ERIM PhD Series

How to publish your book in the ERIM PhD Series

ERIM will co-ordinate the process towards the dissertation publication. This includes arranging an ISBN number, a reference/plagiarism check, the possibility to translate your English abstract to a Dutch one, ordering the cover page, invitations, dissertation and propositions.

Reference check

The EUR Doctoral Regulations stipulate that all doctoral dissertations to be defended at Erasmus University Rotterdam need to have been checked using a plagiarism scanning tool. Such a scan has been a standing procedure for a long time already at ERIM. The Urkund software tool is used for all the dissertations published within the ERIM PhD series.
The Reference Check takes place before the thesis is submitted in Hora Finita. This means that PhD candidates need to send their manuscript to the ERIM PhD Series coordinator at least 5 months before their intended graduation date.
The results of the plagiarism scan are analysed by the ERIM Director of Doctoral Education (DDE), on behalf of ERIM as the objective, independent, quality assurance organisation. The ERIM Reference Check form will be uploaded in Hora Finita by the ERIM PhD Series coordinator

Though ERIM is performing the reference check, it is foremost a responsibility of PhD candidates and their supervisors to avoid and/or detect any form of plagiarism at any given moment.


It is the PhD’s responsibility to provide the necessary files and forms according to the schedule and to carefully check the proofs from the publisher and cover designer. PhDs are also responsible for providing correct contact information, timely updates of relevant invoice and delivery addresses, etc. Failing to follow the schedule as indicated below will result in delay in book production.
Furthermore, a PhD candidate bears entire responsibility for any errors or misprints on the cover or inside the book that were overlooked during the proof check.

The ERIM schedule of the book production is linked to the EUR schedule at several points. Please check out the ERIM PhD Series Guide for all details. Below you can find your steps in the ERIM procedure.

1. Approx. 7 months before the intended defence: 

- Discuss your workflow in a personal meeting with the ERIM PhD Series coordinator.
- Register in Hora Finita.

2. Approx. 5 months before the intended defence:
- Complete dissertation lay-out.
- Submit the English summary to PhD Series coordinator for translation into Dutch.
Please note that PhD Theses in the Netherlands need to contain a summary in Dutch. This summary needs to be comprehensive in nature as it needs to cover and explain at least the most important features and contributions of the PhD research, as explained in 3-5 pages approximately. For non-Dutch speaking PhD candidates, ERIM is happy to provide a translation service. Please provide us with the summary in English to be translated into Dutch at least 5 months before the intended defense.
- Submit dissertation to PhD Series coordinator for reference check (plagiarism check).

3. Approx. 4,5 months before the intended defence:
- Submit dissertation to PhD Series coordinator for reference check (plagiarism check).

4. Approx. 4 months before the intended defence:
- Start cover design: Submit ISBN form, profiler, image for cover, invitation form to PhD Series coordinator.

5. Approx. 3,5 months before the intended defence: 
- Complete the dissertation file, insert last details.
- Submit your draft dissertation to PhD Series coordinator for layout check.

6. Approx. 3 months before the intended defence:
- Submit the final version of your dissertation and propositions (in word and PDF) to PhD Series coordinator for printing.
- Check the PDF proofs.
- Submit PhD defence media and communication form & 1st
placement form to PhD Series coordinator.

7. Approx. 2 months before the intended defence:
- The books are printed and delivered at EUR.

8. At least 5 weeks before the intended defence:
- Distribute the printed books to the committee, Beadle’s office (pedel) and your department.