prof. dr. M. (Tine) De Moor

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Member ERIM
Field: Organisation
Affiliated since 2020

Prof. Tine De Moor (°Ghent, 1975) holds a PhD in History from Ghent University (2003) and a postgraduate in Environmental Sciences at the University of Antwerp (1999). In December 2012, she was appointed professor of Institutions for Collective Action in historical perspective at the Faculty of Humanities, Department of History & Art History at Utrecht University, a position she held until her transfer to RSM. At her previous position, Tine De Moor conducted research into the creation, functioning and evolution of institutions for collective action, past and present, from the early modern period in Europe until today. Institutions for collective action are forms of organizations formed from below, by the immediate stakeholders, with the aim of working together to pursue both personal (material) and societal interests. Issues that have been studied by her research team are the many energy and care cooperatives that have developed over the past decennia, the initiatives of citizens involves in short chain food supply, the formation of platform cooperatives and the renewal of the mutual as a form of insurance for the self-employed. Besides this she has been researching labour market participation and household formation patterns over the past millennium, and she has been actively involved in developing innovative research methods, through, for example, several Citizen Science Projects. She has been president of the International Association for the Study of the Commons and has set-up the peer-reviewed International Journal of the Commons, and she acts as expert in several national and international boards. In the past 10 years, she received several large research grants, such as an ERC Starting Grant and an NWO-VIDI.   



  • Academic (72)
    • van Klingeren, F., & De Moor, T. (2024). Ecological, financial, social and societal motives for cooperative energy prosumerism: measuring preference heterogeneity in a Belgian energy cooperative. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14(1), Article 13.

    • Bunders, D. J., & Moor, T. D. (2024). Using the institutional grammar to understand collective resource management in a heterogenous cooperative facing external shocks. Regulation and Governance.

    • Prats López, M., Rijpma, A., Moor, T. D., & Reijerink, J. (2023). Behind the Crowdsourcing Platform: Assessing Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Instruments. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

    • Bunders, D. J., & De Moor, T. (2023). Paradoxical Tensions as a Double-Edged Sword: Analysing the Development of Platform Cooperatives in the European Gig Economy. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(4), 366-382.

    • Bunders, D. J., Arets, M., Frenken, K., & De Moor, T. (2022). The feasibility of platform cooperatives in the gig economy. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, 10(1), Article 100167.

    • De Moor, T., & Duffhues, T. (2022). Reflecties over de rol van de reactieve burger in een wereld in crisis. Bestuurswetenschappen, 76(2), 39-58.

    • De Moor, T., Farjam, M., van Weeren, R., Bravo, G., Forsman, A., Ghorbani, A., & Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M. (2021). Taking sanctioning seriously: The impact of sanctions on the resilience of historical commons in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies, 87(October), 181-188.,

    • Driessen, E., & De Moor, T. (2021). De BV-m: zwevend tussen nut en noodzaak. Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB), 31, 2595-2598.

    • Forsman, A., De Moor, T., Van Weeren, R., Farjam, M., Dehkordi, M. A. E., Ghorbani, A., & Bravo, G. (2021). Comparisons of historical Dutch commons inform about the long-term dynamics of social-ecological systems. PLoS ONE, 16(8 August), e0256803. Article e0256803.

    • van Weeren, R., & De Moor, T. (2021). Counting couples: The marriage banns registers of the city of Amsterdam, 1580–1810. Social and economic history. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(3), 1-45.

    • Vriens, E., Buskens, V., & de Moor, T. (2021). Networks and new mutualism: How embeddedness influences commitment and trust in small mutuals. Socio-Economic Review, 19(3), 1149-1170. Article mwz050.

    • Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Bravo, G., Farjam, M., van Weeren, R., Forsman, A., & De Moor, T. (2021). Long-Term Dynamics of Institutions: Using ABM as a Complementary Tool to Support Theory Development in Historical Studies. Jasss. The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24(4), Article 7.

    • Forsman, A., De Moor, T., van Weeren, R., Bravo, G., Ghorbani, A., Ebrahim Dehkordi, M. A., & Farjam, M. (2020). Eco-evolutionary perspectives on emergence, dispersion and dissolution of historical Dutch commons. PLoS ONE, 15(7 July), Article e0236471.

    • Labanca, N., Pereira, Â. G., Watson, M., Krieger, K., Padovan, D., Watts, L., Moezzi, M., Wallenborn, G., Wright, R., Laes, E., Fath, B. D., Ruzzenenti, F., De Moor, T., Bauwens, T., & Mehta, L. (2020). Transforming innovation for decarbonisation? Insights from combining complex systems and social practice perspectives. Energy Research and Social Science, 65, Article 101452.

    • De Moor, T. (2020). De prosociale burger als copiloot. Publiek denken.

    • Vriens, E., & De Moor, T. (2020). Mutuals on the move: Exclusion processes in the welfare state and the rediscovery of mutualism. Social Inclusion, 8(1), 225-237.,

    • Farjam, M., De Moor, T., van Weeren, R., Forsman, A., Dehkordi, M. A. E., Ghorbani, A., & Bravo, G. (2020). Shared patterns in long-term dynamics of commons as institutions for collective action. International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), 78-90.

    • De Moor, T., & Duffhues, T. (2020). Burgercollectieven op zoek naar veerkracht. Tijdschrift voor sociale vraagstukken, 8(4), 52-56.

    • De Moor, T., & van Weeren, R. (2020). Waarom vrouwen kozen voor het begijnhof. Geschiedenis Magazine, 37-41.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Over oude burgercollectieven en burgercollectieven door en voor ouderen. Geron : tijdschrift over ouder worden en samenleving, 21(3).

    • De Moor, T., Rijpma, A., & Prats López, M. (2019). Dynamics of Engagement in Citizen Science: Results from the “Yes, I do!”-Project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1), 38.

    • Van de Velde, K., Holemans, D., & De Moor, T. (2019). Wanneer burgers samen het heft in handen nemen (deel 1): Burgercollectieven opgericht in 2015 en 2016 van naderbij bekeken. Tijdschrift Oikos, 90(2), 66-87.

    • Boyd, R., Richerson, P. J., Meinzen-Dick, R., De Moor, T., Jackson, M. O., Gjerde, K. M., Harden-Davies, H., Frischmann, B. M., Madison, M. J., Strandburg, K. J., McLean, A. R., & Dye, C. (2018). Tragedy Revisited. Science, 362(6420), 1236-1241.

    • Boele, A., Störmer, C., Gellatly, C., & De Moor, T. (2018). Distant relatives? Demographic determinants of long-term developments in intergenerational proximity, The Netherlands 1650–1899. History of the Family, 23(3), 359-387.

    • Boele, A., & de Moor, T. (2018). ‘Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care’: a new perspective on the specialization in the elderly care sector in early modern Holland. Economic History Review, 71(2), 437-463.

    • Störmer, C., Gellatly, C., & De Moor, T. (2018). Long-term trends in marriage timing and the impact of migration, the Netherlands (1650-1899). Historical Life Course Studies, 6(1), 40-68.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). De toekomst van bewoners-overlegorganisaties. Sociaal Bestek, 80(4), 52-54.

    • Carmichael, S. G., De Pleijt, A., Van Zanden, J. L., & De Moor, T. (2016). The European Marriage Pattern and Its Measurement. Journal of Economic History, 76(1), 196-204.

    • Laborda-Pemán, M., & de Moor, T. (2016). History and the commons: A necessary conversation. International Journal of the Commons, 10(2), 517-528.

