Assessing the Strategic Importance of the Port of Rotterdam for The Netherlands

The Port of Rotterdam Authority (“Havenbedrijf Rotterdam”) has requested a team from the Strategy programme to conduct research. The research will focus on developing a framework to assess and monitor the strategic importance of the Port of Rotterdam for the international competitiveness of The Netherlands.

The research team will consist of Professors <link people frans-a-j-van-den-bosch _self>Frans van den Bosch and <link people henk-volberda _self>Henk Volberda, and <link people marc-baaij _self>Dr. Marc Baaij and Rick Hollen MScBA. Van den Bosch and Volberda are directors of the Dutch Partner Institute of the World Economic Forum and are responsible for conducting the yearly Global Competitiveness Survey in The Netherlands.

View the Smart Port website for more information about port-related research at Erasmus University.