Certificate Ceremony Honours Programme 2010

In 2010 the ERIM Honours Programme in Research in Management has been offered for the sixth time. On June, 16th, ERIM celebrated the completion of this year’s programme with a festive lunch in the restaurant ‘De Etage’ where the students received their certificates.

As of February, a selected number of 2nd and 3rd year bachelor students of the programmes International Business Administration, Business Administration (both RSM) and Economics & Business (ESE) have been challenged by leading professors to show their research skills.

ERIM received more than hundred excellent applications. The selection was based on motivation, study performance, and research experience. Twenty three highly talented students were selected to participate in the programme.

The selected students attended ten sessions in 5 specializations within the ERIM research school. The programme was concluded with a short scientific paper written by the students under the supervision of one of the ERIM members.

In the scientific papers, the specializations were represented: 2 students chose Organisation as their field, 5 chose Business Processes, Logistics and Information Systems, 9 students specialized in Finance and 4 chose Marketing.

Twenty students who started the Honours Programme received the certificate. Seven participants concluded this course with an A. This does, however, not imply that the other students performed less impressive. Without exception, all supervisors of the final papers were impressed by the quality and the amount of work put into the projects by the Honours Programme students. Congratulations!

More Information

Pictures of the Certificate Ceremony
<link erim doctoral_programme erim_honours_programme _blank>About the Honours Programme