    • de Moor, T., Laborda-Pemán, M., Lana-Berasain, J. M., van Weeren, R., & Winchester, A. (2016). Ruling the commons. Introducing a new methodology for the analysis of historical commons. International Journal of the Commons, 10(2), 529-588.

    • Van Weeren, R., & De Moor, T. (2014). Controlling the commoners: Methods to prevent, detect, and punish free-riding on Dutch commons in the early modern period. Agricultural History Review, 62(2), 256-277.

    • De Moor, T., & Fink-Jensen, J. (2014). Ook minder ‘avontuurlijke’ zelfstandigen sluiten zich nu aan bij een Broodfonds. Sociale vraagstukken.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Single, Safe, and Sorry? Explaining the Early Modern Beguine Movement in the Low Countries. Journal of Family History, 39(1), 3-21.

    • De Moor, T., Boele, A., & Harkes, D. (2014). Vergrijzing kan ook een motor zijn voor vernieuwende burgercollectieven. Sociale vraagstukken.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Niet crisis, maar doorgeschoten vermarkting zet burgers aan tot zelf-organisatie. Sociale vraagstukken.

    • De Moor, T., & Zuijderduijn, J. (2013). Preferences of the poor: Market participation and asset management of poor households in sixteenth-century Holland. European Review of Economic History, 17(2), 233-249.

    • Zuijderduijn, J., & De Moor, T. (2013). Spending, saving, or investing? Risk management in sixteenth-century Dutch households. Economic History Review, 66(1), 38-56.

    • Pemán, M. L., & De Moor, T. (2013). A tale of two commons. Some preliminary hypotheses on the long-term development of the commons in Western and Eastern Europe, 11th-19th centuries. International Journal of the Commons, 7(1), 7-33.

    • De Moor, T., & Zuijderduijn, J. (2013). The art of counting: Reconstructing numeracy of the middle and upper classes on the basis of portraits in the early modern low countries. Historical Methods, 46(1), 41-56.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). De Herontdekking van het Collectief. Samenleving en Politiek, (4), 29-38.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). Burgerschap 2.0 kan gelijkheid wél bevorderen. Sociale vraagstukken.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). De herontdekking van het collectief. Sociale vraagstukken.

    • Van Zanden, J. L., Zuijderduijn, J., & De Moor, T. (2012). Small is beautiful: The efficiency of credit markets in the late medieval Holland. European Review of Economic History, 16(1), 3-22.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). Von der Allmende zu den globalen commons: Eine historische Analyse interdisziplinärer Annäherungen an die commons. Juridikum, (2), 186-197.

    • De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2012). Een reactie van De Moor en Van Zanden op het TSEG-artikel van Manon van der Heijden, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk en Ariadne Schmidt: 'Terugkeer van het patriarchaat? Vrije vrouwen in de Republiek'. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 9(1), 61-72.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). In tempore non suspecto. Understanding the historical roots of Europe's commons dilemmas. Commons-Digest, (12), 3.

    • De Moor, T. (2010). Participating is more important than winning: The impact of socio-economic change on commoners' participation in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Flanders. Continuity and Change, 25(3), 405-433.

    • De Moor, T., & Van Zanden, J. L. (2010). Girl power: The European marriage pattern and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period. Economic History Review, 63(1), 1-33.

    • de Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2010). "Every woman counts": A gender-analysis of numeracy in the low countries during the early modern period. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 41(2), 179-208.

    • De Moor, T. (2010). Inleiding. De rol van instituties voor collective actie in de vroegmoderne samenleving. Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift (Leiden), 25(2), 7-19.

    • Zuijderduijn, C. J., & De Moor, T. (2010). Tel uit je winst. Markteconomie en gecijferdheid in de late Middeleeuwen. Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen, 24(3), 130-139.

    • De Moor, T. (2010). Participation is more important than winning. The Impact of Social -Economic Change on Commoners' Participation in 18th-19th-Century Flanders. Continuity and Change.

    • De Moor, T. (2010). Tel uit je winst. Markteconomie en gecijferdheid in de late Middeleeuwen. Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen, 24(3), 130-139.

    • Van Bavel, B., De Moor, T., & Van Zanden, J. L. (2009). Introduction: Factor markets in global economic history. Continuity and Change, 24(1), 9-21.

    • De Moor, T. (2009). Avoiding tragedies: A Flemish common and its commoners under the pressure of social and economic change during the eighteenth century. Economic History Review, 62(1), 1-22.

    • De Moor, T. (2009). Column: Wat we zelf doen, doen we beter? Op de virtuele zeepkist. Een week discussie in de Open Data Speakers Corner, 37-38.

    • De Moor, T. (2008). The silent revolution: A new perspective on the emergence of commons, guilds, and other forms of corporate collective action in Western Europe. International Review of Social History, 53(SUPPL. 16), 179-212.

    • Lucassen, J., De Moor, T., & Van Zanden, J. L. (2008). The return of the guilds: Towards a global history of the guilds in pre-industrial times. International Review of Social History, 53(SUPPL. 16), 5-18.

    • de Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2008). Do ut des (I give so that you give back): Collaboratories as a new method for scholarly communication and cooperation for global history. Historical Methods, 41(2), 67-80.

    • De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2008). Van fouten kan je leren. Een kritische benadering van de mogelijkheden van ‘leeftijdstapelen’ voor sociaal-economisch onderzoek naar gecijferdheid in het pre-industriële Vlaanderen en Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 5(4), 55-86.

    • de Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2008). Mensen en economie in de Gouden eeuw. Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift (Leiden), 23(2), 1-12.

    • de Moor, T., & Bravo, G. (2008). The Commons in Europe: from past to future. The International Journal of the Commons, 2(2), 155-161.

    • de Moor, T., & Berge, E. (2007). Welcome to the International Journal of the Commons. The International Journal of the Commons, 1(1), 1-2.

    • De Moor, T. (2007). Het belang van participatie voor economische sociabiliteit. Gemene gronden in het Vlaanderen van de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. De Achttiende Eeuw, 39(2), 41-59.

    • de Moor, T. (2007). The past is not another country. The long-term historical development of commons as a source of inspiration for research and policy. Commons-Digest, 4, 1-4.

    • Bravo, G., & de Moor, T. (2006). Building the European Commons: Report of the IASCP Europe Regional Meeting Report. CPR-Digest, Quarterly Publication of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, (77), 1-4.

    • de Moor, T. (2005). De Gemene en Loweiden in Assebroek als een van de laatste gemene gronden in Vlaanderen. Beknopte geschiedenis van de instelling en inventaris van het archief. Handelingen van het Genootschap voor Geschiedenis, 142, 3-45.

    • De Moor, T. (2005). Aanwinst - Archief Gemene en Loweiden in bewaring gegeven. Archiefleven : nieuwsbrief van het Stadsarchief van Brugge, 12(1), 2-3.

    • De Moor, T. (2003). Het gebruik van Geografische informatiesystemen bij historisch onderzoek: goed begonnen is half gewonnen. Historia & informatica, 10(2).

    • De Moor, T., & Wiedemann, T. (2001). The Historical geographical Information system of Belgium. History & computing, 3(1), 69-96.

    • de Moor, T. (2001). Loonarbeid tijdens de overgang van traditionele naar moderne landbouw. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis/ Revue Belge de Histoire Contemporaine, XXXI(1-2), 27-74.

    • de Moor, T. (1999). Knelpunten bij afvalpreventie op gemeentelijk niveau. Leefmilieu, 5, 172-179.

