Prof. dr. R. (Richard) Paap

Erasmus School of Economics (ESE)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Member ERIM
Field: Marketing
Affiliated since 1999

Richard Paap is a professor of Econometrics at Econometric Institute, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). He obtained his PhD from the same school in 1997. His research concerns the application of econometric models in marketing and macroeconomics using Bayesian and frequentist approaches. He has publications in several major econometric, economic and marketing journals and he is coauthor of the book Quantitative Models in Marketing Research. He is currently Academic Director of the Master Econometrics.


  • Academic (62)
    • Nibbering, D., & Paap, R. (Accepted/In press). Forecasting carbon emissions using asymmetric grouping. Journal of Forecasting, 43(6), 2228-2256.

    • Cakmakli, C., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2022). Modeling and estimation of synchronization in size-sorted portfolio returns. Central Bank Review, 22(4), 129-140.

    • Wang, W., Zhang, X., & Paap, R. (2019). To pool or not to pool: What i?s a good strategy for parameter estimation and forecasting in panel regressions? Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(5), 724-745.

    • Bel, K., Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2018). Parameter Estimation in Multivariate Logit Models with Many Binary Choices. Econometric Reviews, 37(5), 534-550.

    • Nibbering, D., Paap, R., & van der Wel, M. (2018). What do professional forecasters actually predict? International Journal of Forecasting, 34(2), 288-311.

    • Franses, P. H., Legerstee, R., & Paap, R. (2017). Estimating loss functions of experts. Applied Economics, 49(4), 386-396.

    • Bel, K., & Paap, R. (2016). Modeling the Impact of Forecast-based Regime Switches on US Inflation. International Journal of Forecasting, 32(4), 1306-1316.

    • Silva Lourenco, CJ., Gijsbrechts, E., & Paap, R. (2015). The Impact of Category Prices on Store Price Image Formation: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), 200-216.

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2014). Incorporating Responsiveness to Marketing Effort in Brand Choice Modeling. Econometrics, 2(1), 20-44.

    • Groen, JJJ., Paap, R., & Ravazzolo, F. (2013). Real-time Inflation Forecasting in a Changing World. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 31(1), 29-44.

    • Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2013). Common Large Innovations Across Nonlinear Time Series. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 17(3), 251-263.

    • Cakmakli, C., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2013). Measuring and predicting heterogeneous recessions. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37, 2195-2216.

    • van den Hauwe, S., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2013). Bayesian forecasting of federal funds target rate decisions. Journal of Macroeconomics, 37, 19-40.

    • Basturk, N., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2012). Structural differences in economic growth: An endogenous clustering approach. Applied Economics, 44(1), 119-134.

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2012). Modeling Dynamic Effects of Promotion on Interpurchase Times. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(11), 3055-3069.

    • Paap, R., & Horvath, C. (2012). The effect of recessions on gambling expenditures. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28(4), 703-717.

    • Fidrmuc, J., Paap, R., Roosenboom, P., & Teunissen, T. (2012). One size does not fit all: Selling firms to private equity versus strategic acquirers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 18(4), 828-848.

    • Geweke, J., Koop, G., & Paap, R. (2012). Editorial Introduction for the Annals Issue of the Journal of Econometrics on Bayesian Models, Methods and Applications. Journal of Econometrics, 171(2), 99-100.

    • van Dijk, A., Franses, P. H., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2011). Modeling Regional House Prices. Applied Economics, 43(17), 2097-2110.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2011). Random-coefficient Periodic Autoregressions. Statistica Neerlandica, 65(1), 101-115.

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & van Dijk, A. (2010). A Rank-Ordered Logit Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Ranking Capabilities. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27(5), 831-846.

    • van Nierop, E., Bronnenberg, B., Paap, R., Franses, P. H., & Wedel, M. (2010). Retrieving Unobserved Consideration Sets from Household Panel Data. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(1), 63-74.

    • Horvath, C., Guenther, A., & Paap, R. (2010). Seasonal patterns in slot-machine gambling in Germany. International Gambling Studies, 10(3), 255-268.

    • Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2009). Modeling category-level purchase timing with brand-level marketing variables. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24(3), 469-489.

