
* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA

Publications using NCA:

  • Agmapisarn, C., Seetha, P., & Fakfare, P. (in press). Optimizing Surplus Food Redistribution: Leveraging Digital Platforms to Advance Sustainable Consumption. Sustainable Development, (published online in 2024). **
  • Aldhamiri, A., Carlson, J., Vilches-Montero, S., Rahman, S. M., & Gudergan, S. P. (2024). What drives higher active customer engagement in luxury brands’ social media? Measurement and contingencies. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 79, 103804. **
  • Baber, H., Fanea-Ivanovici, M., Pana, M.-C., & ManBhatt, V., Pandey, S., Patel, R., Ghodake, S., Jariwala, H., & Thomas, S. (2025). Predicting online donation intention in donation-based crowdfunding apps: A multi-stage SEM-ANN-NCA model integrating anthropomorphism, satisfaction, trust, and privacy concerns. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 37(1), 80–104. **
  • Baber, H., Fanea-Ivanovici, M., Pana, M.-C., & Manole, A. M. (2024). Do price consciousness, anti-socializing behavior and content add fuel to consuming online video streaming? A multigroup analysis and moderating role of gender and marital status. Online Information Review, 48(7), 1389–1411.
  • Bhattacharyya, J., Balaji, M. S., & Jiang, Y. (2023). Causal complexity of sustainable consumption: Unveiling the equifinal causes of purchase intentions of plant-based meat alternatives. Journal of Business Research, 156, 113511. ***
  • Bhatt, V., Pandey, S., Patel, R., Ghodake, S., Jariwala, H., & Thomas, S. (2025). Predicting online donation intention in donation-based crowdfunding apps: A multi-stage SEM-ANN-NCA model integrating anthropomorphism, satisfaction, trust, and privacy concerns. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 37(1), 80–104. **
  • Cassia, F., & Magno, F. (2024). The value of self-determination theory in marketing studies: Insights from the application of PLS-SEM and NCA to anti-food waste apps. Journal of Business Research, 172, 114454. **
  • Cezar, A. (2024). A province-level configruation analysis of fixed and mobile broadband adoption. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 34(1), 27–45. ***
  • Charles, G., & Kanani, R. (2025). Antecedents of social commerce purchase intention: Evidence from Tanzanian social media users. Cogent Business & Management, 12(1), 2447409. **
  • Cheung, M. L., Leung, W. K., Aw, E. C. X., & Koay, K. Y. (2022). “I follow what you post!”: The role of social media influencers’ content characteristics in consumers' online brand-related activities (COBRAs). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102940. **
  • Damberg, S., Liu, Y., & Ringle, C. M. (2024). Does culture matter? Corporate reputation and sustainable satisfaction in the Chinese and German banking sector. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 12(1), 6–24. **
  • Dinh, E., Mühlbacher, H., & Torchia, M. (2024). Necessary perceptions of family values and luxury characteristics for brand luxuriousness: Evidence from luxury watch brands. Journal of Brand Management, 31(1), 58–78. **
  • Do, T. Q., Tho, N. D., & Le, N.-H. (in press). Learning generatively to facilitate marketing innovation of international joint ventures in emerging markets. International Journal of Emerging Markets. (published online in 2024). **
  • Duarte, P., Silva, S. C., Linardi, M. A., & Novais, B. (2022). Understanding the implementation of retail self-service check-out technologies using necessary condition analysis. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 50(13), 140–163. **
  • Dul, J., Hauff, S., Tóth, Z. (2021). Necessary condition analysis in marketing research. In: Handbook of Research Methods for Marketing Management. Eds. Robin Nunkoo, Viraiyan Teeroovengadum, and Christian Ringle. Edgard Elgar. *
  • Fakfare, P., Manosuthi, N., Lee, J.-S., Han, H., & Jin, M. (2025). Customer word-of-mouth for generative AI: Innovation and adoption in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 126, 104070. **/***
  • Frommeyer, B., Wagner, E., Hossiep, C. R., & Schewe, G. (2022). The utility of intention as a proxy for sustainable buying behavior–A necessary condition analysis. Journal of Business Research, 143, 201-213. **
  • Gomes, G., Tontini, G., & Picolo, J. D. (2023). Unveiling the Drivers of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Cinema Theatres: Integrating Sufficiency and Necessity Perspectives. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 1(1), 10060830. **
  • Hamdani, L., Sunarsih, S., Yusfiarto, R., Rizal, A., & Khoirunnisa, A. N. (2024). Social media, trust and intention to pay zakat through institution: Lessons from Indonesian experience. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 15(9), 2399–2418. **
  • Hui, G., Al Mamun, A., Masukujjaman, M., Makhbul, Z. K. M., & Ali, M. H. (2024). The relationship between mass customization and sustainable performance: The role of firm size and global E-commerce. Heliyon, 10(6), e27726. **
  • Jain NK, Bhaskar K, Jain S (2022) What drives adoption intention of electric vehicles in India? An integrated UTAUT model with environmental concerns, perceived risk and government support. Research in Transportation Business & Management 42, 100730. **
  • Koay, K. Y., Cheah, C. W., & Chang, Y. X. (2022). A model of online food delivery service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A combination of PLS-SEM and NCA approaches. British Food Journal, 124(12), 4516–4532. **
