Erasmus Smart Port involved in OECD Port-Cities Conference

Rotterdam 9 September 2013

On September 9, the OECD Port Cities Conference is organized at the Lantaren/Venster venue, Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam. This conference pays attention to the role of cities in relation to ports. The OECD produced a number of very interesting case studies on different ports, from the perspective of port-city relations. Amongst others a ‘must read’ report on the ports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

Port professors of Erasmus Smart Port are moderating different parallel sessions at the OECD Port Cities Conference, organized in Rotterdam on September 9.


Professor Rene de Koster (RSM) will moderate the Spatial development session, Professor Rommert Dekker (ESE) will moderate the Economy session, Professor Rob Zuidwijk (RSM) will moderate the Connectivity session and Professor Jaap de Koning (SEOR) will moderate the Labour session. Bart Kuipers of Erasmus Smart Port will also be involved as moderator.