    • Chintagunta, P., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2009). Introduction to the Special Issue on New Econometric Models in Marketing. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24(3), 375-376.

    • de Boer, P., & Paap, R. (2009). Testing non-nested demand relations: linear expenditure system versus indirect addilog. Statistica Neerlandica, 63(3), 368-384.

    • Paap, R., Segers, R., & van Dijk, D. (2009). Do leading indicators lead peaks more than troughs? Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27(4), 528-543.

    • Brouwer, J., Paap, R., & Viaene, J. M. (2008). The trade and FDI effects of EMU enlargement. Journal of International Money and Finance, 27(2), 188-208.

    • Franses, P. H., van der Leij, MJ., & Paap, R. (2008). A Simple Test for GARCH Against a Stochastic Volatility Model. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 6(3), 291-306.

    • van Dijk, B., & Paap, R. (2008). Explaining individual response using aggregated data. Journal of Econometrics, 146(1), 1-9.

    • Geweke, J., Groenen, P., Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (2007). Computational techniques for applied econometric analysis of macroeconomic and financial processes. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51(7), 3506-3507.

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2007). Seasonality and non-linear price effects in scanner-data based market-response models. Journal of Econometrics, 138(1), 231-251.

    • Fok, D., Horvath, C., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2006). A hierarchical Bayes error correction model to explain dynamic effects of price changes. Journal of Marketing Research, 43(3), 443-461.

    • Donkers, B., Paap, R., Jonker, JJ., & Franses, P. H. (2006). Deriving Target Selection Rules from Endogenously Selected Samples. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21(5), 549-562.

    • Bijwaard, G., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2006). Modeling purchases as repeated events. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 24(4), 487-502.

    • Kleibergen, FR., & Paap, R. (2006). Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition. Journal of Econometrics, 133(1), 97-126.

    • Paap, R., Franses, P. H., & van Dijk, D. (2005). Does Africa grow slower than Asia, Latin America and the Middle East? Evidence from a new data-based classification method. Journal of Development Economics, 77(2), 553-570.

    • Paap, R., van Nierop, E., van Heerde, HJ., Wedel, M., Franses, P. H., & Alsem, KJ. (2005). Consideration sets, intentions and the inclusion of "don't know" in a two-stage model for voter choice. International Journal of Forecasting, 21(1), 53-71.

    • Franses, P. H., Paap, R., & Vroomen, BLK. (2004). Forecasting unemployment using an autoregression with censored latent effects parameters. International Journal of Forecasting, 20(2), 255-271.

    • Kippers, J., Nierop, E., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2003). An empirical study of cash payments. Statistica Neerlandica, 57(4), 484-508.

    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (2003). Bayes estimates of Markov trends in possibly cointegrated series: an application to U.S. consumption and income. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 21(4), 547-563.

    • Paap, R. (2002). What are the advantages of MCMC based inference in latent variable models? Statistica Neerlandica, 56(1), 2-22.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2002). Censored latent effects autoregression, with an application to us unemployment. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 17, 347-366.

    • van Dijk, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2002). A nonlinear long memory model, with an application to US unemployment. Journal of Econometrics, 110(2), 135-165.

    • Kleibergen, FR., & Paap, R. (2002). Priors, posteriors and bayes factors for a Bayesian analysis of cointegration. Journal of Econometrics, 111(2), 223-249.

    • Franses, P. H., van der Leij, MJ., & Paap, R. (2002). Modelling and forecasting level shifts in absolute returns. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 17(5), 606-616.

    • Kippers, J., Franses, P. H., van Nierop, E., & Paap, R. (2002). Hoe betalen we eigenlijk? Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 87, 847-850.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2000). Modelling day-of-the- week seasonality in the S&P 500 index. Applied Financial Economics, 10, 483-488.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2000). Modeling day-of-the=week seasonality in the S&P 500 index. Applied Financial Economics, 10, 483-488.

    • Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2000). A dynamic multinomial probit model for brand choice with different long-run and short-run effects of marketing-mix variables. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 15(6), 717-744.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1999). Does seasonality influence the dating of business cycle turning points? Journal of Macroeconomics, 21, 79-92.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1999). On trends and constants in periodic autoregressions. Econometric Reviews, 18, 271-286.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1999). Does seasonal adjustment influence the dating if business cycle turning points? Journal of Macroeconomics, 21, 79-92.

