NCA Summer Course

This summer (June 18, 2019) another one-day summer course on NCA will be held. The course, delivered by Jan Dul, is open to PhD candidates and faculty who are heading for publications in top journals.

The goals of the course are the following:

  1. To gain understanding of the logic of necessary conditions, and why these are important for social science and practice;
  2. To be able to identify necessary conditions in (own) data sets
  3. To understand how NCA can increase your chances for top journal publications

This hands-on course will provide you with new insights for theory building and will give you the tools to apply these insights in your own research. 

What do earlier participants of the course say about NCA:

  • “Simple technique that requires no ‘preparation’, data transformation/manipulation/ correction. A perfect plug-and-play method that can give output in under 10 minutes”
  • “It’s a new way of thinking and therefore it may lead to many interesting insights, just reanalyzing old dataset”
  • “Analysis provides insights that cannot be obtained with another method”
  • “Insights are very relevant for practice”
  • “I do believe that is has great exploratory value that is congruent with recent emphasis on big data”  

    Sounds interesting? You can find more information about the NCA Summer School here.