M.B.M. (René) de Koster

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Fellow ERIM
Field: Logistics & Information Systems
Affiliated since 1999

René (M.) B.M. de Koster is a professor of logistics and operations management at the Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). After completing his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology (1988) he worked as a consultant. He joined Erasmus University in 1995. Professor De Koster's research interests are warehousing, material handling, container terminal operations, behavioural operations and sustainable logistics. He is the author and editor of eight books and over 250 papers published in books and journals such as OR, POM, JOM, TS, IISE T, EJOR, and Interfaces. He is in the editorial boards of eight academic journals, a fellow of two reseach schools, chairman of Stichting Logistica, and founder of the Material Handling Forum. Professor De Koster is involved in teaching at RSM at all levels: bachelor, master, post-experience, and executive development. He held the honorary Francqui chair for Hasselt University in 2018 and was recently mentioned as “the most influential researcher” in material handling.


  • Academic (180)
    • Tutam, M., & de Koster, R. (2024). To Walk or Not to Walk? Designing Intelligent Order Picking Warehouses with Collaborative Robots. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 190, Article 103696.

    • De Lombaert, T., Braekers, K., de Koster, R., & Ramaekers, K. (2024). Is it good to have a choice? The value of participatory order assignments in warehousing. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Advance online publication.

    • Raj, G., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Bansal, V. (2024). Stochastic modeling of integrated order fulfillment processes with delivery time promise: Order picking, batching, and last-mile delivery. European Journal of Operational Research, 316(3), 1114-1128.

    • Chen, R., de Koster, R., Yu, Y., Guo, X., & Yu, H. (2024). Blockage-Free Storage Assignment and Storage/Retrieval Scheduling in Autonomous Vehicle Storage and Retrieval Systems. Naval Research Logistics, 71(4), 575-594.

    • Boysen, N., & de Koster, R. (Accepted/In press). 50 years of warehousing research—An operations research perspective. European Journal of Operational Research.

    • Jamili, N., van den Berg, P. L., & de Koster, R. (2024). The impact of resource sharing on the design of multi-client warehouses. IISE Transactions. Advance online publication.

    • Shen, Y., Zou, B., de Koster, R., & Cheng, E. (2024). Performance estimation and operating policies in a truck-based autonomous mobile robot delivery system. International Journal of Production Research, To appear. Advance online publication.

    • Qin, Z., Yang, P., Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (Accepted/In press). Performance Analysis of Multi-Tote Storage and Retrieval Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems. Transportation Science, 58(5), 1033-1055.

    • Pasparakis, A., de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2024). In the driver’s seat: the role of transformational leadership in safe and productive truck cargo transport. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. Advance online publication.

    • Chen, Z., Zou, B., Gong, Y., Xu, X., & de Koster, R. (Accepted/In press). Assigning parcel destinations to drop-off points in a congested robotic sorting system. Naval Research Logistics (NRL).

    • Azadeh, K., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Ghorashi Khalilabadi, M. (2023). Zoning Strategies for Human-Robot Collaborative Picking. Decision Sciences.

    • Rijal, A., Bijvank, M., & de Koster, R. (2023). Dynamics between Warehouse Operations and Vehicle Routing. Production and Operations Management, 32(11), 3575-3593.

    • Chen, W., de Koster, R., & Gong, Y. (2023). Warehouses without aisles: Layout design of a multi-deep rack climbing robotic system. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 179(103281), Article 103281.

    • Yang, J., de Koster, R., Guo, X., & Yu, Y. (2023). Scheduling shuttles in deep-lane shuttle-based storage systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(2), 696-708.

    • Gorman, M. F., Clarke, J.-P., de Koster, R., Hewitt, M., Roy, D., & Zhang, M. (2023). Emerging practices and research issues for big data analytics in freight transportation. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 25(1), 28-60.

    • Arani, H. V., Pourakbar, M., Laan, E. V. D., & de Koster, R. (2023). How to charge in servicizing: Per period or per use? European Journal of Operational Research, 304(3), 981-996.,

    • Li, X., Zuidwijk, R., & de Koster, R. (2023). Optimal Competitive Capacity Strategies: Evidence from the Container Shipping Market. Omega, 115, 102790. Article 102790.

    • Li, X., Zuidwijk, R., de Koster, R., & Sethi, S. (2023). Time for Upgrades? In Time for Consumers and Competition. International Journal of Production Economics, 256, 108724. Article 108724.

    • De Lombaert, T., Braekers, K., De Koster, R., & Ramaekers, K. (2023). In pursuit of humanised order picking planning: methodological review, literature classification and input from practice. International Journal of Production Research, 61(10), 3300-3330.

    • Raviv, T., Bukchin, Y., & de Koster, R. (2023). Optimal retrieval in puzzle-based storage systems using automated mobile robots. Transportation Science, 57(2), 424-443.

    • Pasparakis, A., de Vries, J., & de Koster, R. (2023). Assessing the impact of human–robot collaborative order picking systems on warehouse workers. International Journal of Production Research, 61(22), 7776-7790.

    • Zhen, L., Tan, Z., de Koster, R., & Wang, S. (2023). How to Deploy Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems. Transportation Science, 57(6), 1671-1695.

    • Chen, W., de Koster, R., & Gong, Y. (2022). Analysis and Design of Rack-climbing Robotic Storage and Retrieval Systems. Transportation Science, 56(6), 1409-1722.

    • Jamili, N., van den Berg, P. L., & de Koster, R. (2022). Quantifying the impact of sharing resources in a collaborative warehouse. European Journal of Operational Research, 302(2), 518-529.

    • Sgarbossa, F., Glock, C., Grosse, E., Calzavara, M., & de Koster, R. (2022). The impact of monetary incentives and regulatory focus on worker productivity and learning in order picking. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42(11), 1793-1816. Article To appear.

    • Roy, D., Van Ommeren, J.-K., de Koster, R., & Gharehgozli, A. (2022). Modeling landside container terminal queues: Exact analysis and approximations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 162, 73-102.

    • Zhang, X. L., de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Liu, C. G. (2022). Fast and Faultless? Quantity and Quality Feedback in Order Picking. Production and Operations Management, 31(4), 1536-1559.

    • Dong, Y., de Koster, R., Roy, D., & Yu, Y. (2022). Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Policies for Shared Autonomous Electric Fleets. Transportation Science, 56(5), 1238-1258.

    • Li, X., Voorneveld, M., & de Koster, R. (2022). Business transformation in an age of turbulence – Lessons learned from COVID-19. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 176(121452), Article 121452.

    • Mirzaei, M., Zaerpour, N., & de Koster, R. (2022). How to Benefit from Order Data: Correlated Dispersed Storage Assignment in Robotic Warehouses. International Journal of Production Research, 60(2), 549-568.

    • Yu, H., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2022). Dense and fast: Achieving shortest unimpeded retrieval with a minimum number of empty cells in puzzle-based storage systems. IISE Transactions, 55(2), 156-171.

    • Fragapane, G., De Koster, R., Sgarbossa, F., & Strandhagen, JO. (2021). Planning and control of autonomous mobile robots for intralogistics: Literature review and research agenda. European Journal of Operational Research, 294(2), 405-426.

    • Balk, B., De Koster, R., Kaps, C., & Zofío, J. L. (2021). An Evaluation of Cross-Efficiency Methods: With an Application to Warehouse Performance. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 406, 126261. Article 126261.

    • Zou, B., de Koster, R., Gong, Y., Xu, X., & Shen, G. (2021). Robotic sorting systems: Performance estimation and operating policies analysis. Transportation Science, 55(6), 1430-1455.

    • Rijal, A., Bijvank, M., Goel, A., & De Koster, R. (2021). Workforce Scheduling with Order-Picking Assignments in Distribution Facilities. Transportation Science, 55(3), 725-746.

    • Lal Kumawat, G., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Adan, IJBF. (2021). Stochastic Modeling of Parallel Process Flows in Intra-logistics Systems: Applications in Container Terminals and Compact Storage Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(1), 159-176.

    • Chen, W., de Koster, R., & Gong, Y. (2021). Performance Evaluation of Automated Medicine Delivery Systems. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 147, 102242. Article 102242.

    • Mirzaei, M., Zaerpour, N., & De Koster, R. (2021). The impact of integrated cluster-based storage allocation on parts to picker warehouse performance. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 146, 102207.

    • Boysen, N., de Koster, R., & Fuessler, D. (2021). The forgotten sons: Warehousing systems for brick-and-mortar retail chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 288(2), 361-381.

    • De Koster, R., Roy, D., Lim, YF., & Kumar, S. (2021). Special Issue of Production and Operations Management Journal “Managing Autonomous and IoT-driven Intralogistics Operations”. Production and Operations Management, 30(1), 293-294.

    • Chen, Q., Wang, Z., Gong, Y., De Koster, R., & Chen, W. (2020). Performance evaluation of compact automated parking systems with mobile application and customer service priority. International Journal of Production Research, 59(10), 2926-2959.

