ERIM Research Seminar in Strategic Renewal and the Dynamics of Firms, Networks and Industries: Making Sense of Formalization in Interorganizational Relationships*



This ERIM Seminar will take place after the defense and reception of the PhD "Making Sense of Formalization in Interorganizational Relationships" by Paul Vlaar. The defense will start at 11.00 hrs in the Senate Hall.



15.00 Opening and welcome.


15.05 - 15.15 Paul Vlaar, Frans A.J. Van den Bosch and Henk Volberda, Erasmus Strategic Renewal Center, RSM Erasmus University. Introduction of the theme Making Sense of Formalization in Interorganizational Relationships


15.15 - 15.50 Africa Ariño, IESE Business School, Spain and Peter Smith Ring, Loyola Marymount University, USA. The Role of Justice Theory in Explaining Alliance Negotiations.


15.50 - 16.25 Anna Grandori, Bocconi University, Italy. The Strength of Weak Formalization.


16.25 - 16.55 Panel discussion and Q&A.


16.55 - 17.00 Wrap-up and emerging issues for the research agenda.


Contact information:

Carolien Heintjes
