Netspar: Supporting Consumer Pension Decision Making Online



In recent years, the range of available pension and related income provision products has expanded significantly. Increasingly, individuals are also encouraged to enhance their regular pensions with additional, more personal financial arrangements.
With this increased flexibility and the availability of more and more financial products, consumers are potentially better off as they have more opportunities to find a financial product that matches their own individual specific needs. At the same time however, the question arises whether consumers are capable to act on this potential welfare gain because of the high complexity of the decisions that they face.
The objective of this theme conference is to present recent research on interactive decisions aids and web site design and to discuss the suitability of various approaches to supporting consumer pension decision making online.
If you would like to attend this conference, please fill out the registration form. Deadline to register is November 16.

13.00 – 13.30

Coffee and registration

13.30 – 13.40 Welcome (Benedict Dellaert, EUR)
13.40 – 14.35 First presentation: “Choosing Outcomes vs. Choosing Products: Consumer-Focused Retirement Investment Decisions”, prof. Dan Goldstein, LBS
14.35 – 15.30 Second presentation: “Website Morphing”, prof. Gui Liberali, MIT
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 16.30 First results Supporting Consumer Pension Decision Making Online: “Drivers of Consumer Pension Consideration” (Ron van Schie, EUR)
16.30 – 17.00 Panel discussion – speakers and discussants
  “How best to support online pension decision-making”
17.00 – 17.30 Drinks
Contact information:
Sylvia van Drogenbroek