  • Popular (4)
    • De Moor, T. (2020). Meer ruimte voor de 'commons'? Sociale vraagstukken.

    • De Moor, T., Duffhues, A. T. M., & Vriens, E. (2020). Burgercollectieven staan klaar om de post-coronasamenleving vorm te geven. Groene Amsterdammer.

    • Boele, AH., Leisink, PLM., De Moor, T., & Harkes, D. (2015). Zorgcoöperaties staan niet meer lijnrecht tegenover zorgorganisaties. Sociale vraagstukken website.

    • van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & De Moor, T. (2013). Open acces: tijd voor een doorbraak. DUB.

  • Professional (1)
    • De Moor, T. (2013). Moeten alfa’s minder onderzoek doen? Onzin. Digitaal Universiteitsblad.

  • Academic (7)
    • De Moor, T. (2024). Hoe waarde weerbaar wordt: Bouwen aan de gemeenschapseconomie in Rotterdam.

    • De Moor, T. (2023). Shakeholder society? Social enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Inaugural Address Series Research in Management

    • Haller, T., Breu, T., Rohr, C., De Moor, T., & Znoj, H. (2019). The commons in a glocal world: Global connections and local responses. Taylor and Francis Inc.

    • Haller, T., Breu, T., De Moor, T., Rohr, C., & Znoj, H. (2019). Commons in a ‘Glocal’ World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Routledge. Commons in Europe and Global Interrelations

    • van Zanden, J. L., De Moor, T., & Carmichael, S. (2019). Capital Women: The European Marriage Pattern, Female Empowerment and Economic Development in Western Europe 1300-180. Oxford University Press.

    • de Moor, T. (2015). The Dilemma of the commoners: Understanding the use of common-pool resources in long-term perspective. Cambridge University Press.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Homo cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society. Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities.

  • Popular (3)
    • De Moor, T., & van Weeren, R. (2019). Ja, ik wil! Verliefd, verloofd, getrouwd in Amsterdam 1580-1810. Prometheus.

    • De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2006). Vrouwen en de geboorte van het kapitalisme. Boom Uitgevers.

    • De Moor, T., & Debbaut, R. (2003). Aanborgers van de Gemene- en Looweiden, 1515 – 1965. Uitgeverij Van de Wiele.

  • Academic (1)
    • De Moor, T., Warde, P. S., & Shaw-Taylor, L. (Eds.) (2006). The management of common land in north west Europe, c. 1500-1850. Brepols Publishers. CORN Publication Series No. 8

  • Academic (5)
    • De Moor, T. (2014). S. Reynolds, 2014. Before the eminent domain: toward a history of expropriation of land for the common good. Annales, 69(2), 576-578.

    • De Moor, T. (2001). Bookreview Van polders en landlieden. De plattelandsgemeente Verrebroek in het land van Waas tijdens de 17de en 18de eeuw. Revue Belge de Philologie et de Histoire, 1466-1467.

    • De Moor, T. (2001). W. Van Hoorick, 2001. Van polders en landlieden. De plattelandsgemeente Verrebroek in het Land van Waas tijdens de 17de en 18de eeuw. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 4, 1466-1467.

    • De Moor, T. (1997). Bookreview Boeren met Beleid. Honderd jaar Katholieke Nederlandse Boeren- en Tuindersbond 1896-1996. Bulletin voor de economische geschiedenis, NEHA, 11, 34-35.

    • De Moor, T. (1997). M. Smits, 1997. Boeren met Beleid. Honderd jaar Katholieke Nederlandse Boeren- and Tuindersbond 1896-1996. Bulletin voor de economische geschiedenis, NEHA, 11(2), 34-35.

  • Academic (30)
    • De Moor, T. (2023). The revival of the commons: Social ‘innovation’ or old-fashioned correction mechanism? In Encyclopedia of Social Innovation (pp. 331–335). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Serres, C., & De Moor, T. (2022). Social Enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards More Institutional Diversity? In H. Peter, C. Vargas Vasserot, & J. Alcalde Silva (Eds.), The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law: Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies (pp. 861-880). Springer Cham.

    • De Moor, T. (2021). Three waves of cooperation: A millennium of institutions for collective action in historical perspective. In E. Brousseau, J.-M. Glachant, & J. Sgard (Eds.), Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation Oxford University Press.

    • De Moor, T. (2021). Three waves of cooperation. A millennium of institutions for collective action in historical perspective (Case-study: The Netherlands). In Oxford Handbook on Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation Oxford University Press.

    • Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Herder, P., Farjam, M., Forsman, A., van Weeren, R., De Moor, T., & Bravo, G. (2021). The Role of Wealth Inequality on Collective Action for Management of Common Pool Resource. In P. Ahrweiler, & M. Neumann (Eds.), Advances in Social Simulation - Proceedings of the 15th Social Simulation Conference, 2019 (pp. 375-379). Springer Science+Business Media.

    • De Moor, T., & Duffhues, T. (2021). De gemeenschap is niet van gisteren: Gedachte-experiment over de rol van zelforganisatie door burgercollectieven in de post-coronasamenleving. In Neurotic Doubt and Sacred Curiosity: Essays in Honour of Koen Matthijs (pp. 401-422). Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven.

    • De Moor, T., & Duffhues, T. (2021). La communauté ne date pas d’hier: vision et exercice de réflexion sur le rôle de l’auto-organisation pour les collectifs citoyens dans la société post-coronavirus. In L’écologie en communs: 13 projets politiques pur un nouvel imaginaire de l’action collective Éditions Étopia.

    • Haller, T., Breu, T., Rohr, C., De Moor, T., & Znoj, H. (2019). Introduction: Commons in a 'glocal' world. In The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses (pp. 1-20). Taylor and Francis Inc..

    • De Moor, T. (2019). From historical institution to pars pro toto the commons and their revival in historical perspective. In Routledge Handbook of the Study of the Commons (pp. 319-333). Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Afterword. In The Commons and a New Global Governance (pp. 335-337). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Een stad voor vrouwen. In Begijnen en begijnhoven in vroegmodern Europa (pp. 119-127). Felix Timmermans-Genootschap.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Voorwoord. In G. Hautekeur (Ed.), Van Cohousing tot Volkstuin: de opmars van een andere economie Uitgeverij EPO.

    • De Moor, T. (2016). Dare to dig! More history is needed to take historical demography a few steps further... In The future of historical demography: Upside down and inside out Acco Uitgeverij.

    • De Moor, T. (2015). Inleiding: what we have in common. In De energietransitie naar energiedemocratie (pp. 7-11).

    • De Moor, T., & Tukker, A. (2015). Survival without sanctioning. In The relationship between institutional resilience and methods of dealing with free-riding on early modern Dutch commons (Vol. 12, pp. 175-206). StudienVerlag.

    • Boele, A., Bouman, A., & De Moor, T. (2014). Commerciële huishoudens? De gevolgen van het Europese huwelijkspatroon en de inzet van niet-familiale hulp als overlevingsstrategie voor ouderen in het vroegmoderne Holland (casus: Leiden). In Kwetsbare groepen in/en historische demografie (pp. 21-46). Acco Uitgeverij.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Co-operating for the future: inspiration from the European past to develop public-collective partnerships and transgenerational co-operatives. In S. Bailey, G. Farrell, & U. Mattei (Eds.), Protecting future generations through commons: what can social, intergenerational & distributive justice approaches learn from the commons (pp. 75-99). Council of Europe.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). Inspiratie uit ons institutionele geheugen. Instituties voor collectieve actie als structurele oplossingen voor sociale dilemma's in het Europese verleden. In Samenwerking in sociale dilemma's; voorbeelden van Nederlands onderzoek (pp. 185-208). Amsterdam University Press.

