Stefan Stremersch receives Early Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy Research Award

The American Marketing Association has announced that Stefan Stremersch, Desiderius Erasmus Distinguished Chair of Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, is the winner of the 2008 Early Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy Research Award.

In the previous years, winners of the same award have been, among others, Peter Golder, Leonard Stern School of Business, New York University and Rajdeep Grewal, SMEAL College of Business, PennState.

Stefan Stremersch is a scientist of exceptional stature. After graduating cum laude in two degree programmes, Stremersch started as a postdoctoral fellow at the ERIM (Erasmus Research Institute of Management) and was subsequently appointed professor of marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics in 2004. He is an extraordinary and innovative talent who has (already) earned international recognition. Stremersch works in the fields of economics and marketing, with a special interest in the high tech and life sciences industry. Stremersch also is a visiting professor of marketing at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA. Research by Stefan Stremersch – like that focusing on innovation and acceptance of technology – is regularly featured in the national and international press. According to the ‘Economentop’ ranking compiled by the professional journal Economisch Statistische Berichten, Stremersch is one of the top 20 economists in the Netherlands. Indeed, he has an impressive list of scientific publications to his name and is regularly invited to hold keynote speeches at major conferences. The international recognition that Stremersch has earned with his research is evidenced by the frequent acceptance of his articles in leading marketing and management journals like the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science and Management Science. He also serves as Editor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing.

The Award will be presented at the Marketing Strategy SIG Awards Luncheon during the AMA Summer Educators' Conference at San Diego in August 2008.

More Information
<link people stefan-stremersch _blank>Personal Homepage Stefan Stremersch
Awards Luncheon Website