Prof.dr. (Philipp) Koellinger

Philipp Koellinger is an associate professor of economics and entrepreneurship at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE).
His research interests are in the fields of entrepreneurship, behavioural economics and genoeconomics. His current research focuses on the role of genes and cognitive limits and their affect on economic behaviour.
Professor Koellinger is a principal investigator of the Gentrepreneur Consortium and the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium.
His work has been awarded several academic prizes and grants and his scholarly articles have been published in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of Economic Perspectives. He is currently one of the associate editors of Small Business Economics.
Professor Koellinger teaches the economics of innovation and entrepreneurship at the ESE.
Article (38)
Academic (34)
Meddens, SFW., De Vlaming, R., Bowers, P., Burik, CAP., Linner, RK., Lee, C., Okbay, A., Turley, P., Rietveld, N., Fontana, MA., Benjamin, DJ., Chow, CC., & Koellinger, PD. (2020). Genomic analysis of diet composition finds novel loci and associations with health and lifestyle. Molecular Psychiatry.
Grotzinger, AD., Rhemtulla, M., de Vlaming, R., Ritchie, S. J., Mallard, TT., Hill, WD., Ip, HF., Marioni, RE., McIntosh, AM., Deary, IJ., Koellinger, PD., Harden, KP., Nivard, MG., & Tucker-Drob, EM. (2019). Genomic structural equation modelling provides insights into the multivariate genetic architecture of complex traits. Nature Human Behaviour, 3(5), 513-525.
Bansal, V., Mitjans, M., Burik, CAP., Linnér, RK., Okbay, A., Rietveld, N., Begemann, M., Bonn, S., Ripke, S., De Vlaming, R., Nivard, MG., Ehrenreich, H., & Koellinger, PD. (2018). Genome-wide association study results for educational attainment aid in identifying genetic heterogeneity of schizophrenia. Nature Communications, 9, Article 3078.
Lee, JJ., Wedow, R., Okbay, A., Kong, E., Maghzian, O., Zacher, M., Tuan Anh, N.-V., Bowers, P., Sidorenko, J., Linner, RK., Fontana, MA., Kundu, T., Lee, C., Li, H., Li, R., Royer, R., Timshel, PN., Walters, RK., Willoughby, EA., ... Cesarini, D. (2018). Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a genome-wide association study of educational attainment in 1.1 million individuals. Nature Genetics, 50(8), 1112-+.
Vlaming, R., Okbay, A., Rietveld, N., Johannesson, M., Magnusson, PKE., Uitterlinden, A., van Rooij, FJA., Hofman, B., Groenen, P., Thurik, R., & Koellinger, PD. (2017). Meta-GWAS Accuracy and Power (MetaGAP) calculator shows that hiding heritability is partially due to imperfect genetic correlations across studies. PLoS Genetics (online), 13(1), Article e1006495.
Linner, RK., Marioni, RE., Rietveld, N., Simpkin, AJ., Davies, NM., Watanabe, K., Armstrong, NJ., Auro, K., Baumbach, C., Bonder, MJ., Buchwald, J., Fiorito, G., Ismail, K., Iurato, S., Joensuu, A., Karell, P., Kasela, S., Lahti, J., Mcrae, AF., ... Benjamin, DJ. (2017). An epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of educational attainment. Molecular Psychiatry, 22(12), 1680-1690.
Baillon, A., Koellinger, PD., & Treffers, T. (2016). Sadder but wiser: The effects of emotional states on ambiguity attitudes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 53(April), 67-82.
Okbay, A., Beauchamp, JP., Fontana, MA., Lee, JJ., Pers, TH., Rietveld, N., Turley, P., Chen, GB., Emilsson, V., Meddens, SFW., Oskarsson, S., Pickrell, JK., Thom, K., Timshel, P., Vlaming, R., Abdellaoui, A., Ahluwalia, TS., Bacelis, J., Baumbach, C., ... Benjamin, DJ. (2016). Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment. Nature, 533(7604), 539-542.
Koellinger, PD., Mell, J., Pohl, I., Roessler, C., & Treffers, T. (2015). Self-employed But Looking: A Labour Market Experiment. Economica, 82(325), 137-161.
Ward, ME., McMahon, G., St Pourcain, B., Evans, DM., Rietveld, N., Benjamin, DJ., Koellinger, PD., Cesarini, D., SSGAC, T., Davey Smith, G., & Timpson, NJ. (2014). Genetic variation associated with differential educational attainment in adults has anticipated associations with school performance in children. PLoS One (print), 9(7), e100248.
Rietveld, N., Conley, D., Eriksson, N., Esko, T., Medland, SE., Vinkhuyzen, AAE., Yang, J., Boardman, JD., Chabris, CF., Dawes, CT., Domingue, BW., Hinds, DA., Johannesson, M., Kiefer, AK., Laibson, D., Magnusson, PKE., Mountain, JL., Oskarsson, S., Rostapshova, O., ... Koellinger, PD. (2014). Replicability and robustness of GWAS for behavioral traits. Psychological Science, 25(11), 1975-1986.
