Seminars Business History @Erasmus

Mon. 18 Nov. 2013 Research Seminar
Family Philanthropy in the Global Economy: A Comparison of US, German and Spanish Foundations (1970s-2000s)
Nuria Puig (University Complutense of Madrid)
Mon. 28 Oct. 2013 Research Seminar
Anton Kröller (1862-1941), Innovative Entrepreneur or Notorious Speculator?
Ariette Dekker (University of Groningen)
Mon. 7 Oct. 2013 Research Seminar
Competing in a Changing World: A Comparison Between DSM and Solvay in the Chemical Industry, 1970-2010.
Arjen van Rooij (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Ernst Homburg (Maastricht University)
Mon. 23 Sep. 2013 Research Seminar
The Yanks of Europe? Technological Change and Labor Productivity in German Manufacturing, 1909-1936
Joost Veenstra (University of Groningen)
Mon. 3 Jun. 2013 Research Seminar
Corporate Litigation After The South Sea Bubble
Martijn Punt
Mon. 13 May. 2013 Research Seminar
The Color Revolution: How Color Became a Tool for American Designers
Regina Lee Blaszczyk (University of Leeds )
Mon. 22 Apr. 2013 Research Seminar
Department Stores, Mail Order Catalogues and the Fashion Market: Italy in the Late 19th Century
Francesca Polese (Bocconi University)
Mon. 8 Apr. 2013 Research Seminar
Why Did Early Industrial Capitalists Suggest Minimum Wages and Social Insurance?
Alfred Reckendrees (University of Copenhagen)
Mon. 11 Mar. 2013 Research Seminar
(Re)financing the Slave Trade with the Royal African Company in the Boom Markets of 1720
Gary Shea (University of St Andrews)