    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (1999). Posterior evidence on the Permanent Income Hypothesis. Bullettin EU & US Inflation and Macroeconomic Analysis, 58, 48-52.

    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (1998). Distribution and mobility of wealth of nations. European Economic Review, 42, 1269-1293.

    • Franses, P. H., Hoek, H., & Paap, R. (1997). Bayesian analysis of seasonal unit roots and seasonal mean shifts. Journal of Econometrics, 78, 359-380.

    • Franses, P. H., Hoek, H., & Paap, R. (1997). Mean shifts, unit roots and forecasting seasonal time series. International Journal of Forecasting, 13, 355-366.

    • Paap, R., Franses, P. H., & Hoek, H. (1997). Mean shifts, unit roots and forecasting seasonal time series. International Journal of Forecasting, 13, 355-378.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1996). Periodic integration: further results on model selection and forecasting. Statistische Hefte, 37, 33-52.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1995). Seasonality and stochastic trends in German consumption and income. Empirical Economics (Heidelberg), 20, 109-132.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1995). Moving average filters and periodic integration. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 39, 245-249.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1994). Model selection in periodic autoregressions. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 56, 421-439.

  • Academic (2)
    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2004). Periodic time series models. Oxford University Press. Advanced texts in econometrics

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2001). Quantitative models in marketing research. Cambridge University Press.

  • Academic (1)
    • Paap, R. (2007). Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics by John Geweke. International Journal of Forecasting, 23, 531-531.

  • Academic (6)
    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (2008). Distribution and Mobility of Wealth of Nations. In D. Chotikapanich (Ed.), Modeling Income Distributions and Lorenz Curves (pp. 71-94). Springer-Verlag.

    • Ravazzolo, F., Paap, R., van Dijk, D., & Franses, P. H. (2008). Bayesian model averaging in the presence of structural breaks. In M. Wohar, & D. E. Rapach (Eds.), Forecasting in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Model Uncertainty (pp. 561-594). Emerald Group Publishing.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2007). Forecasting with periodic autoregressive time-series models. In A Companion to Economic Forecasting (pp. 432-452). Wiley-Interscience.

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2006). Performance of seasonal adjustment procedures: simulation and empirical results. In T. C. Mills, & K. Patterson (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 1, Econometric Theory (pp. 1035-1055). Palgrave Macmillan.

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2002). Econometric analysis of the market share attraction model. In P. H. B. F. Franses, & A. L. Montgomery (Eds.), Advances in econometrics: Econometric models in marketing, chapter 10 (pp. 223-256). JAI Press.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2002). Forecasting with periodic autoregressive time-series models. In M. P. Clements, & D. F. Hendry (Eds.), A companion to economic forecasting (pp. 432-452). Blackwell Publishing.

  • Internal (1)
    • Paap, R. (1997). Markov trends in macroeconomic time series. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Popular (1)
    • Paap, R. (2011). Laten we het elkaar nog moeilijker maken. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Academic (93)
    • Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2019). New Misspecification Tests for Multinomial Logit Models. (Econometric Institute Research Papers EI2019-24 ed.) Econometric Institute.

    • Nibbering, D., & Paap, R. (2019). Panel Forecasting with Asymmetric Grouping. (EI report serie EI2019-30 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2019-30

    • Wang, W., Zhang, X., & Paap, R. (2019). To pool or not to pool: What is a good strategy for parameter estimation and forecasting in panel regressions. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1681 ed.) Econometric Institute. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1681

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2014). Incorporating Responsiveness to Marketing Efforts in Brand Choice Modeling. (EI reprint serie EI=1615 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI=1615

    • Bel, K., & Paap, R. (2014). A Multivariate Model for Multinomial Choices. (EI report series EI 2014-26 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report series Vol. EI 2014-26

    • Bel, K., Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2014). Parameter Estimation in Multivariate Logit Models with Many Binary Choices. (EI report serie EI 2014-25 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2014-25