    • Carmichael, S. G., De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2011). "When the heart is baked, don't try to knead it." Huwelijksleeftijd en leeftijdsverschil tussen partners als maatstaf van 'agency' van vrouwen. In Levenslopen in Transformatie; liber amicorum bij het afscheid van prof. dr. Paul M.M. Klep (pp. 208-221). Valkhof Pers.

    • De Moor, T. (2007). La función del común. La trayectoria de un communal en Flandes durante los siglos XVIII y XIX. In Campos Cerrados, debatos abiertos : Analisis historico y propriedad de la tierra en Europa (siglos XVI-XIX) (pp. 111-140). Universidad Pública de Navarra.

    • de Moor, T. (2003). Les terres communes en Belgique. In Les propriétés collectives 1750-1914. Les attaques du libéralisme en Europe et Amérique latine (pp. 119-138). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

    • de Moor, T., Warde, P. S., & Shaw-Taylor, L. (2002). The management of common land in north west Europe c. 1500-1850. In Comparative Rural History Network Brepols.

    • De Moor, T., Shaw-Taylor, L., & Warde, P. S. (2002). Preliminary conclusions. The commons of north west Europe. In The management of common land in north west Europe (Vol. 8, pp. 247-261). Brepols.

    • Warde, P. S., de Moor, T., & Shaw-Taylor, L. (2002). Comparing the historical commons of north west Europe: An introduction. In The management of common land in north west Europe, c. 1500-1850 (Vol. 8, pp. 15-32). Brepols.

    • de Moor, T. (2002). Common Land in Flanders. In The management of common land in north west Europe, c. 1500-1850 (pp. 113-142). Brepols.

    • De Moor, T. (2002). België: hoe de gemene gronden verdwenen. Over ruimtegebruik, productiviteit en privatisering. In Anarchistisch Jaarboek De As (pp. 35-48). Stichting DE AS.

    • de Moor, T. (2001). The occupational and geographical mobility of farm labourers in Flanders, end of the 19th - middle of the 20th century. In Labour and labour markets between town and country side (Middle ages-19th century) (pp. 292-302). Brepols.

    • De Moor, T. (1999). L'abonnement légumes, trois pour le prix d'un. Agriculture biologique, vente direct et développement durable. In Du savoir aux saveurs. 101 chemins pour une alimentation de qualité Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise/Coopibo/EPO.

    • De Moor, T. (1999). Het groenteabonnement: Biologische landbouw, directe verkoop en duurzame ontwikkeling in één pakket. In Van de grond tot in je mond: 101 pistes voor kwaliteitsvoeding (pp. 106-112). Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise/Coopibo/EPO.

    • de Moor, T., & Vanhaute, E. (1998). De logica van de wetgever en de wijsheid van de boer. Heideontginningen eind 18de tot begin 20ste eeuw. In Jaarboek van de v.z.w. Museum Kempenland (pp. 11-15).

  • Academic (1)
    • De Moor, T. (1997). A Kleio-database on the Enquête sur le travail agricole (1920, Belgium). Comunicaciones Libres, Congreso internacional sobre sistemas de información histórica, 6, 7 y 8 de Noviembre de 1997, Palacio de Congresos de Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 233-245.

  • Academic (66)
    • De Moor, T. (2020). Keynote lecture. ‘Energy Cities' Annual Conference 2020’, Heerlen, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2020). Invited academic expert Expert Session ‘Lifecycle of Community Enterprises’.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Invited speaker ‘Ledenbetrokkenheid en het “commons” (gemene gronden) analysemodel. Anseele Inspiratiesessies voor Coöperaties Series, Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Member keynote panel ‘Cooperatives – Fundamental Transformations, Sustainable Development and New Social Contracts’. ICA-CCR European Research Conference ‘Cooperatives and the Transformation of Business and Society’, Berlin, Germany.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Invited speaker. ‘To Coop or Not to Coop’, Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Keynote speaker. Universiteitsdag, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Invited speaker. Presentation INBO Report ‘Natuurverkenning 2050), Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Keynote speaker. Dag van de Dorps- en Wijkraden, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Invited speaker. Launch Knowledge Center Citizen Science, Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2019). Invited speaker. New Commons Forum, Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Keynote speaker at expert meeting ‘Burgerinitiatieven en Right to Challenge’. farewell lecture prof. mr. dr. M.J. Cohen, Leiden, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Invited speaker ‘Commons’. Meet-up Ondernemersfonds Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Presentation pilot Dorpsspel with L. Antonides, developed for LVKK. The Dag van de Lokale Democratie, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Invited speaker, ‘Burgerbetrokkenheid en/of bemoeienis in een veranderende samenleving’. The Dag van de Lokale Democratie, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Invited speaker ‘Antwerpen Sharing City. The more we share, the more we have’.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Keynote speaker ‘BOO’s onmisbaar’.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Invited expert debate ‘MO*talks: De échte inzet van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen’.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). IASC: Immediate past and near future. Asia Region Biennial IASC Meeting ‘Redefining Diversity and Dynamics of Natural Resource Management in Asia’, Bangkok, Thailand.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Invited expert panel debate. ‘Business meets Science’ / moderator final discussion at International Cooperative Alliance 2018 European Research Conference 'Cooperatives in a rapidly changing world: Innovation in enterprise', Wageningen, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2018). Keynote speaker ‘Le Retour de la Coopérative’. P&V Verzekeringen Raad van Gebruikers, Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Invited expert debate 'Historici op de bres voor democratie'. Historicidagen 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Invited discussant SOSCO International Conference Sovereignty, Contestation, and "the Economy"'.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Invited expert participant. KNAW Academy Career Development Day 2017 ‘Navigating through Career Galaxies: Explore Your Hitchhiker’s Backpack’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Invited expert participant and lecturer. Meeting Samenlevingsopbouw Vlaanderen, Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2017). Invited expert Centre for the Humanities debate 'Citizen Science'.

    • De Moor, T. (2016). Invited participant debate Think Tank session 'Revival van de utopie.

    • De Moor, T. (2016). Invited participant ‘Manifeestatie’. DuurzaamDoor.

    • De Moor, T. (2016). Invited expert participant symposium ‘SelfCity Ghent’.

    • De Moor, T. (2015). Expert participant Symposium 'De Avond van Wetenschap en Maatschappij' [‘Evening of Science and Society’]. Foundation The Evening of Science and Society, The Hague, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2015). Yes, I do! Marriage Patterns in Early Modern Amsterdam. Conference 'Considering Women in the Early Modern Low Countries', Antwerp, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Presentation of Project ‘Ja, ik wil!’ [‘Yes, I Do!’]. Visitors Council Amsterdam City Archives, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Invited participant on the Gentse Feesten. ebate series 'Zonder dwarsliggers kunnen de treinen niet rijden', Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Debate Conference. ‘Het Groene Boek #4’, Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Faculty Debate ‘Science in Transition: Moving Forward’.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Participant / invited expert in debates series ‘Zonder dwarsliggers kan de trein niet rijden’, debate 'De grote energiezwendel van Electrabel en Co: wij worden allen opgelicht!'. Gentse Feesten, Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Participant in Utrecht Science Park Knowledge Debate ‘Doe het lekker zelf!’.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Keynote lecture ‘The cooperative continuum’ and debate ‘Revolution at Point Zero’.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). House of Commons.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). Participant in debate ‘If Mayors Ruled the World’ (together with Prof. dr. Benjamin Barber, prof. dr. Herman Wijffels, mayor of Heerlen Paul Depla, and deputy mayor of Utrecht Frits Lintmeijer).

