Smart Port Community Lunch Meeting, Tuesday 17 September at 12.00 hours in M3-03


In this lunch meeting Marcel van Oosterhout and Rob Zuidwijk will discuss the FP7 Cassandra project.
Smart Port Lunch Meeting
Date: September 17, noon
Location: M3-03 (M-Building, Congress and Expo Centre)


  • Title: Business and research opportunities of the FP7 Cassandra project
  • The presentation

Marcel van Oosterhout and Rob Zuidwijk will discuss the FP7 Cassandra project. Marcel will discuss the objectives, set-up, and (foreseen) result of the project, while Rob will discuss the associated research challenges and the lines of research developed by the Erasmus research team.

  • The Cassandra project

In today’s (global) supply chains, effectiveness and efficiency can be improved through better execution and planning and redesign. Data sharing both between business partners and with authorities helps to support the tuning operations and the re-configuration of processes. However, data is often insufficiently available, untimely, inaccurate, or incomplete, leading to inefficiencies in logistics and unduly complex administrative processes. Re-using shared business data and risk analysis (‘piggy-backing’) and improving access to higher quality data allows customs and other authorities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their security and safety risk analyses, thus contributing to seamless logistic flows. The Cassandra project demonstrates in global trade lanes (‘Living Labs’) how electronic data sharing and improved risk analysis enables smoother logistic flows, while maintaining compliance with legal requirements. The project investigates improving data quality through maximizing the use of original source data and subsequently sharing this data downstream in the supply chain. For this purpose, Cassandra:

1.     develops a risk based approach for business that incorporates customs requirements and reduces operational risks for business

2.     initiates the setup of the ‘Cassandra Backbone’, a globally, scalable data-sharing network based on open standards implemented by various project partners, such as Port Community Systems, GS1, and Descartes

3.     demonstrates a future in which business can share data easily among its partners and with customs (‘IT Living Lab’)

4.     develops business and customs dashboards to access logistics data from the Cassandra Backbone as a basis for improved risk analysis.

These objectives have been transformed into some specific research challenges in which the Erasmus research team is involved.