Symposium "From perceptual to economic decisions" at the ECVP2006 Conference


The goal of Neuroeconomics is to understand the processes that connect sensation and action by revealing the neurobiological mechanisms by which decisions are made. Fundamental insights from neuroscience in modelling visual perceptual decisions are integrated and combined with the intensive investigation of neural basis of economic and social behaviour. Obviously, decision making processes consist on multiple stages affected by perceptual, emotional and cognitive systems.

The symposium "From perceptual to economic decisions" aims to facilitate discussion on neuronal mechanisms transforming perception of visual stimuli in goal-directed behaviour. The symposium focuses on perceptual, emotional and cognitive mechanisms of human decision making.


  • Leo P. Sugrue, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
    Value based decision making: using reach behavioral model to explore neural function 
  • Hauke Heekeren, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany
    Influence of prior probability on decision-making
  • Jens Schwarzbach, Trento Univerity, Italy.
    Brain Dynamics of Perceiving, Deciding, and Acting
  • Brooks King-Casas, Baylor College of Medicine USA.
    Social Decision Making: Imaging Healthy and Disordered Trust
  • Vasily Klucharev, Ale Smidts, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
    Social context and decision making: fMRI study of advertising effects

Selected publications of the symposium participants

  • Sugrue LP, Corrado GS, Newsome WT. Matching behavior and the representation of value in the parietal cortex. Science. 2004 Jun 18; 304(5678): 1782-7.
  • Heekeren HR, Marrett S, Bandettini PA, Ungerleider LG. A general mechanism for perceptual decision-making in the human brain. Nature. 2004 Oct 14; 431(7010): 859-62.
  • King-Casas B, Tomlin D, Anen C, Camerer CF, Quartz SR, Montague PR. Getting to know you: reputation and trust in a two-person economic exchange. Science. 2005 Apr 1; 308(5718): 78-83.

Location and Date

Location: St. Petersburg, Russia.
Date: 25 August 2006