  • Kopplin, C. S., & Rösch, S. F. (2021). Equifinal causes of sustainable clothing purchase behavior: An fsQCA analysis among generation Y. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63, 10269 ***
  • Li, C. (Victor), & Larivière, B. (2023). The more extroverted the better? Unraveling the complex relationship between service robots’ personality and the service robot experience. Psychology & Marketing, 40(11), 2370–2386. ***
  • Lyu, V. C., Chin, W., Zhang, H., & Liu, V. (2022). Value added or overload? A study of the countervailing effects of non‐core features on mobile banking apps. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(3), 602-613. **
  • Magno, F., & Cassia, F. (2024). Predicting restaurants’ surplus food platform continuance: Insights from the combined use of PLS-SEM and NCA and predictive model comparisons. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 79, 103820. **
  • Mansoor, S., Rahman, S. M., & Bowden, J. L. (2024). Purchase spillovers from the metaverse to the real world: The roles of social presence, trialability, and customer experience. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 23(5), 2501–2552. **
  • Mehrdar, A., Rezaee, B., & Li, T. (2023). From Attraction to Disappointment: The Impact of Starting Prices on Consumer Overoptimism and Purchase Intentions. Available at SSRN 4623129. *
  • Milovan, A.-M., Dobre, C., & Moisescu, O. (2025). Boosting brand behavioral intentions via integrated explicit product placements in podcasts. Journal of Business Research, 189, 115129. **
  • Mwesiumo, D., Harun, M., & Hogset, H. (2023). Unravelling the black box between coopetition and firms' sustainability performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 114, 110-124. **
  • Oppong, D., & Bannor, R. K. (2024). Decoding Influencer Impact in Food Marketing: The Must-Haves, Should-Haves and the Role of Brand Trust and Price Consciousness. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 30(6–7), 210–235. **
  • Osakwe, C. N., Říha, D., Elgammal, I. M. Y., & Ramayah, T. (2024). Understanding Gen Z shoppers’ interaction with customer-service robots: A cognitive-affective-normative perspective. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 52(13), 103–120. **
  • Ouazzani, Y., Calderón-García, H., & Tubillejas-Andrés, B. (2025). Unpacking the Antecedents of Word of Mouth and Electronic Word of Mouth in the Opera Sector: A Multimethodological Study Based on PLS and NCA. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 43(1), 77–104. **
  • Pandey, S., Thomas, S., Bhatt, V., Patel, R., & Malkar, V. (2024). An integrated SEM-ANN-NCA approach to predict the factors influencing CSR authenticity and CRM purchase intentions: An attribution theory perspective. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 32(4), 541–554. **
  • Pinochet, L. H. C., Souza, C. A. D., Viana, A. B. N., & Rodríguez-Abitia, G. (2024). Smart technologies in supermarket retail and their influence on citizens’ quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista de Gestão, 31(1), 80–100. **
  • Rishi, B., Shiva, A., & Israney, R. S. (2024). Consumer willingness to buy and pay for dog-human companionship: A combination of SEM and NCA approaches. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 36(12), 3533–3552. **
  • Rosli, N., Binti Mohamad, A. D., Johar, E. R., Hashim, S., & Lim, X.-J. (2025). Beyond borders: The transcendent effect of Korean celebrity credibility on brand perceptions among Malaysian youth - A necessary condition analysis. Heliyon, 11(3), e41155. **
  • Sarstedt, M., & Liu, Y. (2023). Advanced marketing analytics using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Journal of Marketing Analytics, 1-5. **
  • Shahjehan, A., & Qureshi, J. A. (2019). Personality and impulsive buying behaviors. A necessary condition analysis. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 32(1), 1060–1072. *
  • Sharma, A., Dwivedi, R., Mariani, M. M., & Islam, T. (2022). Investigating the effect of advertising irritation on digital advertising effectiveness: A moderated mediation model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121731. **
  • Singh Yadav, S., & Kumar Kar, S. (2025). Influence of religious value and minimalism on repurchase intention of sustainable fashion: A combined PLS-SEM and NCA approach. Journal of Cleaner Production​​​​​​​, 486, 144585. **
  • Suryavanshi, A. K. S., Thomas, S., Trivedi, T., Patel, R., & Bhatt, V. (2024). Predicting user loyalty and repeat intention to donate towards fantasy sports gaming platforms: A large‐sample study based on a model integrating philanthropic actions, well‐being and flow experience. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing​​​​​​​, 29(1), e1819. **
  • Zhang, Y. (2024). Research on China’s agricultural product sales transformation: Online marketing mix strategy and performance on post pandemic area. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1297732. ***

Publications suggesting NCA for future research:

  • Guenther, P., Guenther, M., Ringle, C.M., Zaefarian, G. and Cartwright,S. (2023). Improving PLS-SEM use for business marketing research. Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 127-142.
  • Jovanovic, J., & Morschett, D. (2022). Under which conditions do manufacturing companies choose FDI for service provision in foreign markets? An investigation using fsQCA. Industrial Marketing Management, 104, 38-50.
  • Rozenkowska, K. (2023). Theory of planned behavior in consumer behavior research: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 47(6), 2670-2700.