    • Gaast, J., de Koster, R., Adan, IJBF., & Resing, JAC. (2020). Capacity Analysis of Sequential Zone Picking Systems. Operations Research, 68(1), 161-179.

    • Lamballais Tessensohn, T., Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2020). Inventory Allocation in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems. IISE Transactions, 52(1), 1-17.

    • Roy, D., Koster, R., & Bekker, R. (2020). Modeling and Design of Container Terminal Operations. Operations Research, 68(3), 686-715.

    • Wu, W., de Koster, R., & Yu, Y. (2020). Forward-Reserve Storage Strategies with Order Picking: When Do They Pay Off? IISE Transactions, 52(9), 961-976.

    • Huang, GQ., de Koster, R., & Yu, Y. (2020). Editorial: Online-to-offline ecommerce operations management (EOM). Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 138(101920).

    • Chen, W., de Koster, R., & Gong, Y. (2020). Performance estimation of a passing-crane automated storage and retrieval system. International Journal of Production Research.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Zaerpour, N., & de Koster, R. (2019). Container terminal layout design: transition and future. Maritime Economics and Logistics.

    • Azadeh, K., Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2019). Design, Modeling, and Analysis of Vertical Robotic Storage and Retrieval Systems. Transportation Science, 53(5), 1213-1234.

    • Azadeh, K., Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2019). Robotized and Automated Warehouse Systems: Review and Recent Developments. Transportation Science, 53(4), 917-945.

    • Paul, J., Agatz, N., Spliet, R., & Koster, R. (2019). Shared Capacity Routing Problem ? An omni-channel retail study. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2), 731-739.

    • Gaast, J., de Koster, R., & Adan, IJBF. (2019). Optimizing product allocation in a polling-based milkrun picking system. IISE Transactions, 51(5), 486-500.

    • Zaerpour, N., Gharehgozli, A., & de Koster, R. (2019). Vertical Expansion: A Solution for Future Container Terminals. Transportation Science, 53(5), 1235-1241.

    • Tappia, E., Roy, D., Melacini, M., & Koster, R. (2019). Integrated Storage-order Picking Systems: Technology, Performance Models, and Design Insights. European Journal of Operational Research, 274, 947-965.

    • Roy, D., Nigam, SK., Koster, R., Adan, IJBF., & Resing, JAC. (2019). Robot-Storage Zone Assignment Strategies in Mobile Fulfillment Systems. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 122, 119-142.

    • van Gils, T., Caris, A., Ramaekers, K., Braekers, K., & de Koster, R. (2019). Designing efficient order picking systems: the effect of real-life features on the relationship among planning problems. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 125, 47-73.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2019). Sequencing Storage and Retrieval Requests in a Container Block with Multiple Open Locations. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 125, 261-284.

    • Rijal, A., Bijvank, M., & de Koster, R. (2019). Integrated Scheduling and Assignment of Trucks at Unit Load Cross-dock Terminals with Mixed Service Mode Dock-doors. European Journal of Operational Research, 278(3), 752-771.

    • Merschformann, M., Lamballais Tessensohn, T., de Koster, R., & Suhl, L. (2019). Decision rules for robotic mobile fulfillment systems. Operations Research Perspectives, 6, Article 100128.

    • Wu, G., Xu, X., Gong, Y., de Koster, R., & Zou, B. (2018). Optimal Design and Planning for Compact Automated Parking Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(3), 948-967.

    • Boysen, N., Weidinger, F., & de Koster, R. (2018). Warehousing in the e-commerce era: A survey. European Journal of Operational Research, 277(2), 396-411.

    • Vries, J., Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2018). Worth the wait? How restaurant waiting time influences customer behavior and revenue. Journal of Operations Management, 63, 59-78.

    • Zou, B., de Koster, R., & Xu, X. (2018). Operating policies in robotic compact storage and retrieval systems. Transportation Science, 52(4), 788-811.

    • Gaast, J., de Koster, R., Adan, IJBF., & Resing, JAC. (2018). Conveyor merges in zone picking systems: A tractable and accurate approximate model. Transportation Science, 52(6), 1428-1443.

    • van Gils, T., Ramaekers, K., Caris, A., & de Koster, R. (2018). Designing Efficient Order Picking Systems by Combining Planning Problems: State-of-the-art Classification and Review. European Journal of Operational Research, 267(1), 1-15.

    • Roy, D., & Koster, R. (2018). Stochastic Modeling of Unloading and Loading Operations at a Container Terminal using Automated Lifting Vehicles. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(3), 895-910.

    • Zou, B., Gong, Y., de Koster, R., & Xu, X. (2018). Evaluating battery charging and swapping strategies in a robotic mobile fulfilment system. European Journal of Operational Research, 267(2), 733-753.

    • Gong, Y., Liu, T., & de Koster, R. (2018). Optimal travel time models for split-platform automated storage and retrieval systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 197, 197-214.

    • de Koster, R. (2018). Automated and Robotic Warehouses: Developments and Research Opportunities. Logistics and Transport, 38(2), 33-40.

    • Eren Akyol, D., & de Koster, R. (2018). Determining Time Windows in Urban Freight Transport: A City Cooperative Approach. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 118, 34-50.

    • Hou, R., de Koster, R., & Yu, Y. (2018). Service Investment for Online Retailers with Social Media——Does It Pay Off? Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 118, 606-628.

    • Dhingra, V., Roy, D., Lal Kumawat, G., & Koster, R. (2017). Solving Semi-open Queuing Networks with Time-varying Arrivals: An Application in Container Terminal Landside Operations. European Journal of Operational Research, 267(3), 855-876.

    • Faber, N., de Koster, R., & Smidts, A. (2017). Survival of the fittest: the impact of fit between warehouse management structure and warehouse context on warehouse performance. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 120-139.

    • Matusiak, M., de Koster, R., & Saarinen, J. (2017). Utilizing individual picker skills to improve order batching in a warehouse. European Journal of Operational Research, 263(3), 888-899.

    • Mirzaei, M., de Koster, R., & Zaerpour, N. (2017). Modelling load retrievals in Puzzle-Based Storage systems. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6423-6435.

    • de Koster, R., Gue, K., & Vis, IFA. (2017). Special Issue of Transportation Science on Facility Logistics. Transportation Science, 51(1), 1-2.

    • Gupta, A., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Parhi, S. (2017). Optimal Stack Layout in a Sea Container Terminal with Automated Lifting Vehicles. International Journal of Production Research, 55(13), 3747-3765.

    • Lamballais Tessensohn, T., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2017). Estimating Performance in a Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(3), 976-990.

    • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., Rijsdijk, S., & Roy, D. (2017). Determinants of Safe and Productive Truck Driving: Empirical Evidence from Long-haul Cargo Transport. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 97, 113-131.

    • Zaerpour, N., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2017). Response Time Analysis of a Live-Cube Compact Storage System with Two Storage Classes. IISE Transactions, 49(5), 461-480.

    • Gaast, J., Adan, IJBF., & de Koster, R. (2017). The analysis of batch sojourn-times in polling systems. Queueing Systems, 85, 313-335.

    • Dekker, R., de Koster, R., & Kim, KH. (2017). Maritime and container logistics. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 29(1), 1-3.

    • Saini, S., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2017). A Stochastic Model for the Throughput Analysis of Passing Dual Yard Cranes. Computers and Operations Research, 87(November), 40-51.

    • de Koster, R., Johnson, AL., & Roy, D. (2017). Warehouse design and management. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6327-6330.

    • Zaerpour, N., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2016). Optimal Two-Class-Based Storage in a Live-Cube Compact Storage System. IISE Transactions, 49(7), 653-668.

    • Gharehgozli, A., de Koster, R., & Jansen, R. (2016). Collaborative Solutions for Inter Terminal Transport. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6527-6546.

    • Tappia, E., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Melacini, M. (2016). Modeling, Analysis, and Design Insights for Shuttle-based Compact Systems. Transportation Science, 51(1), 269-304.

    • Larco Martinelli, JA., de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Dul, J. (2016). Managing warehouse efficiency and worker discomfort through enhanced storage assignment decisions. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6407-6422.

    • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Safety Does Not Happen by Accident: Antecedents to a Safer Warehouse. Production and Operations Management, 25(8), 1377-1390.

    • Roy, D., Gupta, A., & de Koster, R. (2016). A non-linear traffic flow-based queuing model to estimate container terminal throughput with AGVs. International Journal of Production Research, 54(2), 472-493.

    • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Exploring the role of picker personality in predicting picking performance with pick by voice, pick to light and RF-terminal picking. International Journal of Production Research, 54(8), 2260-2274.

    • Guo, X., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2016). Impact of required storage space on storage policy performance in a unit-load warehouse. International Journal of Production Research, 54(8), 2405-2418.

