled with large industry research programs totaling more than $175,000 provide evidence of active industry engagement and outstanding academic achievement.
In addition Giles has several significant research programs underway. In 2009 Giles was the recipient of two ARC grants; the first an ARC Discovery examining how the network of company director board memberships relates to CEO pay ($110,000), and the second ARC linkage ($330,000) examining authentic leadership behaviors in the State Emergency Services.
Contact information:
Babs Verploegh