Mazar, M., Dawes, C., Loewen, PJ., Cesarini, D., Koellinger, PD., Johannesson, M., & Magnusson, PKE. (2013). The heritability of moral standards for everyday dishonesty. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 93(september), 363-366.
van der Loos, MJHM., Rietveld, N., Eklund, N., Koellinger, PD., Rivadeneira, F., Abecasis, GR., Ankra-Badu, GA., Baumeister, SE., Benjamin, DJ., Biffar, R., Blankenberg, S., Boomsma, DI., Cesarini, D., Cucca, F., de Geus, EJC., Dedoussis, G., Deloukas, P., Dimitriou, M., Eiriksdottir, G., ... Thurik, R. (2013). The Molecular Genetic Architecture of Self-Employment. PLoS One (print), 8(4), e60542.
van der Loos, MJHM., Haring, R., Rietveld, N., Baumeister, SE., Groenen, P., Hofman, B., Jong, F., Koellinger, PD., Kohlmann, T., Nauck, MA., Rivadeneira, F., Uitterlinden, A., van Rooij, FJA., Wallaschofski, H., & Thurik, R. (2013). Serum testosterone levels in males are not associated with entrepreneurial behavior in two independent observational studies. Physiology & Behavior, 119, 110-114.
Rietveld, N., Medland, SE., Derringer, J., Yang, J., Esko, T., Martin, NW., Westra, HJ., Shakhbazov, K., Abdellaoui, A., Agrawal, A., Albrecht, E., Alizadeh, BZ., Amin, N., Barnard, J., Baumeister, SE., Benke, KS., Bielak, LF., Boatman, JA., Boyle, PA., ... Koellinger, PD. (2013). GWAS of 126,559 individuals identifies genetic variants associated with educational attainment. Science, 240(6139), 1467-1471.
Rietveld, N., Cesarini, D., Benjamin, DJ., Koellinger, PD., De Neve, JE., Tiemeier, H., Johannesson, M., Magnusson, PKE., Pedersen, NL., Krueger, RF., & Bartels, MC. (2013). Molecular genetics and subjective well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 110(24), 9692-9697.
Benjamin, DJ., Cesarini, D., van der Loos, MJHM., Dawes, CT., Koellinger, PD., Magnusson, PKE., Chabris, CF., Conley, D., Laibson, DI., Johannesson, M., & Visscher, PM. (2012). The molecular genetic architecture of economic and political preferences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 109(21), 8026-8031.
Roessler, C., & Koellinger, PD. (2012). Entrepreneurship and organization design. European Economic Review, 56(4), 888-902.
Benjamin, DJ., Cesarini, D., van der Loos, MJHM., Dawes, CT., Koellinger, PD., Magnusson, PKE., Chabris, CF., Conley, D., Laibson, DI., Johannesson, M., & Visscher, PM. (2012). The genetic architecture of economic and political preferences. Behavior Genetics, 42(6), 919-920.
Koellinger, PD., Minniti, M., & Schade, C. (2011). Gender differences in entrepreneurial propensity. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 75(2), 213-234.
Koellinger, PD., & Thurik, R. (2011). Entrepreneurship and the business cycle. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(4), 1143-1156.
Schade, C., Kunreuther, HC., & Koellinger, PD. (2011). Protecting against low probability desasters - A large stake experiment. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 25(5), 534-543.
van der Loos, MJHM., Koellinger, PD., Groenen, P., Rietveld, N., Rivadeneira, F., van Rooij, FJA., Uitterlinden, A., Hofman, B., & Thurik, R. (2011). Candidate gene studies and the quest for the entrepreneurial gene. Small Business Economics, 37(3), 269-275.
Beauchamp, JP., Cesarini, D., Johannesson, M., van der Loos, MJHM., Koellinger, PD., Groenen, P., Fowler, JH., Rosenquist, JN., Thurik, R., & Christakis, NA. (2011). Molecular genetics and economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(4), 57-82.
van der Loos, MJHM., Koellinger, PD., Groenen, P., & Thurik, R. (2010). Genome-wide association studies and the genetics of entrepreneurship. European Journal of Epidemiology, 25(1), 1-3.
Koellinger, PD., van der Loos, MJHM., Groenen, P., Thurik, R., Rivadeneira, F., van Rooij, FJA., Uitterlinden, A., & Hofman, B. (2010). Genome-wide assocation studies in economics and entrepreneurship research: promises and limitations. Small Business Economics, 35(1), 1-18.
Block, J., & Koellinger, PD. (2009). I can't get no satisfaction - Necessity entrepreneurship and procedural utility. Kyklos, 62(1), 191-209.
Koellinger, PD., & Minniti, M. (2009). Unemployment benefits crowd out entrepreneurial activity. Economics Letters, 103(2), 96-98.
Koellinger, PD. (2008). Why are some entrepreneurs more innovative than others? Small Business Economics, 31(1), 21-37.
Koellinger, PD. (2008). The relationship between technology, innovation, and firm performance - empirical evidence from e-business in Europe. Research Policy, 37(8), 1317-1328.