    • Gong, Y., Zhang, X., Zhou, S., de Koster, R., & van de Velde, S. (2016). Increasing the Revenue of Self-Storage Warehouses by Optimizing Order Scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 252(1), 69-78.

    • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2016). Aligning order picking methods, incentive systems, and regulatory focus to increase performance. Production and Operations Management, 25(8), 1363-1376.

    • Zhou, S., Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2016). Designing Self-Storage Warehouses with Customer Choice. International Journal of Production Research, 54(10), 3080-3104.

    • Zou, B., Xu, X., Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2016). Modeling parallel movement of lifts and vehicles in tier-captive vehicle-based warehousing systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 254(1), 51-67.

    • Bodnar, P., de Koster, R., & Azadeh, K. (2015). Scheduling Trucks in a Cross-Dock with Mixed Service Mode Dock Doors. Transportation Science, 51(1), 112-131.

    • Roy, D., Dhingra, V., & de Koster, R. (2015). A Cooperative Quay Crane-based Stochastic Model to Estimate Vessel Handling Time. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 29(1), 97-124.

    • Zaerpour, N., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2015). Small is Beautiful: A Framework for Evaluating and Optimizing Live-cube Compact Storage Systems. Transportation Science, 51(1), 34-51.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2015). Sea container terminals: New technologies and OR models. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 18(2), 103-140.

    • Zaerpour, N., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2015). Storing Fresh Produce for Fast Retrieval in an Automated Compact Cross-dock System. Production and Operations Management, 24(8), 1266-1284.

    • de Leeuw, SLJM., van Donk, DP., & de Koster, R. (2015). Serving the world: papers from the 19th EurOMA/4th P&OM World Conference in Amsterdam. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35(11).

    • de Vries, J., de Koster, R. B. M., & Stam, D. (2015). Making the Right Pick: Aligning Order Picking Methods, Incentive Systems and Regulatory Focus to Increase Picking Performance. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 585.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Yu, Y., Zhang, X., & de Koster, R. (2014). Polynomial Time Algorithms to Minimize Total Travel Time in a Two-Depot AS/RS. Transportation Science, 51(1), 19-33.

    • Gorman, MF., Clarke, JP., Gharehgozli, A., Hewitt, M., de Koster, R., & Roy, D. (2014). State of the Practice: A Review of the Application of OR/MS in Freight Transportation. Interfaces, 44(6), 535-554.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Laporte, G., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2014). Scheduling Twin Yard Cranes in a Container Block. Transportation Science, 49(3), 686-705.

    • Pazour, J., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2014). A Novel Approach for Designing Rental Vehicle Repositioning Strategies. IISE Transactions, 46(9), 948-967.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Yu, Y., de Koster, R., & Udding, J. T. (2014). A Decision-Tree Stacking Heuristic for Large Scale Reshuffling Problems at a Container Yard. International Journal of Production Research, 52(9), 2592-2611.

    • Matusiak, M., de Koster, R., Kroon, LG., & Saarinen, J. (2014). A fast simulated annealing method for batching precedence-constrained customer orders in a warehouse. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(3), 968-977.

    • Yu, Y., de Koster, R., & Guo, X. (2014). Class-based storage with a finite number of item: using more classes is not always better. Production and Operations Management, 24(8), 1235-1247.

    • Gong, Y., de Koster, R., Frenk, JBG., & Gabor, AF. (2013). Increasing the Revenue of Self-Storage Warehouses by Facility Design. Production and Operations Management, 22(3), 555-570.

    • Eren Akyol, D., & de Koster, R. (2013). Non-dominated time-window policies in city distribution. Production and Operations Management, 22(3), 739-751.

    • Faber, N., de Koster, R., & Smidts, A. (2013). Organizing warehouse management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33(9), 1230-1256.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2013). On the suboptimality of full turnover-based storage. International Journal of Production Research, 51(6), 1635-1647.

    • Zaerpour, N., de Koster, R., & Yu, Y. (2013). Storage Policies and Optimal Shape of a Storage System. International Journal of Production Research, 51(23-24), 6891-6899.

    • de Koster, R., Gue, K., & Vis, IFA. (2013). Call for Papers: Focused Issue of Transportation Science on Facility. Transportation Science, 47(1), 129-129.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2012). Sequencing heuristics for storing and retrieving unit loads in 3D compact automated warehousing systems. IISE Transactions, 44(2), 69-87.

    • de Koster, R., Le-Duc, T., & Zaerpour, N. (2011). Determining the Number of Zones in a Pick-and-sort Order Picking System. International Journal of Production Research, 50(3), 757-771.

    • Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2011). A review on stochastic models and analysis of warehouse operations. Logistics Research, 3(4), 191-205.

    • Teunter, R., Mostard, JAM., & de Koster, R. (2011). Forecasting demand for single-period products: a case study in the apparel industry. European Journal of Operational Research, 211(1), 139-147.

    • de Koster, R., Stam, D., & Balk, B. (2011). Accidents happen: The influence of safety-specific transformational leadership, safety consciousness, and hazard recucing systems on warehouse accidents. Journal of Operations Management, 29(7-8), 753-765.

    • le Anh, T., de Koster, R., & Yu, Y. (2010). Performance evaluation of dynamic scheduling approaches in vehicle-based internal transport systems. International Journal of Production Research, 48(24), 7219-7242.

    • Chen, CM., Gong, Y., de Koster, R., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2010). A fexible evaluative framework for order picking systems. Production and Operations Management, 19(1), 70-82.

    • Yu, M., & de Koster, R. (2010). Enhancing performance in order picking processes by Dynamic Storage Systems. International Journal of Production Research, 48(16), 4785-4806.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2009). Designing an optimal turnover-based storage rack for a 3D compact automated storage and retrieval system. International Journal of Production Research, 47(6), 1551-1571.

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2009). Delivering goods in urban areas. How to deal with urban policy restrictions and the environment? Transportation Science, 43(2), 211-227.

    • Yu, M., & de Koster, R. (2009). The impact of order batching an picking area zoning on order picking system performance. European Journal of Operational Research, 198(2), 480-490.

    • van Nieuwenhuyse, I., & de Koster, R. (2009). Evaluating Order Throughput Time in 2-block Warehouses with Time Window Batching. International Journal of Production Economics, 121(2), 654-664.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2009). Optimal zone boundaries for two-class-based compact three-dimensional automated storage and retrieval systems. IISE Transactions, 41(3), 194-208.

    • de Koster, R., Balk, B., & van Nus, WTI. (2009). On using DEA for benchmarking container terminals. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 29(11), 1140-1155.

    • de Koster, R., Le-Duc, T., & Yu, Y. (2008). Optimal storage rack design for a 3-dimensional compact AS/RS. International Journal of Production Research, 46(6), 1495-1514.

    • de Koster, R., & Balk, B. (2008). Benchmarking and monitoring international warehouse operations in Europe. Production and Operations Management, 17(2), 175-183.

    • Yu, M., & de Koster, R. (2008). Performance Approximation and Design of Pick-and-Pass Order Picking Systems. IISE Transactions, 40(11), 1054-1069.

    • Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2008). A polling based dynamic order picking system for online retailers. IISE Transactions, 40(11), 1070-1082.

    • de Koster, R., & Yu, M. (2008). Minimizing makespan and throughput times at Aalsmeer flower auction. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(9), 1182-1190.

    • Tho, T., & de Koster, R. (2007). Travel-time estimation and order batching in a 2-block warehouse. European Journal of Operational Research, 176(1), 374-388.

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2007). Exploring retailers' sensitivity to local sustainability policies. Journal of Operations Management, 25(6), 1103-1122.

    • de Koster, R., Tho, T., & Roodbergen, KJ. (2007). Design and control of warehouse order picking: A literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 182(2), 481-501.

    • le Blanc, HM., Cruyssen, F., Fleuren, H., & de Koster, R. (2006). Factory gate pricing: An analysis of the Dutch retail distribution. European Journal of Operational Research, 174(3), 1950-1967.

    • le Anh, T., & de Koster, R. (2006). A review of design and control of automated guided vehicle systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 171(1), 1-23.

    • de Koster, R., & Shinohara, M. (2006). Supply-chain culture clashes in Europe. Pitfalls in Japanese service operations. Supply Chain Forum, 7(1), 58-67.

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2006). The impacts of time access restrictions and vehicle weight restrictions on food retailers and the environment. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 6(2), 131-150.

    • Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., & Savelsbergh, M. (2005). Minimum vehicle fleet size under time window constraints at a container terminal. Transportation Science, 39(2), 249-260.

    • Mostard, JAM., de Koster, R., & Teunter, R. (2005). The distribution-free newsboy problem with resalable returns. International Journal of Production Economics, 97(3), 329-342.

    • le Anh, T., & de Koster, R. (2005). Online Dispatching Rules For Vehicle-Based Internal Transport Systems. International Journal of Production Research, 43(8), 1711-1728.