    • De Moor, T. (2011). Institutions for collective action and risks in developing societies: Lessons from the European past. Symposium ‘When markets fail: strategies for health, development and investment’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2011). Lustrum-symposium ‘Our Common future/the future of our commons’. Studium Generale, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2008). Micro-Credit in Late Medieval Waterland. Households and the efficiency of capital markets in Edam and De Zeevang, 1462-1563. 2008 Instituto Datini Study Week ‘The economic role of the family from the 13th to the 18th centuries’, Prato, Italy.

    • De Moor, T., & van Zanden, JL. (2008). Van fouten kan je leren. Posthumus-Low Countries-conference, Antwerp, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2007). Presentation for the launch of the International Journal of the Commons. Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2007). Presentation on invitation ‘It takes two to tango’. Yearly symposium of ‘Geschiedenis en Informatica’, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2006). Social capital & guilds. GEHN-conference ‘The return of the guilds’, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2006). The Silent Revolution’, presentation of the e-journal The International Journal of the Commons, and chairing sessions. Biennial IASCP-conference, Ubud,Bali,Indonesia.

    • De Moor, T. (2006). Presentation 'Girl power'. Annual Conference of the Economic History Society, Reading, UK.

    • De Moor, T. (2006). The silent revolution. The emergence of commons and other forms of institutionalised collective action in Western Europe from the Late Middle Ages onwards. IASCP Europe Regional meeting, Brescia, Italy.

    • De Moor, T. (2005). Social Capital and Collective action. Annual Posthumus Meeting, Groningen, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2005). The historical evolution of commons in Flanders: results from a microstudy. 10th Biennial IASCP-Conference ‘The Commons in an Age of Global Transition: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities, Oxaca, Mexico.

    • De Moor, T. (2005). Girl Power. The European Marriage Pattern (EMP) and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period’. GEHN-conference ‘The Rise, Organization, and Institutional Framework of Factor Markets’.

    • De Moor, T. (2004). Bridging the gap between CPR-Research of historians and social scientists. A theoretical framework for long term interdisciplinary comparative research. 5th European Social Science History Conference, Berlin, Germany.

    • De Moor, T. (2004). Een optimaal beheer en gebruik van natuurlijke rijkdommen: individueel of gemeenschappelijk? Het 18de-eeuwse denken over gemeenschappelijke eigendoms-en beheerssystemen voor natuurlijke rijkdommen. Symposium over natuur in de 18de eeuw, Leiden, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T., & Wiedemann, T. (2003). Verwerking van tijds- en plaatsgebonden gegevens in een historisch-geografisch informatiesysteem ten behoeve van de visualisatie van statistieken in België sinds 1796. Symposium ‘Spiegels van de werkelijkheid’, Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2003). The equity, utility en efficiency of Flemish commons. Results from a micro-study. 4th Meeting of the Commons Network, Cambridge, UK.

    • De Moor, T., & Wiedemann, T. (2002). A historical GIS for 200 years of Belgian Territorial Structures (1796-2000). 17th European User Conference for ESRI GIS-users, Blamkenberge, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2002). The Historical Geographic Information System of the Belgian territorial Structure. ESSHC 2002, The Hague, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2001). The Historical Geographic Information System of the Belgian territorial Structure. Social Science History Conference (Geography Network), Chicago IL, USA.

    • De Moor, T. (2001). Les propriétés collective en Belgique. Table-ronde internationale ‘La propriété collective en Europe et en Amérique latine, 1750-1900 (attaques, disparition et résistances), Paris, France.

    • De Moor, T. (2001). Presentation ‘Historical research and the use of G.I.S. in Belgium’. Institute of European Studies, Berkeley MA, USA.

    • De Moor, T., & Wiedemann, T. (2001). After 200 year: an Historical GIS for the Belgian Territorial Structure?. Symposium ‘GeschiedeGIS’, FLAGIS (Flemish Association for Geographic Information Systems), Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2000). Commons in Belgium, a state of the art and recent research. ESSHC 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (1998). Causes of the professional and geographical mobility of farm labourers in Flanders, end of the 19th-middle of the 20th century’. 8th international CORN-conference ‘Labour and labour markets between town and countryside (Middle Ages-19th century), Brussels, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (1998). Duurzame Landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen’ (Sustainable agriculture in East-Flanders) for the program Sustainable Development of the Province of East-Flanders. Symposium ‘Duurzame Ontwikkeling in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen', Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (1998). Een integrale benadering van ketenanalyse en ketenbeheer ten behoeve van bedrijven’ for the DWTC Sustainability program. Een integrale benadering van ketenanalyse en ketenbeheer ten behoeve van bedrijven’ for the DWTC Sustainability program, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Professional (1)
    • De Moor, T. (2020). The Commons. Alt-Visions Festival, The Hague, Netherlands.

  • External (1)
    • De Moor, T. (2003). Tot Proffijt van de ghemeensaemheijt: Gebruik, gebruikers en beheer van gemene gronden in Zandig Vlaanderen, 18de en 19de eeuw.

  • Popular (2)
    • De Moor, T. (2023). Shakeholder society? Social enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Homo cooperans: Instituties voor collectieve actie en de solidaire samenleving. Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities.

  • Academic (1)
    • De Moor, T., & Duffhues, T. (2021). Burgercollectieven als go-between tussen burger en overheid in en na crisistijden.

  • Academic (26)
    • De Moor, T. (2019). Common paths in long-term institutional dynamics: An analysis of rule changes in British and Dutch commons over seven centuries. Paper presented at XVII Biennial IASC Conference ‘In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation, and Action’, Lima, Perú.

    • De Moor, T., Laborda Pemán, M., Bravo, G., & Ghorbani, A. (2017). Modelling institutional dynamics in historical commons. Paper presented at Rural History 2017 Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T., Boele, A., & Carmichael, S. (2017). Matching mates: A look at the importance of occupations, numeracy and literacy on the marriage market in early modern Amsterdam. Paper presented at Annual Posthumus Conference 2017 , Nijmegen, Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T., Rijpma, A., & Prats Lopez, M. (2017). Task performance among citizen science volunteers: Lessons from the Ja-ik-wil project. Paper presented at Annual Posthumus Conference 2017 , Nijmegen, Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T., Boele, A., Gellatly, C., & Störmer, C. (2016). Marriage and migration. The development of the Dutch marriage pattern and the impact of migration (1600-1900). Paper presented at ESSHC 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Three waves of Cooperation. A Millennium of Institutions for Collective Actions in European Perspective. Paper presented at IASC 3rd European Meeting, Umeå, Sweden.

    • De Moor, T. (2014). Cooperating for the future. The formation of citizens’ collectivities in the perspective of Europe’s past and present. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Acadaemia Europaea, Barcelona Knowledge Hub, Barcelona, Spain.

    • De Moor, T., & Zijdeman, R. (2014). Making the Household Work. Non-kin Deployment as a Survival Strategy in the Early Modern Household. Paper presented at ESSHC 2014, Vienna, Austria.

    • De Moor, T., & Zijdeman, R. (2013). Making the household work: non-kin deployment as coping mechanism for nuclear hardship in economic households (Gilze and Rijen, The Netherlands, 18th century)'. Paper presented at Zesde Dag van de Historische Demografie, Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). The commercial household. alternatives to intergenerational support in a European Marriage Pattern-area (The Netherlands, 17th century). Paper presented at European Historical Economics Society Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Participation versus punishment. The relationship between institutional longevity and sanctioning in the early modern times (case studies from the East of the Netherlands). Paper presented at Rural History Conference 2013, Bern, Szitzerland.

