Sandpit RCTs & Social Drinks


Building on the recent announcement of our two upcoming sandpits on research infrastructure, we would like to invite you to the sandpit focusing on Randomized Control Trials (RCTs), which will be facilitated by dr Laura Rosendahl Huber and dr Carlos Riumallo Herl.

In the RCTs sandpit, we will discuss research infrastructure that is needed to conduct large-scale off-site field experiments (i.e., not on campus). These RCTs are often run in different countries and in collaboration with external partners such as governments, non-profit organisations or firms. The subjects in these RCTs are people acting and being observed in their natural environment.

These types of experiments (RCTs) differ from experiments conducted on campus in the EBL using students as the main subject pool. Infrastructure for these types of experiments will be covered in the EBL sandpit.

When: 21 November | 14:30-17:00 (incl. social drinks from 16:30)
Where: Polak 3-22
Register here before 14 November| Save the date


  • We will begin with a short presentation covering an introduction and context for the sandpit, as well as the objectives of the session.
  • We will then move on to the workshop section of the event, which will take place in the form of a cafĂ© session: A creative process designed to generate lively dialogue and exchange of knowledge on a specific topic.

We look forward to your participation and anticipate productive and enlightening discussions ahead!