Some Cultural Aspects of Intercultural Management in France



On October 2010, the French sociologist Hugues Lagrange published The Denial of Cultures, a book analyzing cultural factors explaining school failure, violence and social exclusion of some French minorities. Hugues Lagrange puts the emphasis on the cultural shock experienced in France by immigrants from West Africa and on the denial of this phenomenon by French authorities. The book of M.Lagrange was subject of a heated debate and the sociologist himself was accused of having the worst intentions. Once again, the debate focused on ideological clashes and nothing changed in our blindness about cultural factors. Why such a denial of cultures? This presentation will give an overview of the cultural factors impacting the denial of cultures in France. Taking examples from French society (education, hospital, army, police), we can measure in what extent this problem is also impacting French management. The fact is that French companies lag well behind when it comes to intercultural management... could they ever learn? Could we?
Contact information:
Dicea Jansen