    • de Koster, R., & Warffemius, PMJ. (2005). American, Asian and third party international warehouse operations in Europe: a comparison. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(8), 762-780.

    • de Koster, R., & Tho, T. (2005). Travel distance estimation and storage zone optimization in a 2-block class-based storage strategy warehouse. International Journal of Production Research, 43(17), 3561-3581.

    • de Koster, R., le Anh, T., & van der Meer, JR. (2004). Testing and classifying vehicle dispatching rules in three real-world settings. Journal of Operations Management, 22(4), 369-386.

    • Dekker, R., de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Kalleveen, H. (2004). Improving order-picking response time at Ankor's warehouse. Interfaces, 34(4), 303-313.

    • de Koster, R., & Shinohara, M. (2004). Supply-chain culture clash. MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(1), 6-6.

    • Vis, IFA., & de Koster, R. (2003). Transhipment of containers at a container terminal: An overview. European Journal of Operational Research, 147(1), 1-16.

    • de Koster, R. (2003). Distribution strategies for online retailers. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(4), 448-457.

    • de Koster, R. (2002). Distribution structures for food home shopping. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 32(5), 362-380.

    • Faber, N., de Koster, R., & van de Velde, S. (2002). Linking warehouse complexity to planning and control structure. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 32(5), 381-395.

    • de Koster, R., Vendel, MA., & de Brito, MP. (2002). Return handling: an exploratory study with nine retailer warehouses. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 30(8), 407-421.

    • Vis, I. F. A., De Koster, R., Roodbergen, K. J., & Peeters, L. W. P. (2001). Determination of the number of automated guided vehicles required at a semi-automated container terminal. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52(4), 409-417.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., & de Koster, R. (2001). Routing order pickers in a warehouse with a middle aisle. European Journal of Operational Research, 133(1), 32-43.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., & de Koster, R. (2001). Routing methods for warehouses with multiple cross aisles. International Journal of Production Research, 39(9), 1865-1883.

    • Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Peeters, LWP. (2001). Determination of the number of automated guided vehicles at a semi-automated container terminal. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52(4), 409-417.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Logistiek verandert door automatisering en WWW (interview). Logistiek Actueel, 5, 13-13.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Theorie is geen realiteit (interview). Exiting Business, 5, 16-18.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Logistiek Lauras nog jarenlang kostbaarder dan bij concurrentie (interview). Distrifood, 16(43), 9-9.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). De MIT leverancier als logistiek dienstverlener: Geen noviteit. Vraag en Aanbod, april, ---.

    • de Koster, R., van der Poort, E., & Wolters, M. (1999). Efficient orderbatching methods in warehouses. International Journal of Production Research, 37(7), 1479-1504.

    • de Koster, R. (1999). Aziaten zijn sneller dan Europeanen. De Metaalkrant, november, 11-11.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Poort, E. (1998). Routing orderpickers in a warehouse: a comparison between optimal and heuristic solutions. IISE Transactions, 30, 469-480.

    • de Koster, R., & Wijnen, R. (1995). Besturingsregels binnen distributiecentra. Kwantitatieve Methoden, 50, 17-30.

    • de Koster, R. (1995). Ontwerp en realisatie van een magazijn. Business Logistics, 12, 28-33.

    • de Koster, R. (1994). Performance approximation of pick-to-belt orderpicking systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 72(3), 558-573.

    • Corten, M., & de Koster, R. (1990). On the reversibility of manufacturing networks. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 145(2), 309-327.

    • de Koster, R., & Wijngaard, J. (1989). Local and integral control of workload. International Journal of Production Research, 27(1), 43-52.

    • de Koster, R. (1988). Approximation of flow lines with integrally controlled buffers. IISE Transactions, 20(4), 374-381.

    • de Koster, R. (1988). Approximate analysis of production systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 37(2), 214-226.

    • de Koster, R. (1988). An improved algorithm to approximate the behaviour of flow lines. International Journal of Production Research, 26(4), 691-700.

    • de Koster, R. (1987). Estimation of line efficiency by aggregation. International Journal of Production Research, 25(4), 615-625.

    • de Koster, R. (1987). Capacity analysis of two-stage production lines with many products. International Journal of Production Economics, 12(1-4), 175-186.

    • de Koster, R., & Wijgaard, J. (1987). On the equivalence of multi-stage production lines and two-stage lines. IISE Transactions, 19(3), 351-354.

    • de Koster, R., & Paelinck, JHP. (1984). A HYPERGRAPH APPROACH TO CONFLICT. Conflict Management & Peace Science, 7(2), 55-69.

    • de Koster, R., Peters, HJM., Tijs, SH., & Wakker, P. (1983). Risk sensitivity, independence of irrelevant alternatives and continuity of bargaining solutions. Mathematical Social Sciences, 4(3), 295-300.

    • Peters, HJM., Tijs, SH., & de Koster, R. (1983). Solutions and multisolutions for bargaining games. Methods of Operations Research, 46, 465-476.

  • Popular (4)
    • de Koster, R. (2006). Venstertijden. Unknown, 9.

    • Lindert, M., & de Koster, R. (2003). Eerlijk delen is noodzakelijke voorwaarde voor factory gate pricing. LogistiekKrant, 16(14), 10-11.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Automatisering blijft logistiek beinvloeden (interview). AI Magazine, maart, 20-21.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Belang interne logistiek onderbelicht. Nieuwsblad Transport, 12(153), 8-8.

  • Professional (40)
    • de Koster, R. (2013). Behavioral-based safety maakt magazijn veiliger. Logistiek, 8(September), 31-31.

    • de Koster, R. (2013). Boosting revenues in the self-storage warehouse industry. RSM Insight, 16(4), 8-10.

    • de Koster, R. (2011). Een klein hoekje. Main Group Chemistry, 50(4), 23-23.

    • de Koster, R., Stam, D., & Balk, B. (2011). Accidents will happen: Do hazard-reducing systems help? Logistics and Transport, 1(12), 63-66.

    • de Koster, R., Stam, D., & Balk, B. (2011). Accidents will happen: do hazard-reducing systems help? RSM Insight, 5(1), 8-11.

    • de Koster, R. (2009). Het belang van juiste data. Logistiek, 4(1), 5-5.

    • de Koster, R. (2009). Just-in-time of Just-tt-late? Logistiek, 4(8), 6-6.

    • de Koster, R. (2008). Magazijnbenchmarking leerzaam. Logistiek, 2008(maart), 5-5.

    • de Koster, R. (2008). China jaagt óók op het vlak van R&D op goud. Logistiek, 3(5), 5-5.

    • de Koster, R. (2007). Duurzame logistiek. Logistiek, 2(18), 5-6.

    • de Koster, R. (2007). Eco-efficient ondernemen. Logistiek, 2(7), 5-6.

    • de Koster, R. (2006). Venstertijden. Logistiek, 1(8), 8.

    • de Koster, R. (2006). Logistieke innovatie. Logistiek, 1(18), 5.

    • van den Boogaart, M., Fleuren, H., de Koster, R., & Vos, S. (2004). Gevolgen en haalbaarheid van factory gate pricing in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 20(5), 22-25.

    • van den Boogaart, M., Fleuren, H., de Koster, R., & Vos, S. (2004). Invoering factory gate pricing vergt veel inspanning. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 20(6), 34-39.

    • de Koster, R. (2003). Bukt u wel genoeg? Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 19(6), 35-35.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Linde, RM. (2003). Beslissingsondersteunende informatie voor magazijnen op internet. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 19(10), 16-21.

    • van de Nes, J., & de Koster, R. (2003). Knelpunten en trends in de interne logistiek anno 2003. PT Industrieel Management, oktober, 43-45.

    • Damhuis, FH., & de Koster, R. (2002). Doorzetverhoging met bucket brigades. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 18(5), 16-20.

    • de Koster, R. (2001). Kan wat kan in Japan ook hier? Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 1, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (2001). Laat het niet over aan de chauffeur. LogistiekKrant, 14(7), 15-15.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Geen stap te veel: Vaste looproute kan tot zestig procent besparen. Transport en Opslag, (maart 2000), 48-50.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Wereldwijd Winnaar Worden met E-logistics. Business Logistics, 32-37.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). Levensmiddelenverkoop op internet. Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 2, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (2000). E-dc's voor levensmiddelen. LogistiekKrant, 15, 19-19.

    • de Koster, R., Schoonderwoerd, P., & Hek, H. (1999). De haalbaarheid van modulaire productie in de verfindustrie: een casestudie bij Akzo Nobel NV. Bedrijfskunde, 71(3), 66-75.

    • de Koster, R. (1999). Internet en magazijnontwerp? Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 1, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (1999). Ontwikkelingen in Supply Chain Management. Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 3, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (1999). E-commerce en logistiek. Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 6, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R., & Roodbergen, KJ. (1999). Magazijnontwerp op Internet. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 15(5), 41-44.