    • De Moor, T. (2013). Single, safe, and sorry? An analysis of the motivations of women to join the early modern beguine movement in the Low Countries. Paper presented at International Conference ‘Singles in the Cities of North-West Europe, c.1000-2000', Antwerp, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). A tale of two commons: some preliminary hypotheses on the long-term development of the commons in Western and Eastern Europe, 1000-1900. Paper presented at 'Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action’ in honour of Prof. dr. Elinor Ostrom, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T., & Tukker, A. (2012). Penalty and punishment. Designing effective sanctions for freerider’s behaviour on early modern Dutch commons. Paper presented at 'Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action’ in honour of Prof. dr. Elinor Ostrom, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T., & Laborda Pemán, M. (2012). A Tale of Two Commons: Some Preliminary Hypotheses on the Long-Term Development of the Commons in Western and Eastern Europe, 1000-1900. Paper presented at Posthumus Conference 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2012). Industrious and/or religious. Motivating the choice for living as a beguine in (Low Countries, early modern period). Paper presented at ESSHC 2012, Glasgow, UK.

    • De Moor, T., & van Weeren, R. (2012). Towards a historical grammar of the commons. Comparative analysis of common pool resources’ regulation in pre-industrial Europe. Paper presented at ESSHC 2012, Glasgow, UK.

    • De Moor, T., Bouman, A., & Zuijderduijn, J. (2012). Nuclear hardship revisited. Paper presented at ESSHC 2012, Glasgow, UK.

    • De Moor, T., Bouman, A., & Zuijderduijn, J. (2011). From hardship to benefit. A critical review of the nuclear hardship theory and the emergence of the European Marriage Pattern. Paper presented at Sixth Low Countries Conference ‘Rich and poor in the pre-industrial world’, Antwerp, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T., & Zuijderduijn, J. (2011). The art of counting. Reconstructing Numeracy of the well-to-do on the basis of portraits in Early modern Holland. Paper presented at Sixth Low Countries Conference ‘Rich and poor in the pre-industrial world’, Antwerp, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T., & Zuijderduijn, J. (2011). The art of counting. Reconstructing numeracy of the well-to-do on the basis of portraits in early modern Holland. Paper presented at Posthumus Low Countries Meeting, Antwerp, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2011). The art of counting. Reconstructing numeracy of the well-to-do on the basis of portraits in early modern Holland. Paper presented at Utrecht Seminars in Economic History, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • De Moor, T. (2011). Participating is more important than winning. The Impact of Socio-Economic Change on Commoners’ Participation in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Flanders. Paper presented at Biennial IASCP-Conference, Hyderabad, India.

    • De Moor, T. (2011). From common pastures to global commons. An historical perspective on interdisciplinary approaches to commons. Paper presented at Biennial IASCP-Conference, Hyderabad, India.

    • De Moor, T. (2010). Spending, saving or investing. Paper presented at ESSHC 2010, Ghent, Belgium.

    • De Moor, T. (2010). Spending, saving or investing. Paper presented at Utrecht Seminars in Economic History, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  • Academic (2)
    • De Moor, T., & Wiedemann, T. (2002). Poster 'A Historical GIS for 200 years of Belgian Territorial Structures (1796-2000)'.

    • De Moor, T. (2002). The management of common land in Flanders, 18th-19th century. Poster session presented at First Promovendi-symposium Arts Faculty, Ghent, Belgium.

  • Academic (6)
    • De Moor, T., Duffhues, T., Karlas, E., & Veldsink, C. (2020). Krachtiger als collectief, uitdagingen van burgercollectieven in Nederland anno 2020.

    • Holemans, D., Van de Velde, K., De Moor, T., & C., K. (2018). Wanneer burgers samen het heft in handen nemen: Burgercollectieven opgericht in 2015 en 2016 van naderbij bekeken. Koning Boudewijnstichting.

    • Antonides, L. H., Witte, C., De Moor, T., & Boele, A. H. (2018). De functies van bewonersoverleg-organisaties in een veranderende samenleving: Over de functies van bewonersoverlegorganisaties tegen de achtergrond van bewonersparticipatie en andere hedendaagse maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen. Onderzoek in opdracht van de Landelijke Vereniging voor Kleine Kernen. Universiteit Utrecht.

    • Schippers, J., van der Lippe, A. G., De Moor, T., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., Pennings, F., & Taris, A. W. (2015). Op weg naar een duurzame arbeidsmarkt. Universiteit Utrecht. Bright Minds, Better Future

    • De Moor, T. (2000). Wetenschappelijk rapport Landschapsonderzoek landinrichtingsproject Brugse Veldzone: studie naar de visueel-ruimtelijke en cultuurhistorische aspecten van het landschap (inventarisatie, interpretatie en visievorming). Ghent University.

    • De Moor, T., & Borgo, E. (1998). Een integrale benadering van ketenanalyse ten behoeve van ketenbeheer voor bedrijven. Uppsala University, Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD).

  • Academic (2)
    • de Moor, T. (2012). What Do We Have in Common? A Comparative Framework for Old and New Literature on the Commons. International Review of Social History, 57(2), 269-290.

    • De Moor, T. (2011). From common pastures to global commons: A historical perspective on interdisciplinary approaches to commons. Natures Sciences Societes, 19(4), 422-431.

  • Academic (1)
    • De Moor, T., & van der Klis, M. (2015). Treechecker. Software, University of Utrecht.

  • Academic (4)
    • De Moor, T., & Laborda-Pemán, M. (Eds.) (2016). Collective action institutions in a long-term perspective. International Journal of the Commons.

    • Humphries, J. (Ed.), De Moor, T. (Ed.), & Zuijderduijn, J. (2013). Introduction. European Review of Economic History, 17(2), 141–146.

    • Carmichael, S. G., De Moor, T., & Van Zanden, J. L. (Eds.) (2011). Marriage Patterns, Household Formation and Economic Development. History of the Family, 16(4).

    • De Moor, T., van Bavel, B., & Van Zanden, J. L. (Eds.) (2009). Factor markets in global economic history. Continuity & Change, 24(1).

  • Hoe waarde weerbaar wordt. Bouwen aan de gemeenschapseconomie in Rotterdam

    Invited talk (Popular)

  • The commons as a form of institution for collective action, in longitudinal perspective

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Panel debate about public agricultural land and agricultural commons, organized by De Landgenoten

    Organising and contributing to an event (Popular)

  • Hoe ziet de financiering van bewonersinitiatieven er in de toekomst uit?

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • The commons as a form of institution for collective action in longitudinal perspective

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Contagious Institutions? A longitudinal study of institutional spill-over effects of European guilds and other forms of institutions for collective action

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Promotor D.J. Bunders

    Examination (Academic)

  • Social Innovation

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Building a Unified theory for the development and resilience of Institutions for Collective Action in the past millennium

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • The next big thing will be a lot of small things. Social Enterprises & Institutions for Collective Action and the CollectieveKracht knowledge platform

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Spreading from below. The diffusion and scaling of institutions for collective action in early modern Europe

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Spreading from below. The diffusion and scaling of institutions for collective action in early modern Europe

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • How common were / are the commons? On the semantics and conceptualization of collective resources in history and today

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • De financiering van collectieve waarde(n): van uitdagingen naar oplossingen

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • De financiering van collectieve waarde(n): van uitdagingen naar oplossingen

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Knarrenhof (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Invited expert in advice trajectory about inclusive sustainability enhancement

    Consultancy (Academic)

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (Organisational unit)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (Organisational unit)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Utrecht University (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Shakeholder society? Social enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Boos maar betrokken en bedreven. Hoe collectieve actie, zelf-organisatie en policentricity de Nederlandse samenleving van onderop veranderen

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Exeter College, University of Oxford

    Visiting an external academic institution (Academic)

  • Boos maar betrokken en bedreven. Hoe collectieve actie, zelf-organisatie en policentricity de Nederlandse samenleving van onderop veranderen

    Oral presentation (Professional)

  • Zijn 'commons' de oplossing voor het falen van overheid en markt?

