ORCID Madness Month
Go Mad, Go ORCID!
March 2021, we collectively kicked off the ORCID Madness Month. Together with a dedicated team from the EUR University Library, we set up a campaign designed to assist in registering and improving ORCID records. The campaign was full of workshops, coffee break clinics, sessions, a lottery The target of the campaign was simple and compelling: to achieve 100% ORCID adoption amongst ERIM members and students by the end of the month.

Populate your ORCID record
ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID – is a registry of persistent unique identifiers for researchers. ORCID iD prevents name ambiguity and reliably connects publications, datasets and affiliations under a researcher’s record
A quick tour of the ORCID record
Create your ORCID iD
It takes less than 2 minutes!
> Register