Dynamic Decision Making under Supply Chain Competition Defended on Friday, 11 January 2019

This dissertation studies the impact of uncertainty and competition on a firm’s decision making in the field of operations management. First, I investigate the dynamics of a firm’s decision. Second, I investigate how competition between supply chain players changes the dynamics of a firm’s decisions. I focus on three specific decision areas: (1) capacity planning at the strategic and tactic levels (2) anti-counterfeiting strategies at the tactic level; and (3) risk management for long field-life systems at the operational level. Our main genetic research questions are as follows:

  • how should a firm make its capacity investment decisions in a competitive market, considering the changing demand?
  • how can a firm compete against counterfeiters in a global supply chain?

how should a firm that purchases parts manage end-of-supply risk of these parts, considering the changing supply and demand?


Capacity, Competition, New Product Launch, Anti-counterfeiting, Risk assessment, Big Data

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