    • Groen, J., Paap, R., & Ravazzolo, F. (2013). Real-Time Inflation Forecasting in a Changing World. (EI reprint reeks EI-1593 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1593

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2013). Common Large Innovations Across nonlinear Time Series. (EI reprint serie EI1597 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI1597

    • Bel, K., & Paap, R. (2013). Modeling the Impact of Forecast-Based Regime Switches on Macroeconomic Time Series. (EI report serie EI 2013-25 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2013-25

    • van den Hauwe, S., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2013). Bayesian forecasting of federal funds target rate decisions. (EI reprint serie EI-1602 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1602

    • Cakmakli, C., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2013). Measuring and predicting heterogeneous recessions. (EI reprint serie EI-1603 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1603

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2012). Modeling dynamic effects of promotion on interpurchase times. (EI reprint serie EI-1587 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1587

    • Fidrmuc, J., Roosenboom, P., Paap, R., & Teunissen, T. (2012). One size does not fit all: Selling firms to private equity versus strategic acquirers. (EI reprint serie EI-1591 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1591

    • Horvath, C., & Paap, R. (2012). The effect of recessions on gambling expenditures. (EI reprint serie EI-1590 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1590

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & van Dijk, A. (2012). A rank-ordered logit model with unobserved heterogeneity in ranking capabilities. (EI-reprint serie EI-1589 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI-reprint serie Vol. EI-1589

    • van Dijk, A., Franses, P. H., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2011). Modelling Regional House Prices. (EI reprint reeks EI-1568 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1568

    • Legerstee, R., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2011). Do Experts Incorporate Statistical Model Forecast and Should They? (EI report serie EI 2011-32 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2011-32

    • Basturk, N., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2011). Structural Differences in Economic Growth: An Endogenous Clustering Approach. (EI Reprint reeks EI-1572 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI Reprint reeks Vol. EI-1572

    • Franses, P. H., Legerstee, R., & Paap, R. (2011). Estimating Loss Functions of Experts. (EI report serie EI2011-42 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2011-42

    • Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2009). Modeling category-level purchase timing with brand-level marketing variables. (EI reprint serie EI-1498 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1498

    • de Boer, P., & Paap, R. (2009). Testing Non-nested Demand Relations: Linear Expenditure Systems versus Indirect Addilog. (EI report reeks EI 2009-07 ed.) Econometrics. EI report reeks Vol. EI 2009-07

    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (2009). Distribution and Mobility of Wealth of Nations. (EI reprint serie EI-1503 ed.) Econometrics. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1503

    • Groen, JJJ., & Paap, R. (2009). Real-time inflation forecasting in a changing world. (EI report reeks EI 2009-19 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI report reeks Vol. EI 2009-19

    • Paap, R., Segers, R., & van Dijk, D. (2009). Do leading indicators lead peaks more than troughs? (27 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS.

    • Franses, P. H., van der Leij, MJ., & Paap, R. (2008). A simple test for GARCH against a stochastic volatility model. (EI-reprint reeks EI-1483 ed.) Econometrics. EI-reprint reeks Vol. EI-1483

    • Brouwer, JC., Paap, R., & Viaene, J. M. (2008). The trade and FDI effects of EMU enlargement. (EI-reprint reeks EI-1482 ed.) Econometrics. EI-reprint reeks Vol. EI-1482

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2008). Incorporating responsiveness to marketing efforts in brand choice modeling. (EI Report serie EI 2008-15 ed.) Econometrics. EI Report serie Vol. EI 2008-15

    • van Dijk, A., & Paap, R. (2008). Explaining individual response using aggregated data. (EI reprint reeks EI-1485 ed.) Econometrics. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1485

    • Basturk, N., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2008). Structural differences in economic growth. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 08-085/4 ed.) Tinbergen Institute. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers Vol. 08-085/4

    • Geweke, J., Groenen, P., Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (2007). Computational techniques for applied econometric analysis of macroeconomic and financial processes. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1437 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1437

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2007). Seasonality and non-linear price effects in scanner-data-based market response models. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1439 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1439

    • Paap, R., Segers, R., & van Dijk, D. (2007). Do leading indicators lead peaks more than troughs? (Econometric Institute Report 2007-08 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. 2007-08

