SmartPort community meeting April 24th 12.00-13.30 T3-03

In this lunch meeting Larissa van der Lugt and Michiel Nijdam, both senior researchers at Regional, Port and Transport Economics BV (RHV BV) will give a presentation on their project "Flexibility in Port Organization and Management". This research is conducted within the research program Next Generation Infrastructures, in cooperation with Port of Rotterdam NV, Faculty of Social Sciences (EUR) and the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University.

Port of Rotterdam NV is just finalizing its processes to come to a new vision for the development of the port and also a new business plan for the own organization. That means that new decisions might need to be taken with impact for the longer term. Flexibility is seen as one of the aspects that should be taken into account in implementing the new vision, so that also in the longer term the right actions can be taken, in order to remain a highly competitive port. The questions that rise in this respect are: where is flexibility of significant importance and how can flexibility be part of port organization and management?

Location T3-03 (T building, 3rd floor, roomnr. 3) 12.00-13.30