Dr. O. (Olga) Kuryatnikova
I am an assistant professor at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus University Rotterdam, working as a part of the Optimization group. In my research I develop solution approaches and approximation algorithms for non-linear optimization problems using convex programming. My work covers both theory and real-world applications. I usually deal with problems where optimization over networks is needed (for example, energy, water, and transport systems). I am also interested in applications from economics, statistics, and machine learning. Before joining academia, I worked in industry as a financial analyst.
Abstract (1)
Academic (1)
Dupont, C., Kuryatnikova, O., Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Y., & Bunn, D. (2023). Environmental Impact of Load Shifting Agent. Abstract from The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization:
, Milan, Italy. https://www.aiee.it/iaee_2023/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/019Dupont_abstract.pdf
Article (8)
Academic (8)
Kuryatnikova, O., Zuluaga, L. F., & Lizcano, J. C. V. (2024). Reducing Nonnegativity over General Semialgebraic Sets to Nonnegativity over Simple Sets. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34(2), 1970-2006. https://doi.org/10.1137/22M1501027
Bekker, B., Kuryatnikova, O., Lizcano, J. C. V., & De Oliveira Filho, F. (2023). Optimization hierarchies for distance-avoiding sets in compact spaces. arXiv preprint. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.05429
Kuryatnikova, O., Ghaddar, B., & Molzahn, D. K. (2023). Two-Stage Robust Quadratic Optimization with Equalities and Its Application to Optimal Power Flow. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 33(4), 2830-2857. https://doi.org/10.1137/22M1469651
Kuryatnikova, O., Sotirov, R., & Vera Lizcano, J. C. (2022). The maximum k-colorable subgraph problem and related problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(1), 656-669. https://doi.org/10.1287/ijoc.2021.1086
Kuryatnikova, O., & Lizcano, J. C. V. (2020). New bounds for truthful scheduling on two unrelated selfish machines. Theory of Computing Systems, 64, 199-226. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00224-019-09927-x
Kuryatnikova, O., & Vera, J. C. (2019). Generalizations of Schoenberg's theorem on positive definite kernels. arXiv preprint. Advance online publication.
Kuryatnikova, O., & Vera Lizcano, J. C. (2018). Positive semidefinite approximations to the cone of copositive kernels. arXiv preprint. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.05429
Kuryatnikova, O., & Lizcano, J. C. V. (2017). Approximating the cone of copositive kernels to estimate the stability number of infinite graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 62, 303-308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.endm.2017.10.052
Doctoral Thesis (1)
External (1)
Kuryatnikova, O. (2019). The many faces of positivity to approximate structured optimization problems. Tilburg University. https://pure.uvt.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/30956611/PhDThesisKuryatnikovaFinal.pdf
PhD Track (1)
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Marten Jan Christiaan Soer
- Time frame: 2024 -
Events (48)
Office: W ET-02
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