    • Viaene, J. M., Brouwer, JR., & Paap, R. (2007). The trade and FDI effects of EMU enlargement. (CESifo Working paper 2123 ed.) CESinfo. CESifo Working paper Vol. 2123

    • van Dijk, A., Franses, P. H., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2007). Modeling regional house prices. (EI report serie EI 2007-55 ed.) Econometrics. EI report serie Vol. EI 2007-55

    • Grilo, I., Paap, R., van der Zwan, P., & Thurik, R. (2007). Modeling latent and actual entrepreneurship. (Research Reports H200719 ed.) EIM. Research Reports Vol. H200719

    • Ravazzolo, F., Paap, R., van Dijk, D., & Franses, P. H. (2006). Bayesian model averaging in the presence of structural breaks. (Econometric Institute Report EI 2006-33 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI 2006-33

    • Bijwaard, G., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2006). Modeling purchases as repeated events. (Econometric Reprint Serie EI-1418 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Reprint Serie Vol. EI-1418

    • Donkers, B., Paap, R., Jonker, JJ., & Franses, P. H. (2006). Deriving target selection rules from endogenously selected samples. (Econometric Institute Reprint serie EI-1421 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint serie Vol. EI-1421

    • Kleibergen, FR., & Paap, R. (2006). Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1410 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1410

    • Fok, D., Horvath, C., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2006). A hierarchical Bayes error correction model to explain dynamic effects of price changes. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1414 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1414

    • van Dijk, A., & Paap, R. (2006). Explaining individual response using aggregated data. (Econometric Institute Report EI 2006-05 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI 2006-05

    • van Dijk, A., Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2006). A rank-ordered logit model with unobserved heterogeneity in ranking capabilities. (Econometric Institute Report EI 2007-07 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI 2007-07

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2006). Performance of seasonal adjustment procedures: simulation and empirical results. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI 1408 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI 1408

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2005). Performance of seasonal adjustment procedures: simulation and empirical results. (Econometric Institute Report Serie EI 2005-30 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Serie Vol. EI 2005-30

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2005). Seasonality and non-linear price effects in scanner-data based market-response modelss. (Econometric Institute Report Serie EI 2005-45 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Serie Vol. EI 2005-45

    • van Nierop, E., Paap, R., Bronnenberg, B., Franses, P. H., & Wedel, M. (2005). Retrieving unobserved consideration sets from household panel data. (Econometric Institute Report Serie EI 2005-49 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Serie Vol. EI 2005-49

    • Franses, P. H., van der Leij, MJ., & Paap, R. (2005). A simple test for GARCH against a stochastic volatility model. (Econometric Institute Report Serie EI 2005-41 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Serie Vol. EI 2005-41

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2005). Random-coefficient periodic autoregression. (Econometric Institute Report Serie EI 2005-34 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Serie Vol. EI 2005-34

    • Fok, D., Horvath, C., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2005). A hierarchical Bayes error correction model to explain dynamic effects of price changes. (ERIM report series Research in Management 2005-047 ed.) Econometrics. ERIM report series Research in Management Vol. 2005-047

    • Paap, R., Franses, P. H., & van Dijk, D. (2005). Does Africa grow slower than Asia, Latin America and the Middle East? Evidence from a new data-based classification method. (Econometric Institute Reprint Serie 2005-1356 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Serie Vol. 2005-1356

    • Paap, R., van Nierop, E., van Heerde, HJ., & Alsem, KJ. (2005). Consideration sets, intentions and the inclusion of "don't know" in a two-stage model for voter choice. (Econometric Institute Reprint serie EI-1343 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint serie Vol. EI-1343

    • Fok, D., Horvath, C., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2004). A hierarchical bayes error correction model to explain dynamic effects of promotions on sales. (Econometric Institute EI 2004-27 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2004-27

    • van Oest, RD., & Paap, R. (2004). Analyzing the effects of past prices on reference price formation. (Econometric Institute EI 2004-36 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2004-36

    • Kleibergen, FR., & Paap, R. (2003). Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition. (Econometric Institute EI 2003-01 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2003-01

