dr. G.A.J.M. (Guido) Berens

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Member ERIM
Field: Organisation
Affiliated since 1999

Guido Berens is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He obtained Master degrees in both Psychology and Philosophy from Radboud University Nijmegen (1998 and 1999), and a PhD in Management from Erasmus University (2004). His teaching interests include (corporate) communication, corporate social responsibility, and quantitative research methods. His research has been published in the Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, Long Range Planning, and the Journal of Business Ethics, among others.


  • Academic (2)
    • Berens, G., & van Riel, C. (2011). “Being known” and “being appreciated” firms: Are they good investments.

    • Berens, G., & van Riel, C. (2010). Competing in the capital market with a good reputation.

  • Academic (20)
    • Bouwman, J., & Berens, G. (2024). Proactive versus Reactive Issues Management Strategies and Stakeholder Support for a Company. Corporate Reputation Review. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41299-024-00194-2

    • Lluma Trujillo, A., Meijs, L. C. P. M., & Berens, G. (2024). Characteristics and Motivations of Environmental Volunteers at Episodic Events. Environmental Education Research, 30(8), 1368-1384. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2024.2360558

    • Gaara, A., Kaptein, M., & Berens, G. (2024). It is all in the name: Toward a typology of public relations professionals' ethical dilemmas. Public Relations Review, 50(1), Article 102418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2023.102418

    • Bartikowski, B., & Berens, G. (2021). Attribute framing in CSR communication: Doing good and spreading the word – But how? Journal of Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.12.059

    • Berens, G., & Wiedmann, KP. (2017). Editorial: The reputation community. Corporate Reputation Review, 20(3-4), 159-160. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41299-017-0023-6

    • Elstak, MN., Bhatt, M., van Riel, C., Pratt, MG., & Berens, G. (2015). Organizational identification during a merger: the role of self-enhancement and uncertainty reduction motives. Journal of Management Studies, 52(1), 32-62. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12105

    • Halderen, M., Bhatt, M., Berens, G., Brown, TJ., & van Riel, C. (2014). Managing impressions in the face of rising stakeholder pressures: examining oil companies' shifting stances in the climate change debate. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(3), 567-582. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-2400-8

    • Wang, Y., & Berens, G. (2014). The Impact of Four Types of Corporate Social Performance on Reputation and Financial Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 131(2), 337-359. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-2280-y

    • Vanhamme, J., Swaen, V., Berens, G., & Janssen, C. (2014). Playing with fire: aggravating and buffering effects of ex ante CSR communication campaigns for companies facing allegations of social irresponsibility. Marketing Letters, 26(4), 565-578. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11002-014-9290-5

    • Li, T., Berens, G., & de Maertelaere, M. (2014). Corporate Twitter Channels: The Impact of Engagement and Informedness on Corporate Reputation. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 18(2), 97-125. https://doi.org/10.2753/JEC1086-4415180204

    • Wang, Y., Berens, G., & Riel, C. (2013). Competing in the capital market with a good reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 15(3), 198-221. https://doi.org/10.1057/crr.2012.7

    • Eberle, D., Berens, G., & Li, T. (2013). The impact of interactive corporate social responsibility communication on corporate reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 118(4), 731-746. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-013-1957-y

    • Rekom, J., Berens, G., & Halderen, M. (2013). Corporate social responsibility: Playing to win, or playing not to lose? Doing good by increasing the social benefits of a company's core activities. Journal of Brand Management, 20(9), 800-814. https://doi.org/10.1057/bm.2013.13

    • Hietbrink, JJC., Berens, G., & Rekom, J. (2010). Corporate social responsibility in a business purchasing context: the role of CSR type and supplier product share size. Corporate Reputation Review, 13(4), 284-300. https://doi.org/10.1057/crr.2010.24

    • van Riel, C., Berens, G., & Dijkstra, M. (2009). Stimulating strategically aligned behaviour among employees. Journal of Management Studies, 46(7), 1197-1226. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6486.2009.00837.x

    • Berens, G., van Riel, C., & Rekom, J. (2007). The CSR-Quality Trade-off: When Can Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Ability Compensate Each Other? Journal of Business Ethics, 74(3), 233-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-006-9232-0

    • Gertsen, HFM., van Riel, C., & Berens, G. (2006). Avoiding Reputation Damage in Financial Statement Restatements. Long Range Planning, 39(4), 429-456. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2006.09.002

    • Berens, G., van Riel, C., & van Bruggen, G. (2005). Corporate Associations and Consumer Product Responses: The Moderating Role of Corporate Brand Dominance. Journal of Marketing, 69(3), 35-48. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.

    • Berens, G., & van Riel, C. (2004). Corporate Associations in the Academic Literature: Three Main Streams of Thought in the Reputation Management Literature. Corporate Reputation Review, 7(2), 161-178.

    • Berens, G., & Eling, PATM. (2003). De Stroop kleur-woordtest meet meer dan je denkt. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden, 58(5), 115-121.

  • Professional (3)
    • Halderen, M., Berens, G., Bhatt, M., Brown, TJ., & van Riel, C. (2016). Impressions management: lessons from the oil industry. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 27(3), 11-13. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/93317

    • van Riel, C., & Berens, G. (2015). Pride and fear during major organisational change. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 22(2), 11-13. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/78360

    • Gertsen, HFM., van Riel, C., & Berens, G. (2009). Avoiding reputation damage in financial restatements. RSM Insight, 1(1), 7-11. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/50769

  • Academic (2)
    • Berens, G. (2007). For your bookshelf: Essentials of Corporate Communication: Implementing Practices for Effective Reputation Management. Corporate Reputation Review, 10, 73-74.

    • Berens, G. (2002). For your bookshelf: "Raising the corporate umbrella: Corporate communications in the 21st century". Corporate Reputation Review, 5, 266-268.

  • Academic (11)
    • Berens, G. (2024). Organizational Trust. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication (pp. 450-453). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802200874.ch73

    • Luidens, S., Berens, G., & Reshef, R. (Accepted/In press). Encouraging Sustainable Behavior among Hotel Employees. In P. Foroudi, & M. Jerez-Jerez (Eds.), Technological Adoption and Digital Business Strategy in the Time of the Crisis Emerald Group Publishing.

    • Berens, G. (2019). Company Case: Innocent Drinks: Golden wind egg or red herring? In P. Kotler, G. Armstrong, L. C. Harris, & H. He (Eds.), Principles of Marketing, 8th European Edition (pp. 634-636). