* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA
Publications using NCA:
- Bouncken, R. B., Fredrich, V., Sinkovics, N., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2022). Digitalization of cross-border R&D alliances: Configurational insights and cognitive digitalization biases. Global Strategy Journal, 13(2), 281-314. ***
- Bouncken, R. B., Fredrich, V., & Kraus, S. (2020). Configurations of firm-level value capture in coopetition. Long Range Planning, 53(1), 101869. ***
- Bouzari, P., Gyenge, B., Ebrahimi, P., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2023). Problem Solving and Budget Allocation of SMEs: Application of NCA Approach. Computation, 11(3), 48. *
- Conway, E. (2019). Should We Expect Exemplary Integrated Reporting to Increase Organisational ESG Ratings?. In: Crowther, D., Seifi, S., Wond, T. (Eds.), in Responsibility and Governance.
- Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, B., Dias, A., & Sama-Berrocal, C. (in press). Exploring the importance of innovation ambidexterity on performance: Insights from NCA and IPMA analysis. International Journal of Innovation Science. (published online in 2024). **
- Approaches to Global Sustainability, Markets, and Governance (pp. 135-162). Springer, Singapore. *
- Czakon, W., Klimas, P., & Kawa, A. (2023). Re-thinking strategic myopia: A necessary condition analysis of heuristic and firm's performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 99-109. *
- Dávila, G. A., Andreeva, T., & Sætre, A. S. (in press). Using social integration mechanisms to boost absorptive capacity: Walking a tightrope. European Management Review, (published online in 2024). **
- Delgosha, M. S., Saheb, T., & Hajiheydari, N. (2021). Modelling the Asymmetrical Relationships between Digitalisation and Sustainable Competitiveness: A Cross-Country Configurational Analysis. Information Systems Frontiers, 23, 1317–1337. ***
- Du, Y., & Kim, P. H. (2021). One size does not fit all: Strategy configurations, complex environments, and new venture performance in emerging economies. Journal of Business Research, 124, 272-285. ***
- Fan, X., Li, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). The Driving Factors of Innovation Quality of Agricultural Enterprises—A Study Based on NCA and fsQCA Methods. Sustainability, 15(3), 1809. **
- Fredrich, V., Bouncken, R. B., & Tiberius, V. (2022). Dyadic business model convergence or divergence in alliances?–A configurational approach. Journal of Business Research, 153, 300-308. ***
- Fredrich, V., Bouncken, R. B., & Kraus, S. (2019). The race is on: Configurations of absorptive capacity, interdependence and slack resources for interorganizational learning in coopetition alliances. Journal of Business Research, 101, 862-868. ***
- Frezatti, F., Mucci, D. M., & Bido, D. D. S. (2022). Structure of planning and control artifacts and their accuracy in Brazilian family businesses. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review, 19(3). **
- Gao, L., Luo, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, N., & Deng, X. (2024). Retention in Challenging International Construction Assignments: Role of Expatriate Resilience. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150(2), 04023158. **
- Gui, J., Dai, D., & Zong, Q. (2024). Driving Configuration for Growth of New Technology-Based Ventures in China from an Optimal Distinctiveness Perspective. Sustainability, 16(5), 1933. ***
- Klimas, P., Czakon, W., & Fredrich, V. (2021). Strategy frames in coopetition: An examination of coopetition entry factors in high-tech firms. European Management Journal, 40(2), 258-272. **
- Matusek, M. (2022). Exploitation, exploration, or ambidextrousness—an analysis of the necessary conditions for the success of digital servitisation. Sustainability, 15(1), 324. *
- Muhlbacher, H., Einarsdóttir, B., & Castello, A. (2024). Necessary engagement in stakeholder relationships for successful membership in industrial clusters. Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 1–11. **
- Oliveira, J. M., & Gomes, C. F. (in press). Critical factors for the success of Sustainable Development Goal 12 in the digital transformation era: The effect of ISO 14001. Business Strategy and the Environment. (Published online in 2024). **
- Ortigueira-Sánchez, L. C., Welsh, D. H., & Stein, W. C. (2022). Innovation Drivers for Export Performance. Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 100013. **
- Oyadomari, J. C. T., Bido, D. D. S., Mendonça Neto, O. R. D., Aguiar, A. B. D., & Dultra-de-Lima, R. G. (2023). Relationships among strategically aligned performance indicators, controls, and performance. Rev. contab. finanç, 34(91). **
- Qu, X., Qin, X., & Wang, X. (2023). Construction of Frugal Innovation Path in the Context of Digital Transformation: A Study Based on NCA and QCA. Sustainability, 15(3), 2158. ***
- Safdar, N., Moazzam, M., Ahmed, W., Khan, A. S., Manzoor, W., & Raziq, M. M. (in press). The impact of adopting green procurement practices on the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises: A dual-mediation model. Benchmarking: An International Journal. (published online in 2024). **
- Singh, A. K., Jain, N. K., Sharma, M. G., & Nigam, S. (2023). Reconceptualization of absorptive capacity as potential and realized absorptive capacity for project-based organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 41(2), 102449. *
- Swab, R. G., Sherlock, C., Markin, E., & Dibrell, C. (2020). “SEW” What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? A Review of Socioemotional Wealth and a Way Forward. Family Business Review, 33(4), 424-445. ***
- Tho, N. D. (2018). Firm capabilities and performance: a necessary condition analysis", Journal of Management Development, 37(4), 322-332. *
- Tho, N. D. (2019). Strategic orientations and firm innovativeness: a necessary condition analysis. Baltic Journal of Management, 14(3), 427-442. *
- Wang, D., & Cheng, X. (2024). Study on the path of high-quality development of the construction industry and its applicability. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 14727. ***
- Khan, T. H., Ali, S., Xiaobao, P., & Zhiying, L. (2024). Responsive to Proactive Market Orientations: Unleashing the Potential of Effectuation–Causation Blending for Business Model Innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 14307–14325. ***
- Zhao, Y., Ye, Q., & Cai, J. (in press). Psychic Distance’s Impact on China’s Reverse M&A Innovation. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (published online in 2024). ***
- Zhang, Z., Liu, H., & Zhao, Y. (2024). How Enterprises Achieve Frugal Innovation: A Configurational Study Based on the Model of Organizational Symbiosis. Sustainability, 16(11), 4465. ***
- Zhou, D. (2024). Essays on Subjective Time in Strategy. (PhD Dissertation, Rensselaer Polytechnic University). **
Publications suggesting NCA for future research:
- Bouncken, R. B., Fredrich, V., Ritala, P., & Kraus, S. (2020). Value-creation-capture-equilibrium in new product development alliances: A matter of coopetition, expert power, and alliance importance. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 648-662.
- Deist, M. K., McDowell, W. C., & Bouncken, R. B. (2023). Digital units and digital innovation: Balancing fluidity and stability for the Creation, Conversion, and Dissemination of sticky knowledge. Journal of Business Research, 161, 113827.
- Klimas, P., & Radomska, J. (2023). Nobody Knows – Towards Operationalization of Strategic Dilemmas of Coopetitors. European Management Studies, 2023(2), 4–24.
- Klimas, P., Sachpazidu, K., & Stańczyk, S. (2023). The attributes of coopetitive relationships: What do we know and not know about them?. European Management Journal, 41(6), 884-898.
- Lexutt, E. (2020). Different roads to servitization success–A configurational analysis of financial and non-financial service performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 84, 105-125.