Groenen, P., Hofman, B., Koellinger, PD., van der Loos, MJHM., Rivadeneira, F., van Rooij, FJA., Thurik, R., & Uitterlinden, A. (2008). Genome-wide association for loci influencing entrepreneurial behavior: The Rotterdam Study. Behavior Genetics, 38(6), 628-629.
Koellinger, PD., Minniti, M., & Schade, C. (2007). I think I can, I think I can: Overconfidence and entrepreneurial behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(4), 502-527.
Block, J., & Koellinger, PD. (2007). Peer influence in network markets: an empirical investigation. Schmalenbach Business Review, 59(4), 364-386.
Koellinger, PD., & Minniti, M. (2006). Not for lack of trying: American entrepreneurship in black and white. Small Business Economics, 27(1), 59-79.
Popular (2)
Koellinger, PD. (2012). Forscher finden das „Wirtschafts-Gen“. Unknown.
Koellinger, PD., & Benjamin, D. (2012). In search of the money gene. Unknown.
Professional (2)
van der Loos, MJHM., Groenen, P., Hofman, B., Koellinger, PD., Rivadeneira, F., van Rooij, FJA., Thurik, R., & Uitterlinden, A. (2011). De genetica van ondernemerschap. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 96(4609s), 30-36.
Koellinger, PD., & Thurik, R. (2009). Ondernemerschap en de recessie. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 94(4557), 202-204.
Chapter (2)
Academic (2)
Koellinger, PD., Minniti, M., & Schade, C. (2006). Characteristics of entrepreneurs across countries - Evidence from a CART approach. In D. Demougin, & C. Schade (Eds.), An Economic Perspective on Entrepreneurial Decision Making (pp. 51-71). Duncker and Humblodt.
Koellinger, PD., & Schade, C. (2006). Heuristics, biases, and the behavior of entrepreneurs. In M. Minniti (Ed.), Entrepreneurship - The Engine of Growth, Volume 1 - People (pp. 41-64). Praeger.
Conference proceeding (1)
Academic (1)
Koellinger, PD., Minniti, M., & Schade, C. (2011). Excess entry and entrepreneurial decisions: The role of overconfidence. In M. Minniti (Ed.), The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (pp. 11-30). Oxford University Press.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Koellinger, PD. (2006). Technological change - An analysis of the diffusion and implications of e-business technologies. [Doctoral Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin]. Humboldt-University Berlin.
Report (1)
Academic (1)
Koellinger, PD., & Thurik, R. (2009). Entrepreneurship and the cycle. (discussion paper TI09-032/3 ed.) Tinbergen Institute. discussion paper Vol. TI09-032/3
Web publication/site (2)
Professional (2)
Koellinger, PD. (2011). Social Science Genetics Association Consortium. Web publication/site, P.D. Koellinger.
Koellinger, PD. (2007). Economics of Innovation. Web publication/site, P.D. Koellinger.
Working paper (4)
Academic (4)
Bansal, V., Mitjans, M., Burik, CAP., Karlsson Linner, R., Okbay, A., Rietveld, N., Begemann, M., Bonn, S., Ripke, S., Nivard, MM., Ehrenreich, H., & Koellinger, PD. (2017). Genetics of educational attainment aid in identifying biological subcategories of schizophrenia. BioRxiv.
Rietveld, N., Groenen, P., Koellinger, PD., Van der Loos, M., & Thurik, R. (2013). Living forever: entrepreneurial overconfidence at older ages. ERIM Report Series Research in Management.
van der Loos, MJHM., Koellinger, PD., Groenen, P., & Thurik, R. (2010). Genome-wide association studies and the genetics of entrepreneurship. ERIM. ERIM Report Series Vol. ERS-2010-004-ORG
Beauchamp, JP., Cesarini, D., van der Loos, MJHM., Koellinger, PD., Groenen, P., Fowler, JH., Rosenquist, JN., Thurik, R., & Christakis, NA. (2010). A genome-wide association study of educational attainment. Harvard University.
Additional activities (8)
Unknown event
Attending an event (Academic)
Unknown event
Attending an event (Academic)
Genome-wide association studies for social science phenotypes
Oral presentation (Academic)
Policies for high potential entrepreneurship – An economist’s perspective
Oral presentation (Professional)
Unknown event
Attending an event (Academic)
Unknown event
Attending an event (Academic)
Small Business Economics (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Small Business Economics (Journal)
Publication Peer-review (Academic)
PhD Tracks (4)

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Matthijs van der Loos
- Time frame: 2008 - 2013

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Niels Rietveld
- Time frame: 2010 - 2014

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Aysu Okbay
- Time frame: 2012 - 2017

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Ronald de Vlaming
- Time frame: 2013 - 2017
Events (2)
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