    • de Koster, R. (1999). Website Erasmus Universiteit werkt bijna verslavend. Interactief orderverzamelen in een zelf ontworpen magazijn. Logistiek Actueel, 12(13), 23-23.

    • de Graaf, M., & de Koster, R. (1998). Reverse logistics in de automobielbranche. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 14(6), 33-39.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Hoe inefficiënt is uw magazijn? Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 1, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Produceren in het Westen nog steeds verre van optimaal! Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, (4), 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Ontwikkelingen in opslag en overslag. Logistiek Actueel, (11), 8-9.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Sites met toegevoegde waarde. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 14(12), 7-7.

    • de Koster, R. (1997). Technologisch topinstituut logistiek: een gemiste kans. Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 2, 3-3.

    • de Koster, R. (1997). Misser topinstituuut logistiek. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 13(5), 7-7.

    • de Koster, R., & Voorden, R. (1997). Verkleining loopafstanden in DC De Bijenkorf. Orderverzamelen in het distributiecentrum De Bijenkorf. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 13(9), 54-60.

    • de Koster, R. (1997). Wordt uw logistiek ook bepaald door uw boekhouder? Nieuwsbrief Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, 5, 3-3.

  • Academic (8)
    • de Koster, R. (2015). Past and Future: Perspectives on Material Handling. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). Inaugural Addresses

    • de Koster, R., & Delfmann, W. (2008). Recent developments in supply chain mangement. Helsinki School of Economics Press.

    • de Koster, R., & Delfmann, W. (2007). Managing supply chains - Challenges and opportunities. Copenhagen Business School Press.

    • de Koster, R., & Delfmann, W. (2005). Supply chain management - European perspectives. Copenhagen Business School Press (CBSP).

    • de Koster, R. (2002). Proceedings of the sixth ELA Doctorate Workshop 2001. ELA.

    • de Koster, R., & Neuteboom, AJ. (2001). The logistics of supermarket chains. Elsevier.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Opslag en overslag in Nederland distributieland: de missing link. Uitgeverij Kluwer.

    • de Koster, R. (1989). Capacity Oriented Analysis and Design of Production Systems. Springer-Verlag.

  • Professional (2)
    • de Koster, R., & Neuteboom, AJ. (2000). De logische logistiek van supermarktketens. Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie.

    • Celen, HP., Slegtenhorst, RJW., van der Ham, RT., Nagel, A., van den Berg, J., de Vos Burchart, R., Evers, JJM., Lindeijer, DG., Dekker, R., Meersmans, PJM., de Koster, R., van der Meer, R., Carlebur, AFC., & Nooijen, FJAM. (1997). FAMAS-NewCon. (CTT-Publicatiereeks 33 ed.) Centrum Transporttechnologie (CTT). CTT-Publicatiereeks Vol. 33

  • Academic (4)
    • Smith, J., Ellis, K., de Koster, R., Lavender, S., Montreuil, B., & Ogle, M. (2016). Progress in Material Handling Research: 2014. College industy Council on Material Handling Education.

    • Carrano, A., Gue, K., de Koster, R., Ogle, M., & Montreuil, B. (2013). Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012. MHI.

    • Ellis, K., Gue, K., de Koster, R., Meller, R., Montreuil, B., & Ogle, M. (2010). Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010. Material Handling Institute.

    • de Koster, R., Roos, HB., & de Vaan, MJM. (1997). Logistieke Knelpunten in het Nederlandse Bedrijfsleven. Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

  • Professional (5)
    • Duijker, JP., de Koster, R., & Ploos van Amstel, MJ. (2000). Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra (loopt reeds vanaf 1995). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R., Duijker, JP., & Ploos van Amstel, MJ. (1999). Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra. Uitgeverij Kluwer.

    • de Koster, R., Duijker, JP., & Haak, J. (1998). Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra. Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • Roos, HB., de Koster, R., & de Vaan, MJM. (1997). Logistieke knelpunten in het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie.

    • Duijker, JP., de Koster, R., & Haak, J. (1995). Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra. Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

  • Academic (54)
    • Fragapane, G., de Koster, R., & Sgarbossa, F. (2024). Autonomous Mobile Robots for Material Handling in Intralogistics. In R. Manzini, & R. Accorsi (Eds.), Warehousing and Material Handling Systems for the Digital Industry: The New Challenges for the Digital Circular Economy (pp. 251-274). Springer Nature.

    • de Koster, R. (2022). Warehousing 2030. In R. Merkert, & K. Hoberg (Eds.), Global Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies for the 2020s: Vital Skills for the Next Generation (pp. 243-260). Springer.

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2014). A framework and Classification for Urban Freight Transport Sustainability Initiatives. In T. Wimmer, & S. Hucke (Eds.), Complexity, Cost, Collaboration (pp. 297-328). BundesVereinigung Logistik (BVL), e.V..

    • de Vries, J., de Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2014). Experimentally Investigating The Performance Of Various Order Picking Methods In Different Behavioral Contexts. In J. Smith, K. Ellis, R. Koster, de, S. Lavender, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2014 (pp. 1-17). CICMHE.

    • Gaast, J., de Koster, R., & Adan, IJBF. (2014). Modeling Conveyor Merges In Zone Picking Systems. In J. Smith, K. Ellis, R. Koster, de, S. Lavender, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2014 (pp. 1-21). CICMHE.

    • de Koster, R. (2010). Warehouse Math. In L. Kroon, T. Li, & R. Zuidwijk (Eds.), Liber Amicorum. In memoriam Jo van Nunen (pp. 179-186). Dinalog.

    • Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2010). Approximate optimal order batch sizes in a parallel-aisle warehouse. In J. N. van Nunen, M. Grazia Speranza, & L. Bertazzi (Eds.), Innovations in Distribution Logistics (pp. 175-194)

    • Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2009). Approximate optimal order batch sizes in a parallel-aisle warehouse. In L. Bertazzi, M. G. Speranza, & J. A. E. E. van Nunen (Eds.), Innovations in Distribution Logistics (pp. 175-194). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R. (2008). Warehouse assessment in a single tour. In M. Lahmar (Ed.), Facility Logistics. Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Challenges (pp. 39-60). Auerbach.

    • de Koster, R., & Delfmann, W. (2008). Preface. In M. B. M. de Koster, & W. Delfmann (Eds.), Recent developments in supply chain management (pp. 7-8). HSP Print.

    • de Koster, M. B. M. (2007). Warehouse assessment in a single tour. In Facility Logistics: Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Challenges (pp. 39-59). Taylor and Francis AS.

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2007). Retailer's Sensitivity to Time-Window Policies. In De Koster, M.B.M, & Delfmann, W. (Eds.), Managing Supply Chains - Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 227-245). Copenhagen Business School Press.

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2006). Retailer's Distribution and Local Time Window Policies. In E. Taniguchi, & R. G. Thompson (Eds.), Recent advances in city logistics (pp. 463-477). Elsevier.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2006). Optimal storage rack design for a 3-dimensional compact AS/RS with full-turnover based storage. In R. Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, & J. Usher (Eds.), Progress in material handling research: 2006 (pp. 539-558). The Material Handling Institue.

    • de Koster, R., & Yu, M. (2006). Makespan minimization at Aalsmeer flower auction. In R. Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, & J. Usher (Eds.), Progress in material handling research: 2006 (pp. 83-102). The Material Handling Institute.

    • Tho, T., & de Koster, R. (2005). Layout optimization for class-based storage strategy warehouses. In R. de Koster, & W. Delfman (Eds.), Supply Chain Management - European Perspectives (pp. 199-222). Copenhage Business School Press.

    • de Koster, R., & Tho, T. (2005). Single-command travel time estimations and optimal rack design for a 3-dimensional compact AS/RS. In R. Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, & J. Usher (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2004 (pp. 49-66). Material Handling Institute.

    • de Koster, R., & Zuidema, J. (2005). Commercial returns in a mail order company: the Wehkamp case. In S. D. P. Flapper, J. A. E. E. van Nunen, & L. N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains (pp. 97-106). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., Flapper, SDP., Krikke, HR., & Vermeulen, WS. (2005). Recovering end-of-life large white goods: the Dutch initiative. In S. D. P. Flapper, J. A. E. E. van Nunen, & L. N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), Managing closed-loop supply chains (pp. 169-181). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., & Delfmann, W. (2005). Introduction. In M. B. M. de Koster, & W. Delfmann (Eds.), Supply chain management - European perspectives (pp. 1-9). Copenhagen Business School Press (CBSP).

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2005). The effects of urban areas; policies on distribution activities and the environment. In M. B. M. de Koster, & W. Delfmann (Eds.), Supply chain management - European perspectives (pp. 285-306). Copenhagen Business School Press (CBSP).

    • de Brito, MP., & de Koster, R. (2004). Product returns: handling and warehousing issues. In R. Dekker, M. Fleischmann, K. Inderfurth, & L. N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), Reverse logistics: Quantitative models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains (pp. 135-153). Springer-Verlag.

