Information Strategy


The objective of the course is to help you to:

  • Develop an ability to discuss how the presence of IT enables new business models and how digital transformation changes industry structure, and alter marketing, sales, operations, and business practices.
  • Learn the contemporary issues in e-commerce, the changes in consumer behavior, and the opportunities for different forms of electronic markets and auctions.
  • Describe pricing and versioning of digital goods and recognize the importance of platform mediated networks.


Information technology (IT) is revolutionizing the way people and firms transact business. This process is only being accelerated with the development of social media and the availability of big data, which has enormous impact on our activities and the way organizations work and compete. This rapid movement towards the new information economy is being led by both established firms such as Wal-Mart, General Electric, and new entrepreneurial firms such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, and Dropbox. As a master student of business information management, you need a thorough understanding of the latest technology trends, how firms embrace disruptive technologies, and what new business models emerge that allows firms to compete and lead in the information economy. This course will devote to the study of the strategic use of information, and provide you with the understanding of the role of information, the closely related role of information technology, major developments of e-commerce, and their implications on economics, marketing, and operational issues. This course will focus on problems unique to information-intensive businesses that you will soon encounter as a consultant, analyst, technologist, or entrepreneur.
The course is a combination of lectures and a high degree of case analysis and discussions. In the class, you will work with real world examples ranging across different industries. The course will cover six themes: information strategy, business model and digital transformation, business-to-consumer e-commerce, electronic markets and auctions, information goods, and platform mediated networks.


  • Written exam, blog, group assignments(100%)
  • Individual Exam (40%), Individual Blog (10%), Group Assignment 1 (20%), Group Assignment 2 (30%)


The hyperlinks to the articles will be posted on Blackboard.