Publishing Strategy


Publishing ideas and research findings in high caliber academic journals is central to our profession. Yet, for many researchers in the early stages of their careers, the publication process is an enigma. They are uncertain about the actual facts and procedures, and they are sometimes hesitant to subject their nascent ideas to the scrutiny of editors and reviewers. This compact course serves to prepare researchers who aspire to become active in the publishing business for what lies ahead of them, primarily by demystifying the process.


This course is organized into two meetings. In the first meeting a general overview and discussion will be provided around (1) the writing process, (2) personalizing a publication strategy, (3) the review process, and (4) managing a publishing portfolio. During the second meeting we will have a paper review practice.


The course is organized as a seminar, implying that your cooperation and willingness to actively participate in the sessions will ensure that we jointly create the best possible learning environment. The grading of this course reflects this culture and pedagogy: your grade depends entirely on your contribution to the intellectual climate in the classroom (pass/fail).


Background readings for this course - consisting of carefully selected sample materials such as editorial letters, review reports, author responses, editorial policy statements, articles, and book chapters - will be made available via Canvas.

Additional info

This course is open to ERIM PhD candidates and Research Master students only.