    • le Anh, T., & de Koster, R. (2004). Vehicle online dispatching rules in practice. In B. Fleischmann, & A. Klose (Eds.), Distribution logistics: Advance solutions to practical problems (pp. 159-183). Springer-Verlag.

    • Tho, T., & de Koster, R. (2004). Travel distance estimation in a single-block ABC storage strategy warehouses. In B. Fleischmann, & A. Klose (Eds.), Distribution Logistics: Advanced solutions to Practical Problems (pp. 185-202). Springer-Verlag.

    • Tho, T., & de Koster, R. (2003). An approximation for determining the optimal order batch size for order pickers in single-aisle warehouses. In M. K. O. B.A. Peters R. Meller, & J. Usher (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research 2002 (pp. 267-286). Material Handling Institute.

    • Kokkinaki, A.-I., Dekker, R., de Koster, R., Pappis, C., & Verbeke, W. (2002). E-business models for reverse logistics: contributions and challenges. In B. Werner (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, April 8-10 (pp. 470-476). IEEE Computer Society.

    • de Brito, MP., & de Koster, R. (2002). Return handling: the mapping of decisions. In J. Crespo de Carvalho (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting for Research in Logistics (pp. 102-111). IMRL 2002.

    • de Koster, R. (2002). The logistics behind the enter click. In A. Klose (Ed.), Quantitative approaches to distribution logistics and supply chain management (pp. 131-148). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Meer, JR. (2002). On-line versus off-line control with multi-load vehicles. In A. Klose (Ed.), Quantitative approaches to distribution logistics and supply chain management (pp. 331-355). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., & Zuidema, J. (2002). Dealing with large numbers of commercial returns at a mail order company. In M. Schenk (Ed.), Logistiekplanung und Management, Proceedings 8. Magdeburger Logistik-Tagung (pp. 188-199). Logisch GmbH.

    • de Koster, R. (2001). De logistiek achter de 'Enter'-toets. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R., & Roodbergen, KJ. (2000). Een magazijn ontwerpen op internet. In J. P. Duijker, & A. et (Eds.), Praktijkboek magazijnen/distributiecentra (pp. 3.3.F 01-13). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., & Savelsbergh, M. (2000). Estimation of the number of transport vehicles at a container terminal. In . R. Graves et al. (Ed.), Progress in material handling research:2000 (pp. 404-420). Material Handling Institute.

    • de Koster, R., & Roodbergen, KJ. (1999). Een magazijn ontwerpen op internet. In J. A. E. E. van Nunen, & L. Verspui (Eds.), Simlog Simulatie en Logistiek rond de haven (pp. 117-130). Uitgeverij Eburon.

    • de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Voorden, R. (1999). Reduction of walking time in the distribution center of De Bijenkorf. In M. G. Speranza, & P. Stähly (Eds.), New trends in distribution logistics (pp. 215-234). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., Schoonderwoerd, P., & Hek, H. (1999). De haalbaarheid van modulaire productie in de verfindustrie. In A. van Goor (Ed.), Handboek Logistiek (pp. B1940-1-B1940-21). Samson, Bedrijfsinfo.

    • van der Meer, JR., & de Koster, R. (1999). Using multiple load vehicles for internal transport with batch arrivals of loads. In M. Grazia Speranza, & P. Stahly (Eds.), Proceeding of: IWDL Conference, Berlin - Advances in distribution logistics (pp. 197-214). Springer-Verlag.

    • van der Meer, JR., & de Koster, R. (1999). On-line versus off-line vehicle control for internal transport systems. In P. H. L. Bovy (Ed.), Paper presented at the 5th Annual TRAIL Congress 1999 "Crossroads of Theory and Practice" (pp. 1-8). Delft University Press.

    • van der Meer, JR., & de Koster, R. (1999). Routing vehicles on-line with forecasted release times to appoach off-line performance. In P. H. L. Bovy (Ed.), Paper presented at the 5th Annual TRAIL Congress 1999 "Crossroads of Theory and Practice" (pp. 1-8). Delft University Press.

    • de Koster, R., & Vendel, MA. (1999). Retourbehandeling in Distributiecentra: een vergelijking van acht bedrijven. In S. O. P. Flapper (Ed.), Handboek Reverse Logistics (pp. B4010-1-B4010-52). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

    • van der Meer, JR., Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., - Meermans, PJM., & Dekkers, P. (1999). De Containerterminal in het Famas Newcon Concept. In V. - Nunen, & L. - Versprui (Eds.), Simlog, simulatie en logistiek rond de haven (pp. 89-104). Uitgeverij Eburon.

    • de Koster, R., van der Poort, E., & Roodbergen, KJ. (1998). When to apply optimal or heuristic routing of orderpickers. In B. Fleischmann, J. A. E. E. van Nunen, M. Grazia Speranza, & P. Stähly (Eds.), Advances in Distribution Logistics (pp. 375-401). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Meer, JR. (1998). Centralized versus decentralized control of internal transport, a case study. In B. Fleischmann, J. A. E. E. van Nunen, M. Grazia Speranza, & P. Stähly (Eds.), Advances in Distribution Logistics (pp. 403-420). Springer-Verlag.

    • de Koster, R., & Wijnen, R. (1998). How to obtain maximum capacity on high-capacity sorters (Published on CD-ROM). In R. J. Graves et al. (Ed.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 1998 (pp. 143-158). Material Handling Institute.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., & de Koster, R. (1998). Routing order pickers in a warehouse with multiple cross aisles. In R. J. Graves et al. (Ed.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 1998 (pp. 451-467). Material Handling Institute.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Meer, JR. (1998). A classification of control systems for internal transport. In S. Graves et al (Ed.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 1998 (pp. 633-650). Ann Arbor.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Meer, JR. (1998). A classification of control systems for internal transport, a case study. In J. Teghem et al. (Ed.), Conference proceedings EURO XVI conference (pp. 115-116). Belgian Operations research Society.

    • van der Meer, JR., & de Koster, R. (1998). Using mulitiple load vehicles for internal transport with batch arrivals of loads. In P. Bovy (Ed.), Transport, Infrastructure and Logisticts: Competition, Innovation and Creativity (pp. 17-17). The Netherlands Trail Research School.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., & de Koster, R. (1998). Routing orderpickers in a warehouse with multiple cross aisles in: Progress in material handling research. In R. J. Graves, & A. et (Eds.), Material Handling Institute (pp. ---)

    • de Koster, R. (1997). The design of a high capacity pick-and-pass orderpicking system. In R. J. Graves, & E. al (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research 1996 (pp. 253-270). Material Handling Institute.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Meer, JR. (1997). Co-ordination Mechanisms of Internal Transport. In . Bovy, P. (Ed.), Proceedings 3rd TRAIL congress 1997 (pp. pag?-pag?). uitgever?.

    • van der Meer, JR., & de Koster, R. (1997). Internal Transport in Warehouses. In . Kruse, A.L., & R. H. J. Rodenburg (Eds.), Proceedings Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen (pp. 383-398). uitgever?.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., de Koster, R., & van der Poort, E. (1997). A comparison of routing strategies for orderpicking in warehouses. In P. Bovy (Ed.), Conference Proceedings of the 3rd TRAIL Year Congress (pp. pag?-pag?). uitgever?.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., de Koster, R., & van der Poort, E. (1997). Increasing orderpicking efficiency in warehouses. In A. L. Kruse, & R. H. J. Rodenburg (Eds.), Proceedings of Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen (pp. 369-381). uitgever.

  • Professional (22)
    • de Koster, R. (2014). Magazijnwiskunde. In B. Mols, & I. Smeets (Eds.), Succesformules (pp. 23-25). Platform Wiskunde Nederland.

    • de Koster, R., Vos, S., Fleuren, H., & van den Boogaart, M. (2004). De gevolgen en haalbaarheid van factory gate pricing in Nederland. In M. BM. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen Distributiecentra (pp. 1.6.I.01-1.6.I.25). Ten Hagen & Stam.

    • de Koster, R., & van der Linde, M. (2004). Beslissingsondersteunende informatie voor magazijnen op internet. In F. B. E. van Blommestein, & P. A. T. Denneman (Eds.), Handboek Logistiek & Informatie Technologie (pp. 67-77). Ten Hagen & Stam.

    • van der Linde, RM., & de Koster, R. (2003). Beslissingsondersteunende informatie voor magazijnen op internet. In M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen & Distributiecentra (pp. 3.3.I.1-3.3.I.18). Ten Hagen & Stam.

    • Damhuis, FH., & de Koster, R. (2002). Bucket brigades. In M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen & Distributiecentra (pp. 4.2.G.1-4.2.G.20). Ten Hagen & Stam.