    Other (Popular)

  • Collectieven en overheid: genoeg geëxperimenteerd?!

    Organising and contributing to an event (Popular)

  • Using the institutional grammar to understand collective resource management in a heterogenous group facing external shock: The case of gig worker cooperative Smart and COVID-19

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Ecological motives trump financial and social considerations for cooperative energy prosumerism: measuring preference heterogeneity in a Belgian energy cooperative using revealed preferences

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Burgercollectieven

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Webinar: burgercollectieven

    Oral presentation (Professional)

  • De bijzondere, onverwachte eigenschappen van havermelk

    Invited talk (Popular)

  • De bijzondere, onverwachte eigenschappen van havermelk

    Oral presentation (Professional)

  • Shakeholder society? Social enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • From science to society: evidence-based lessons for (cooperative) social enterprises

    Organising and contributing to an event (Popular)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Expert session on commons

    Consultancy (Academic)

  • College van Rijksadviseurs (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Scientific Advisory Board of the ERC Resilient Rules Project (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Advice on the future governance of the cooperative

    Consultancy (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Advisory meeting about complex issues in the physical environment

    Consultancy (Academic)

  • Focus group Natuurrapport 2023, Instituut Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Collectieve kracht versus individuele macht? Samenwerken onder coöperaties zonder zorgen

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Collectieve kracht versus individuele macht? Samenwerken onder coöperaties zonder zorgen

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Hoe blijft 't duren wanneer het gaat schuren? Over veerkracht en ontwikkeling van burgercollectieven

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Hoe blijft 't duren wanneer het gaat schuren? Over veerkracht en ontwikkeling van burgercollectieven

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Nacht van CollectieveKracht

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • From institution to revolution? Collective action by and between citizens and scientists in uncertain times

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Boos maar betrokken en bedreven. Hoe collectieve actie, zelf-organisatie en polycentricity de Nederlandse samenleving veranderen

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Social enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards more institutional diversity?

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Leerstoel Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Dorpsraden en de gemeente. Erkenning van de actieve burger?

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • The role of cooperatives in democratizing and greening the economy

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Does the History of the Commons Repeat Itself? Building a Taxonomy of Institutions for Collective Action to Study Their Spread and Resilience Over Time and Space

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Social enterprises in the Netherlands. Towards more institutional diversity?

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Launch event CollectieveKracht knowledge exchange platform

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Bringing stakeholders of citizen-based initiatives together in

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Analyse en interpretatie van de resultaten van de jaarlijkse Social Enterprise Monitor van Social Enterprise NL voor de leden van Kennisnetwerk Sociaal Ondernemerschap KSON

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Werkconferentie Coöperatieven maken de stad

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Elinor Ostrom Prize of the Journal of Institutional Economics (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • SMITE final conference ‘Social mobility in preindustrial Europe’ (Event)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Coping through cooperation? Institutions for Collective action in and after crises, in past and present

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • A revival of mutualism? The role of cooperating citizens in changing business and tackling societal challenges

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Inspiratiemiddag voor zorgende gemeenschappen

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Sustainability

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • What possibility for new action based on collective principles and values

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Financing togetherness? Challenges of community enterprises and their financial partners

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Collective urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present and future

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Coping through Cooperation? Collectivities in past and present

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Introductie Burgercollectieven EMBGG

    Oral presentation (Professional)

  • NCR knowledge seminar on Cooperatives in transition

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Keynote: Coping through cooperation? The Cooperatives in and after crises, in past and present

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Concluding conference of

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • XIX Biennial IASC Conference

    Organising and contributing to an event (Academic)

  • Civic leadership

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • We the power

    Organising and contributing to an event (Popular)

  • The sharing economy, past and present

    Organising and contributing to an event (Popular)

  • Commons and the power of food communities in the food transition

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Systeem op de schop

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Urban common

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Long term dynamics of institutions for collective action: using ABM as a complementary tool to support theory development in historical studies

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Analysing the long-term resilience of Institutions for Collective Action

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • How can citizens’ collectives be seen as social enterprises?

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • NWA programme on living labs for biodiversity restoration (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Amsterdam Impact Prize (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Professional)

  • NWA programme on living labs for biodiversity restoration (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Review Board, Swiss National Science Foundation (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Review board, Riksbanken Jubileumsfond (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Jury of the NWW Open Competition grants (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Van kiem naar bloemenveld

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Burgerkracht

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Het duurzame decennium

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Collective Urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present and future

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • De heruitvinding van de coöperatie

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • The course of the cooperative. Understanding the role of institutions for collective action in the past millennium

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • The Commons

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Full professor 'Social Enterprises and Institutions for Collective Action'

    Other (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Commons & crises: Understanding the emergence and functioning of institutions for collective action in relation to transitions in the past millennium’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘De stad van betrokken burgers’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘Analysing the long-term resilience of commons. Results from the Common Rules and MIDI-project'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lifecycle of Community Enterprises’

    Organising and contributing to an event (Professional)

  • Keynote lecture 'De coöperatie innoveert'

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘De coöperatie, terug van weg geweest?’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘The Commons: Als we samenbeheren en besturen'

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Keynote lecture ‘More than a metaphor: the evolution of commons over the past millennium’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Research affiliate of the Institutional Grammar Research Initiative

    Other (Academic)

  • Co-promotor

    Examination (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • Energy Research and Social Science (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Earth Systems Governance (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Earthscan (Routledge) (Publisher)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Bijeenkomst 'Beweren en bewijzen', Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal (Event)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Het Groene Brein (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Steering committee of the program DuurzaamDoor of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Professional)

  • SE&ICA Open Seminar series

    Organising and contributing to an event (Academic)

  • 2019 Young Scholars Workshop on Platfomcoops

    Organising and contributing to an event (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘Alles van waarde. Of hoe de repair-movement nog meer kan gaan bijdragen aan een circulaire en solidaire samenleving’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Samenwerken, hoe doe je dat?’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • The Value of the Commons

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Unknown event

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Member of PhD committee

    Examination (Academic)

  • National Open Science Programme, Citizen Science Working Group (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Institutional Grammar Research Initiative, Syracuse University (External organisation)

    Membership of committee (Academic)

  • Advisory Board P&V Insurances (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Intergemeentelijke Vereniging voor Afvalbeheer in Gent en Omstreken (IVAGO) (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Advisory Board Zorgsaamwonen (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Invited lecture ‘Commons en de stad van de toekomst’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘From Raiffeisen to the Participation Society’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Back on the agenda! Learning from the historical commons for a sustainable future’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Is de coöperatie het nieuwe economische model van de toekomst’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘The commoner’s society’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘What makes Citizen Science work? Approach and results from the “Yes, I do!”-project’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘Burgercollectieven in een krimpgebied: van noodzaak naar opportuniteit?’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘'Met gemeenschapskracht moet je zuinig omspringen'