    • Paap, R., Franses, P. H., & van Dijk, D. (2003). Does Africa grow slower than Asia and Latin America? (Econometric Institute EI 2003-07 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2003-07

    • Bijwaard, G., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2003). Modeling purchases as repeated events. (Econometric Institute EI 2003-45 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2003-45

    • Fok, D., & Paap, R. (2003). Modeling category-level purchase timing with brand-level marketing variables. (Econometric Institute EI 2003-15 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2003-15

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2003). Modeling dynamic effects of the marketing mix on market shares. (ERIM Report Series Research in Management 044-MKT ed.) ERIM Report Series Research in Management Vol. 044-MKT

    • Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2002). Common large innovations across nonlinear time series. (Econometric Institute EI 2002-09 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2002-09

    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (2002). Bayes estimates of Markov trends in possibly cointegrated series: an application to US consumption and income. (Econometric Institute EI 2002-42 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2002-42

    • Kippers, J., van Nierop, E., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2002). An empirical study of cash payments. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 2002-075/4 ed.) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Vol. 2002-075/4

    • van Oest, RD., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2002). A dynamic utility maximization model for product category consumption. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 2002-097/4 ed.) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Vol. 2002-097/4

    • van Oest, RD., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2002). A joint framework for category purchase and consumption behavior. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 2002-124/4 ed.) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Vol. 2002-124/4

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2002). Estimating dynamic effects of promotion on interpurchase times. (Econometric Institute EI-2002-37 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI-2002-37

    • Fok, D., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2002). Modeling dynamic effects of promotion on interpurchase times. (Econometric Institute EI 2002-37 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2002-37

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2001). Incorporating responsiveness to marketing efforts when modeling brand choice. (ERIM Report Series 2001 47-MKT ed.) ERIM Report Series 2001 Vol. 47-MKT

    • Franses, P. H., van der Leij, MJ., & Paap, R. (2001). Modeling and forecasting outliers and level shifts in absolute returns. (Econometric Institute EI 2001-34 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2001-34

    • Donkers, B., Jonker, JJ., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2001). Deriving target selection rules from endogenously selected samples. (ERIM Report Series (ERS-2001) 68-MKT ed.) ERIM Report Series (ERS-2001) Vol. 68-MKT

    • Fok, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2001). Econometric analysis of the market share attraction model. (ERIM Report Series 2001 25-MKT ed.) ERIM Report Series 2001 Vol. 25-MKT

    • Franses, P. H., Paap, R., & Sijthoff, P. (2001). Modeling potentially time-varying effects of promotions on sales. (ERIM Report Series 2001 05-MKT ed.) ERIM Report Series 2001 Vol. 05-MKT

    • van Dijk, D., Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2000). A nonlinear long memory model for US unemployment. (Econometric Institute 2000-30/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 2000-30/A

    • Jonker, JJ., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2000). Modeling charity donations: target selection, response time and gift size. (Econometric Institute 2000-07/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 2000-07/A

    • Kleibergen, F., Kleijn, R., & Paap, R. (2000). The Bayesian score statistic. (Econometric Institute Report 2000-16/A ed.) Econometric Institute Report Vol. 2000-16/A

    • Nierop, E., Paap, R., Bronnenberg, B., Franses, P. H., & Wedel, M. (2000). Modeling unobserved consideration sets for household panel data. (ERIM Report Series 42-MKT ed.) ERIM Report Series Vol. 42-MKT

    • Paap, R., van Nierop, E., van Heerde, HJ., Wedel, M., & Franses, P. H. (2000). Consideration sets, intentions and the inclusion of "Don't know" in a two-stage model for voter choice. (Econometric Institute EI 2000-33 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2000-33

    • Jonker, JJ., Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (2000). Modeling charity donations. Target selection, response time and gift size. (Econometric Institute 2000-07/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 2000-07/A

    • Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (1999). Do the US and Canada have a common nonlinear cycle in unemployment? (Econometric Institute 9907/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9907/A

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1999). Forecasting with periodic autoregressive time series models. (Econometric Institute 9927/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9927/A

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1999). Estimating dynamic effects of promotion on interpurchase times. (RIBES 99-52 ed.) RIBES Vol. 99-52

    • Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (1999). Estimating dynamic effects of promotions on brand choice. (Ribes 99-30 ed.) Ribes Vol. 99-30

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1999). Testing market share attraction models. (Ribes 99-18 ed.) Ribes Vol. 99-18

    • Paap, R., & van Dijk, H. (1999). Bayes estimates of Markov trends in possibly cointegrated series: An application to US consumption and income. (Econometric Institute Report 9911/A ed.) Econometric Institute Report Vol. 9911/A

    • Kleibergen, FR., & Paap, R. (1998). Priors, posteriors and Bayes factors for a Bayesian analysis of cointegration. (Econometric Institute 9821 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9821

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1998). Censored latent effects autoregression, with an application to US unemployment. (Econometric Institute 9841/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9841/A

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1998). Modelling asymmetric persistence over the business cycle. (Econometric Institute 9852 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9852

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1998). Mondeling asymmetric persistence over the business cycle. (Econometric Institute Report 9852/A ed.) Econometric Institute Report Vol. 9852/A

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1998). Censored latent effects autoregression with an application to US unemployment. (Econometric Institute Report 9841/A ed.) Econometric Institute Report Vol. 9841/A

    • Paap, R., & Franses, P. H. (1997). On trends and constants in periodic autoregressions. (Econometric Institute 9749/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9749/A

    • Paap, R., Franses, P. H., & Hoek, H. (1996). Mean shifts, unit roots and forecasting seasonal time series. (Econometric Institute 9609/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9609/A

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1996). Does seasonal adjustment change inference from Markov switching models? (Econometric Institute 9615/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9615/A

    • Kleibergen, FR., & Paap, R. (1996). Priors, posterior odds and Lagrange multiplier statistics in Bayesian analyses of cointegration. (Econometric Institute 9668/A ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. 9668/A

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (1995). Modeling changing day-of-the-week seasonality in stock returns and volatility. (Discussion Paper TI 9556/A ed.) Discussion Paper Vol. TI 9556/A

    • Franses, P. H., Hoek, H., & Paap, R. (1995). Bayesian analysis of seasonal unit roots and seasonal mean shifts. (Discussion Paper TI 9527/A ed.) Discussion Paper Vol. TI 9527/A

  • Academic (9)
    • Viaene, J. M., Mikolajun, I., Paap, R., & Zelenko, O. (2016). Trade Policy Options for Ukraine: East or West. Tinbergen Institute.

    • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2011). Random-Coefficient Periodic Autoregressions. Econometric Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1560

    • van den Hauwe, S., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2011). Bayesian forecasting of federal funds target rate decisions. Tinbergen Institute.

    • van den Hauwe, S., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2011). A novel approach to modelling structural breaks. Tinbergen Institute.

    • van Dijk, D., Cakmakli, C., & Paap, R. (2011). Modeling and estimation of synchronization in multistate Markov-switching models. Tinbergen Institute.

    • Cakmakli, C., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2011). Measuring and predicting heterogeneous recessions. Tinbergen Institute.

    • Nierop, E., Bronnenberg, BJ., Paap, R., Wedel, M., & Franses, P. H. (2010). Retrieving Unobserved Consideration Sets from Household Panel Data. (pp. 1-12). DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1543

    • Basturk, N., Paap, R., & van Dijk, D. (2010). Financial development and convergence clubs. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. Econometric Institute Research Report Vol. 2010-52

    • Horvath, C., Gunther, A., & Paap, R. (2010). Seasonal Patterns in Slot-Machine Gambling in Germany. Economic Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1547

  • Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Statistica Neerlandica (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Joost van Rosmalen
  • Time frame: 2004 - 2009
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Dennis Fok
  • Time frame: 1999 - 2003
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Karim Bannouh
  • Time frame: 2006 - 2013
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee, Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Carlos Hernandez Mireles
  • Time frame: 2006 - 2010
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Peter van der Zwan
  • Time frame: 2007 - 2011
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Ronald de Vlaming
  • Time frame: 2013 - 2017
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Bruno Jacobs
  • Time frame: 2012 - 2017
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Wei Li
  • Time frame: 2009 - 2021
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