    • Shinohara, M., & de Koster, R. (2002). Vergelijking van Japanse en westerse logistiek. In M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen & Distributiecentra (pp. 1.10.G.1-1.10.G.18). Ten Hagen & Stam.

    • de Koster, R., & Zuidema, J. (2002). Omgaan met grote aantallen retouren bij Wehkamp. In M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen & Distributiecentra (pp. 1.7.G.1-1.7.G.10). Ten Hagen & Stam.

    • de Koster, R., Krikke, HR., Vermeulen, WS., & Flapper, SDP. (2000). Reverse logistics in de grootwitgoedsector. In J. P. Duijker, & A. et (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra (pp. 1.7F.01-1.7E.18). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R., Krikke, HR., Vermeulen, WS., & Flapper, SDP. (2000). Reverse logistics in de grootwitgoedsector. In S. D. P. Flapper, & A. et (Eds.), Handboek Reverse Logistics (pp. B2110-1-B2110-29). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R., & van de Broek-Serle, FN. (2000). Warehousemanagement systemen: Standaard of maatwerk. In J. P. Duijker, & A. et (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra (pp. 3.11D.01-3.11D.13). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R., & Vendel, MA. (2000). Retourstroombehandeling in distributiecentra; een vergelijking van acht bedrijven. In A. van Goor (Ed.), Checklisten Logistiek en Produktiemanagement (pp. 4.3B10-01-4.3B10-50). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • van der Meer, JR., Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., - Meermans, PJM., & Dekker, R. (1999). Containerterminal in het Famas Newcon Concept. In J. van Nunen, & L. Versprui (Eds.), SimLog, simulatie en logistiek rond de haven (pp. 89-104). Uitgeverij Eburon.

    • de Koster, R. (1999). Retourstroombehandeling in Distributiecentra: een vergelijking van acht bedrijven. In J. P. Duijker, & . - et al (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra (pp. 1.7E.01-1.7E.30). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

    • de Koster, R., & Broek, F. (1999). WMS in further detail. In F. van den Broek (Ed.), Standard software for warehouse management systems (pp. 173-185). Nevie & Nevem.

    • de Koster, R., & Broek, F. (1999). WMS nader geanalyseerd. In F. van den Broek (Ed.), Standaardsoftware for warehouse management systems (pp. 15-27). Nevie & Nevem.

    • de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Voorden, R. (1998). Looptijdverkorting in het distributiecentrum van De Bijenkorf. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra (pp. 4.3F.01-4.3F.18). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R. (1998). Lay-out ontwerp. In J. P. Duijker et al. (Ed.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra (pp. 3.3B.01-3.3B.18). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • Jacobs, FHWM., Dort, HE., & de Koster, R. (1997). Informatiesystemen binnen magazijnen. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra, Hoofdstuk 3.11A (pp. 3.11.A-01-3.11.A-35). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R. (1996). Case : ontwerp van een eenvoudig magazijn. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra (pp. 3.10A.01-3.10A.20). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R. (1995). Fasering en opzet van een magazijnproject. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra (pp. 3.1-01-3.1-14). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R. (1995). Intern transportmaterieel. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra (pp. 3.7-01-3.7-03). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    • de Koster, R. (1995). Rijdend intern transportmaterieel. In J. P. Duijker, M. B. M. de Koster, & M. J. Ploos van Amstel (Eds.), Praktijkboek Magazijnen / Distributiecentra (pp. 3.7A-01-3.7a-25). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.

  • Professional (1)
    • Tho, T., & de Koster, R. (2004). Cycle time estimation and optimal rack design for a 3-dimensional compact AS/RS.

  • Academic (34)
    • de Koster, R., Chen, Y., Zou, B., & Gong, Y. (2023). Sorting with Robots: where to drop off the parcel? In Progress in Material Handling, 16th Proceedings The Material Handling Institute.

    • Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2020). Optimal Stack Layout Configurations at Automated Container Terminals Using Queuing Network Models. In J. Boese (Ed.), Handbook of Terminal Planning (pp. 437-461). Springer-Verlag.

    • Azadeh, K., Roy, D., & de Koster, I. R. (2019). Dynamic cobot order picking strategies for a pick-support AGV system. In IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2019 Article 967818 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, IISE.

    • Nigam, SK., Roy, D., de Koster, R., & Adan, IJBF. (2014). Analysis of class-based storage strategies for the mobile shelf-based order pick system. In J. Smith, K. Ellis, M. B. M. De Koster, S. . Lavender, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research 2014 (Vol. 2014, pp. 1-9). CICMHE.

    • Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2013). Optimal design of container terminal layout. In A. Carrano, K. de Gue, M. B. M. de Koster, M. Ogle, B. Montreuil, & J. Smith (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012 (pp. 487-497). MHI.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2013). Open location management in automated warehousing systems. In A. Carrano, K. Gue, M. B. M. de Koster, K. Ogle, B. Montreuil, & J. Smith (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012 (pp. 638-662). MHI.

    • Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2013). Robust design of public storage warehouses. In A. Carrano, K. de Gue, M. B. M. de Koster, M. Ogle, B. Montreuil, & J. Smith (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012 (pp. 201-208). MHI.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Yu, Y., de Koster, R., & Laporte, G. (2013). A Yard Crane Scheduling Problem with Practical Constraints. In A. Carrano, K. Gue, M. B. M. de Koster, M. Ogle, B. Montreuil, & J. Smith (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012 (pp. 175-185). MHI.

    • de Koster, R. (2013). Magazijnautomatisering. In R. Jansen, & A. van Goor (Eds.), 40 jaar logistiek, 40 jaar VLM (pp. 41-44). VLM.

    • Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2013). Optimal design of container terminal layout. In B. Kuipers, & R. Zuidwijk (Eds.), Smart Port Perspectives. Essays in honour of Hans Smits (pp. 129-140). Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

    • de Koster, R. (2012). Warehouse assessment in a single tour. In R. Manzini (Ed.), Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain. Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems (pp. 457-473). Springer-Verlag.

    • Zaerpour, N., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2012). Toward Sustainability, High Density And Short Response Time By Live-Cube Storage Systems. In A. Carrano, K. Gue, M.B.M. de Koster, M. Ogle, B. Montreuil & J. Smith (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012 (pp. 693-699). Charlotte: MHI.

    • Gaast, J., de Koster, R., Adan, IJBF., & Resing, JAC. (2011). Application of closed queuing network in the performance of a pick-and-pass order picking system. In B. Tan (Ed.), VIIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations (pp. 35-44). Koc University.

    • Gharehgozli, A., Yu, Y., de Koster, R., & Udding, J. T. (2010). Managing the Number of Container Reshuffles Using a Shared Stacking Policy. In S. Heragu, J. Ashayeri, & O. Yurt (Eds.), Product Design, Branding and Logistics as a Leadership Strategy in a Global Market (pp. 199-204). University of Louisville.

    • Zaerpour, N., Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2010). Shared Storage Assignment in a Compact Storage System. In S. Heragu, J. Ashayeri, & O. Yurt (Eds.), Product Design, Branding and Logistics as a Leadership Strategy in a Global Market (pp. 226-232). University of Louisville.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2010). Class-based Storage with a Finite Number of Items. In K. Ellis, K. Gue, R. De Koster, R. Meller, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), 2010 International Material Handling Research Colloquium (pp. 510-524). Material Handling Institute.

    • de Koster, R., Balk, B., Davelaar, I., & Martens, M. (2010). Accidents will happen. Do safety systems improve warehouse safety performance? In K. Ellis, K. Gue, R. De Koster, R. Meller, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010 (pp. 49-60). Material Handling Institute.

    • Gong, Y., Winands, EMM., & de Koster, R. (2010). A real-time picking and sorting system in e-commerce distribution centers. In K. Ellis, K. Gue, M. B. M. De Koster, R. Meller, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010 (pp. 161-174). The Material Handling Institute.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2009). Does Class-Based Storage Really Reduce Travel Time? In INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2008). Sequencing heuristics for storing and retrieving unit-loads in 3D compact AS/RS. In K. Ellis, R. Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, & J. Usher (Eds.), 2008 International Material Handling Research Colloquium (pp. 721-744). The Material Handling Institute.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2008). Open location management in automated storage/retrieval system. In International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference (IFORS 2008)

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2008). Open location management in automated storage/retrieval system. In INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2008). Static scheduling approaches for vehicle-based internal transport systems. In 2008 International Conference on e-Risk Management (ICeRM 2008)

    • de Koster, R., Balk, B., & van Nus, WTI. (2008). The applicability of data envelopment analysis to the benchmarking of container terminals. In K. Ellis, R. Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, & J. Usher (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2008 (pp. 81-94). The Material Handling Institute.

    • Roodbergen, KJ., Larco Martinelli, JA., de Koster, R., & Dul, J. (2008). Optimizing order picking considering workers' comfort and picking speed. In K. Ellis, R. Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, & J. Usher (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2008 (pp. 467-478). The Material Handling Institute.