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Keynote lecture 'Collective Action, Commons and Citizen Science'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture, ‘Collective Action Practices as the Basis for an Alternative Model for Energy Provision’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Het ik en het wij’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Progress in Development Studies (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Waalse Krook (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Apotheek Tuypens (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Erfgoed (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Invited expert PBL Academic Lecture

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy

    Organising and contributing to an event (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture 'Origins of the metaphor Tragedy of the Commons'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture '1000 jaar commons'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture 'From local to global: a history of the commons'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Seminar Lecture ‘Distant relatives? Demographic determinants of long-term developments in intergenerational proximity; the Netherlands 1650-1899’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited public lecture 'We doen het zelf wel'

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Unknown event

    Attending an event (Popular)

  • XVI Biennial IASC Conference (Event)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Policy Studies Journal (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Invited participant debate ‘Is de coöperatie het model van de toekomst?’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘Tussen angst en hoop. Lessen van privatisering en van burgers in Nederland’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘De Commons’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited public lecture ‘Leren van eeuwenoude burgercollectieven’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Keynote lecture ‘The dynamics of European institutions for collective action over the past 1000 years’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture 'Theory of Commons as a tool of change'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Ruling the commons from past to present’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘From care to cable: Market failure and citizens’ collectivities in the Netherlands’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Are “commons” the new utopia and to which “enclosures” do they respond today?’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘All that we share? Commons and the “new” forms of collaborative consumption and production’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Soigneer je vrijwilligers’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Transition Lecture

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘Is de participatiesamenleving de weg vooruit?’ [‘Is the participation society the road ahead?’] at workshop ‘Vergrijzing! Hoe houd je je dorp vitaal?’ [‘Ageing: how to keep your village alive?’]

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘ All that we share? Commons and the “new” forms of collaborative consumption and production’ at Expert Session ‘The Commons’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture 'Welke rol speelt coöperatief ondernemen in het beheren van de 'commons'?'

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘Reversing the knowledge chain... Exchanging knowledge on commons, collective action & self-governance’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Seminar lecture ‘Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘The “original”commons. From today to history and back again’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Board of Trustees, Friends of the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the Italian Commons (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture´Setting the stage: challenges and prospects´

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture at Public Debate ‘Wat kunnen burgers doen voor het weidelandschap?’ [‘What can citizens mean for the meadows?’]

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘Topvrouwen, waar begint ‘t mee?’ [‘Top women, what does it start with?’] at Symposium ‘Vrouwelijk talent voor de boardroom gevonden’ [‘Female talent found for the board room’]

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Keynote lecture ‘How to be a critical scholar of the commons? Understanding the commons in all their dimensions‘

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture 'Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care - A new perspective on the specialisation in the elderly care sector in early modern Holland'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘De ondraaglijke lichtheid van de participatiesamenleving?‘ [‘The unbearable lightness of the participation society?’]

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Understanding cooperation: a multidisciplinary perspective

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Public Administration (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Lecture

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘Van correctie mechanisme tot aanvaard governance model? Burgercollectieven in relatie tot het verleden en de overheid’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Closing lecture

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘Is de toekomst coöperatief?’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Keynote lecture 'More of the same? Present-day institutional innovation seen in the light of European History'

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Business historians: (wo)men with or without a plan?’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘Van correctie mechanisme tot aanvaard governance model? Burgercollectieven in relatie tot het verleden en de overheid’ at conference ‘Lokale kracht: the next step’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Invited lecture ‘Van correctie mechanisme tot aanvaard governance model? Burgercollectieven in relatie tot het verleden en de overheid’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘From correction mechanism to accepted governance model? The role of citizens’ collectivities in the future of the Netherlands’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited lecture ‘Homo Cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Homo Cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • CVSO Coop-apotheken (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Vooruit nr. 1 (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Servicov (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • IMMOCOV (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Professional)

  • Lecture ‘Homo Cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Homo Cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Seminar lecture 'Making the household work: non-kin deployment as coping mechanism for nuclear hardship in economic households (Gilze and Rijen, The Netherlands, 18th century)’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘Homo cooperans. Instituties voor collectieve actie en de solidaire samenleving’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘Homo cooperans. Instituties voor collectieve actie en de solidaire samenleving’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Dealing with the Digital World’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Seminar lecture ‘The Commercial Household. Living-in-(non-)kin and household composition in a EMP-area (The Netherlands, 17th century)’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Seminar lecture ‘The Commercial Household. Living-in-(non-)kin and household composition in a EMP-area (The Netherlands, 17th century)’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Workshop ‘Historische Vergelijkingen voor Hedendaags Gebruik’

    Attending an event (Popular)

  • Lecture ‘De gemeenschappelijke wortels van coöperaties’

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Seminar lecture ‘Penalty and punishment. Designing effective sanctions for freerider’s behaviour on early modern Dutch commons’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Invited Lecture ‘Wat geeft de burger moed? Historische lessen over samenwerking en vertrouwen in de burger’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Marriage Patterns’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘The cooperative continuum: collaborative consumption and production in long-term historical perspective’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘The cooperative continuum: collaborative consumption and production in long-term historical perspective’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Wat geeft de burger moed? Historische lessen over samenwerking en vertrouwen in de burger’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Opening lecture ‘Commons: the concept'

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Seminar Lecture ‘Common Rules’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Competitive commons? A re-evaluation of commons as an economic alternative for resource use and management’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Opening lecture ‘Commons’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Oxford University Press (Publisher)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Journal of Institutional Economics (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ’In tempore non suspecto. Understanding the historical roots of Europe's commons dilemmas’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Keynote lecture ‘Industrious and/or religious. Motivating the choice for living as a beguine in (Low countries, early modern period)’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Girlpower

    Oral presentation (Popular)

  • Household Decision Making in History

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘Spending, saving or investing? Asset management of sixteenth-century Holland households’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture on ‘Girlpower’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • External Evaluators Board, Revista Portuguesa de História (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • Cambridge University Press (Publisher)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Land Use Policy (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Lecture on ‘Girlpower’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘The development of institutionalised collective action as responses to social dilemmas, in Europe from the Late Middle Ages onwards: guilds and commons as examples’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Utrecht University

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Editorial Board, International Journal of the Commons (External organisation)

    Membership of board (Academic)

  • International Journal of the Commons (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Environmental Science and Policy (Publisher)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Workshop Launch Conference Virtual Knowledge Studio

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • the conference ‘Locating the Communal in Asian Land’, Asia-Europe Workshop

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • South-African Association of Economics

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Utrecht Seminars in Economic History

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • the launch of the new peer-reviewed journal Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • University of Stellenbosch

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Lecture ‘A common past. Theory and practice of the management and use of commons in North West Europe, 1500-1850’

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Presentation on invitation of Stichting SURF on the applications of Geografical Information Systems for historical research

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Economic History Review (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • ICAG

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letterkunde

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Royal Association of Dutch Agricultural Historians

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • the International Workshop on Historical GIS

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Damion Jonathan Bunders
  • Time frame: 2020 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Karoline Heitmann
  • Time frame: 2021 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Shreya Paudel
  • Time frame: 2023 -
The Dark Side of the NGO Halo:  Exploring moral goodness as a driver for NGO unethical behavior
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Isabel de Bruin Cardoso
  • Time frame: 2019 - 2024
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Myriam Bouyakhlef
  • Time frame: 2024 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Esmay Lennon Zwartjes
  • Time frame: 2024 -


Visiting address

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

Postbus 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam