The effect of influence tactics on e-procurement adoption cognitions

By Marc Reunis, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Supervisor: <link people erik-van-raaij _blank>Dr. Erik van Raaij


This dissertation deals with the effect of influence tactics on Electronic Procurement (EP) adoption cognitions. When an EP system is introduced in an organization, adoption of that system by its intended users is not self-evident. The study identifies factors from literature that have an effect on EP adoption cognitions. Subsequently, the study identifies influence tactics amongst these factors. The effect of seven influence tactics on the EP adoption cognitions were studied in a sample of 446 EP users across six organizations. The effect of the tactics on the EP adoption cognitions is the prime interest of this dissertation. It provides a novel theoretical contribution by linking broader concepts from social influence to EP adoption cognitions. Managers can use the findings to choose their influence tactics and increase their effectiveness towards potential users of EP.

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