dr. C. (Corinna) Frey-Heger

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Associate Member ERIM
Field: Organisation
Affiliated since 2018

Corinna Frey-Heger is an Assistant Professor in the Business-Society Management department.  As a qualitative scholar, she draws on organization theory (institutional theory, practice theory, pragmatism) to better understand organization's responses to grand challenges and wicked problems, such as global displacement. Currently, she is particularly interested in how organizations' responses to these problems intensify the very problems they are meant to solve. She has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in refugee camps in Rwanda and Lebanon. She completed her PhD in 2018 at the University of Cambridge. Her dissertation on 'Organizing in times of global displacement and refugee crises' won the SAMS Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award 2019.


  • Academic (2)
    • Frey-Heger, C., Gatzweiler, M. K., & Hinings, C. R. (2021). No End In Sight: How regimes form barriers to addressing the wicked problem of displacement. Organization Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/01708406211044869

    • Frey - Heger, C., & Barrett, M. (2020). Possibilities and limits of social accountability: The consequences of visibility as recognition and exposure in refugee crises. Accounting, Organizations and Society. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2020.101197

  • Academic (1)
    • Frey - Heger, C., & Lutz, R. (2012). Flucht und Flüchtlingslager. Paulo Freire Verlag.

  • Academic (2)
    • Frey-Heger, C. (2022). Grand Challenges and Business Education: Dealing with Barriers to Learning and Uncomfortable Knowledge. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations (pp. 221-237). Emerald Group Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X20220000079021

    • Frey - Heger, C. (2012). Flüchtlingslager. Einordnung in die internationale Politik. In C. Frey, & R. Lutz (Eds.), Flucht und Flüchtlingslager Paulo Freire Verlag.

  • External (1)
    • Frey - Heger, C. (2019). Organizing in times of global displacement and refugee crises. [Doctoral Thesis, University of Cambridge]. University of Cambridge.

  • Popular (6)
    • Frey - Heger, C., & Gatzweiler, MK. (2018). How tech can bring dignity to refugees in humanitarian crises. Web publication/site, The Conversation.

    • Frey - Heger, C. (2017). Aid workers get a bad rap – but too often they’re thrown in at the deep end. Web publication/site, The Conversation.

    • Corbett, J., Frey - Heger, C., & Marjanovic, S. (2017). How Innovation Can Assist the Refugee 'Pathway'. Web publication/site, RAND Corporation.

    • Frey - Heger, C. (2016). Angelina Jolie in a refugee camp. Or, what is humanitarian innovation?. Web publication/site, Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation.

    • Frey - Heger, C. (2016). The Global Refugee Crises: How To Crowdfund New Ideas For Better Aid. Web publication/site, Economic and Social Research Council.

    • Frey - Heger, C. (2015). Overcoming the research-practice gap. Web publication/site, Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation.

Appreciating What Matters: The many dimensions of volunteer value
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Philine van Overbeeke
  • Time frame: 2019 -
PhD on community enterprises for sustainability: mobilizing resources
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Daniel Aguilar Viňas
  • Time frame: 2023 -


Visiting address

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

Postbus 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam