Our academic events are listed chronologically, from today and onwards. You can set the filters in order to view a selection.
Tue. 23 Mar. 2021
Research Seminar
Finance seminar by Barney Hartman-Glaser
Barney Hartman-Glaser
(University of California Los Angeles)
Tue. 6 Apr. 2021
Research Seminar
Revenue Collapses and the Consumption of Small Business Owners in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Antoinette Schoar
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Thu. 8 Apr. 2021
Research Seminar
Does learning by disaggregating accelerate learning by doing? The effect of forecast disaggregation on the year-over-year improvement in demand forecast revisions.
Isabella Grabner
(WU Vienna University)
Fri. 16 Apr. 2021
Research Workshop
Erasmus Accounting Workshop 2021
Inna Abramova
(London Business School)
Carolyn Deller
(University of Pennsylvania)
Rimmy Tomy
(The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Rebecca Lester
(Stanford University)
Tue. 4 May. 2021
Research Seminar
Does Short-selling Potential Influence Mergers and Acquisitions Payment Choice?
Marie Dutordoir
(University of Manchester)
Thu. 6 May. 2021
Research Seminar
Accounting seminar by Ariela Caglio
Ariela Caglio
(Bocconi University)
Tue. 11 May. 2021
Research Seminar
Attention Induced Trading and Returns: Evidence from Robinhood Users
Xing Huang
(Washington University in St. Louis)
Tue. 18 May. 2021
Research Seminar
Political Polarization in Financial News
Nandini Gupta
(Kelly School of Business Indiana University)
Thu. 20 May. 2021
Research Seminar
Accounting seminar by James Ryans
James Ryans
(London Business School)