    • Larco Martinelli, JA., Roodbergen, KJ., de Koster, R., & Dul, J. (2008). Op timizing order picking considering workers' cpmfort and picking speed. In K. Ellis et al. (Ed.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2008 Material Handling Institute.

    • Larco Martinelli, JA., de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Dul, J. (2008). Enhancing storage assignment decisions: A detailed account of order picking operations to minimize average picking times and average discomfort. In Proceedings of the 15th International Annual Euroma Conference EUROMA.

    • Larco Martinelli, JA., de Koster, R., Roodbergen, KJ., & Dul, J. (2008). Enhanced slotting storage decisions: considering the human element. In Selected papers of the 10th TRAIL Congress and Knowledge Market. Trail in Perspective.

    • le Anh, T., de Koster, R., & Yu, Y. (2007). Performance evaulation of dynamic scheduling approaches in discrete internal transport systems. In S. Yang, G. Chen, A. Thomas, A. Artiba, & Z. Xu (Eds.), Proceedings of international Conference on Industrial engineering and Systems Management (pp. 141-142). Tsinghua University Press.

    • Gong, Y., & de Koster, R. (2007). A perturbation analysis and sample path optimization algorithm for warehouse order batch size problem. In S. Yang, G. Chen, A. thomas, A. Artiba, & Z. Xu (Eds.), Proceedings of international conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (pp. 184-184). Tsinghua University Press.

    • Yu, M., & de Koster, R. (2007). A fast and flexible toll to design order picking systems. In S. Yang, G. Chen, A. Thomas, A. Artiba, & Z. Xu (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (pp. 267-267). Tsinghua University Press.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2007). Design optimal rack for a 3-dimensional compact AS/RS with full turnover-based storage. In S. Yang, G. Chen, A. Thomas, A. Artiba, & Z. Xu (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems management (pp. 312-313). Tsinghua University Press.

    • Hendriks, HM., Dul, J., & de Koster, R. (2006). The influence of order picking systems on physical effort and performance. In R. N. Pikaar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, & P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings IEA2006 Congress

    • Quak, HJ., & de Koster, R. (2004). The Impacts of Time Windows and Vehicle Weight Restrictions on Food Retailers and the Environment. In P. H. L. Bovy (Ed.), 8th TRAIL Congress: A World of Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics Delft University Press (CD-Rom).

  • Popular (1)
    • Gontar, B., Wierzbicki, M., Banaszek, Z., Bobkowska, A., Bruzda, J., Celebi, D., De Koster, R., Duran-Grados, V., Gontar, Z., Han, C., Jin, T., Lent, B., Liao, D. Y., Løkketangen, A., Minner, S., Papageorgiou, M., Roe, M., Sitek, P., Spassov, V., ... Zielinski, J. (2013). 2nd workshop on information technologies for logistics. In 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS) (pp. 1201-1201). IEEE Xplore.

  • Academic (2)
    • De Vries, J., De Koster, R., & Stam, D. (2014). Aligning order picking methods with incentive systems and pickers for performance. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2014, Breda, Netherlands.

    • Yu, Y., & de Koster, R. (2007). Simulation study of sequencing heuristics for storing and retrieving unit-loads in 3D compact AS/RS. Paper presented at 6th workshop in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Brussels.

  • Academic (9)
    • Le-Duc, T., & de Koster, R. (2002). An approximation for determining the optimal order batch size in single-aisle warehouses. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. Progress in Material Handling Research

    • Tho, T., & de Koster, R. (2002). Travel distance estimation and storage zone optimisation in a single-block ABC storage strategy warehouse. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

    • Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., & Savelsbergh, M. (2001). Minimum Vehicle Fleet Size at a Container Terminal. (ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283) 24-LI ed.) Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283) Vol. 24-LIS

    • Meersmans, PJM., Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., & Dekker, R. (1999). FAMAS-NewCon: Een model voor korte-termijn stacking. (Econometric Institute 9942/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9942/A

    • Roodbergen, KJ., & de Koster, R. (1999). Routing order pickers in a warehouse with middle aisle. (ERASM Management Report Series 29-1999 ed.) ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 29-1999

    • Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., & Roodbergen, KJ. (1999). Determination of the number of AGVs in a semi-automated container terminal. (ERASM Management Report Series 32-1999 ed.) ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 32-1999

    • Roodbergen, KJ., & de Koster, R. (1999). Routing methods for warehouse with multiple cross aisles. (ERASM Management Report Series 43-1999 ed.) ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 43-1999

    • Meersmans, PJM., Vis, IFA., de Koster, R., & Dekker, R. (1999). FAMAS-NewCon: Een model voor korte-termijn staking, Modelbeschrijving. (Report Econommetric Institute EI-9942/A ed.) Report Econometric Institute Vol. EI-9942/A

    • de Koster, R., van der Poort, E., & Roodbergen, KJ. (1997). When to apply optimal or heuristic routing of orderpickers. (Management Report Series 14(13) ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 14(13)

  • Professional (1)
    • de Koster, R., & van der Poort, E. (1996). Routing orderpickers in a warehouse. (Research Report 96A15 ed.) Research Institute SOM. Research Report Vol. 96A15

  • Academic (3)
    • Yue, T., Sherwood, D., & Koster, R., (2020). Managing Lean Success: A Warehouse Balancing Act (A)

    • Koster, R., & van der Linden, MA., (2003). Een beslissingsondersteunend systeem voor magazijnontwerp op internet

    • Koster, R., (2003). Inleiding bij de cases

  • Academic (1)
    • Ghorashi Khalilabadi, M., Roy, D., & de Koster, R. (2022). A Data-driven Approach to Enhance Worker Productivity by Optimizing Facility Layout. ERIM Report Series Research in Management. ERIM Report Series in Management No. ERS-2022-003-LIS

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  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Chien-Ming Chen
  • Time frame: 2005 - 2009
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  • PhD Candidate: Jose Larco Martinelli
  • Time frame: 2007 - 2010
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  • PhD Candidate: Yeming Gong
  • Time frame: 2006 - 2009
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  • PhD Candidate: Jordan Srour
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  • PhD Candidate: Elfriede Krauth
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  • PhD Candidate: Hans Moonen
  • Time frame: 2003 - 2009
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  • PhD Candidate: Hans Quak
  • Time frame: 2003 - 2008
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  • PhD Candidate: Tuan Le Anh
  • Time frame: 2001 - 2005
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  • PhD Candidate: Tho Le Duc
  • Time frame: 2001 - 2005
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  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Marisa de Brito
  • Time frame: 1999 - 2004
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  • PhD Candidate: Nima Zaerpour
  • Time frame: 2008 - 2013
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  • PhD Candidate: Robert van der Meer
  • Time frame: 1996 - 2000
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Kees Jan Roodbergen
  • Time frame: 1996 - 2001
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  • PhD Candidate: Iris Vis
  • Time frame: 1997 - 2002
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Meditya Wasesa
  • Time frame: 2008 - 2017
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  • PhD Candidate: Amir Hossein Gharehgozli
  • Time frame: 2008 - 2012
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  • PhD Candidate: Stefanie Brix
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  • PhD Candidate: Jelmer van der Gaast
  • Time frame: 2011 - 2016
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  • PhD Candidate: Panagiotis Ypsilantis
  • Time frame: 2011 - 2016
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Clint Pennings
  • Time frame: 2011 - 2016
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Konstantina Valogianni
  • Time frame: 2011 - 2016
  • Role: Promotor, Daily Supervisor
  • PhD Candidate: Tim Lamballais Tessensohn
  • Time frame: 2012 - 2019
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Jelle de Vries
  • Time frame: 2012 - 2016
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Xishu Li
  • Time frame: 2013 - 2019
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Kaveh Azadeh
  • Time frame: 2014 - 2021
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Arpan Rijal
  • Time frame: 2015 - 2020
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Joydeep Paul
  • Time frame: 2015 - 2022
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Alexandros-Myron Pasparakis
  • Time frame: 2016 - 2023
  • Role: Promotor
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Hamed Vafa Arani
  • Time frame: 2017 - 2023
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Negin Jamili
  • Time frame: 2018 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Liana van der Hagen
  • Time frame: 2019 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Seyyed Mahdi Ghorashi Khalilabadi
  • Time frame: 2020 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Mahsa Alirezaei
  • Time frame: 2020 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Gustavo Martin Hurovich
  • Time frame: 2022 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Dursen Deniz Poyraz
  • Time frame: 2022 -
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Mohamed Amine Jemni
  • Time frame: 2024 -
Research Seminar
As: Contact, Coordinator
As: Contact, Coordinator
As: Contact, Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Speaker, Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator
As: Coordinator, Speaker
ERIM Research Clinic
As: Speaker
ERIM Research Clinic
As: Speaker
Research Workshop
As: Speaker
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator


Visiting address

Office: Mandeville Building T09-30
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

Postbus 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam