Third Prize in Thesis Competition

Jethro Borsje and Hanno Embregts won third prize in the 2006 thesis competition for the most useful applications in the fields of Information Technology and Information Science.


Screenshot from SPARQLViz 2.0

Every year, this thesis competition is organised by Information Magazine (in Dutch: Informatie Magazine) in cooperation with the Ngi Platform for ICT professionals, the SAI study centre for automatic information processing, and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. Winning students and their supervisors receive prize money.

Borsje and Embregts won third prize in the 2006 edition of this competition with their bachelor thesis titled ‘Graphical Query Composition and Natural Language Processing in an RDF Visualization Interface’. The thesis, which was supervised by Dr. Flavius Frasincar, consists of two main parts. The first part is about graphical query composition and resulted in a useable piece of software (SPARQLViz 2.0). The second part is a literature study about the possible application of natural language processing in creating a SPARQL query. The thesis is available <link fileadmin default content erim research centres business_intelligence admin c_news _blank>here.

More information
<link fileadmin default content erim research centres business_intelligence admin c_news _blank>Bachelor thesis (pdf)
SPARQLViz 2.0 at sourceforge
Competition website at Informatie Magazine