Best Poster Paper Award for Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Eric van Heck, and Meditya Wasesa

At the Eighth Workshop on eBusiness (WeB-09) at the International Conference for Information Systems (ICIS) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, on December 15, 2009, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Eric van Heck, and Meditya Wasesa have been awarded wit the Best Poster Paper Award. The price-winning article entitled ‘Real-time Support for Auctioneers to Determine Optimal Clock Start for Multi-unit Sequential Dutch Auctions’.

ICIS is the most prestigious gathering of IS academics and research-oriented practitioners in the world. The attendance at this year's conference was 1,268 people.

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<link people wolfgang-ketter _blank>Personal homepage Wolfgang Ketter
<link people eric-van-heck _blank>Personal homepage Eric van Heck
<link people meditya-wasesa _blank>Personal homepage Meditya Wasesa