PhD in Management

Strategy & Entrepreneurship

We are eager to help jumpstart the careers of promising PhD candidates pursuing high-impact research in strategic management and entrepreneurship! Our doctoral programme combines gaining an in-depth understanding of core strategy topics, developing a thorough command of different research methods and skills, and hands-on training of getting high-impact research published. Joining the PhD programme means joining a department with a highly collaborative and cutting-edge research culture in which faculty members and PhD candidates work on topics that cover nearly all domains of the wider strategic management and entrepreneurship fields.

Every academic year, we admit about three internally and several externally funded, promising doctoral candidates, who follow a range of doctoral courses, work on joint and supervised papers, and hold conference or workshop presentations. The Department welcomes excellent candidates from diverse disciplinary and national backgrounds. We look for highly motivated candidates with a strong research orientation, as evidenced, for example, by an intriguing master thesis or research article. For more information, you may contact PhD Coordinator Dr. Brian Pinkham.

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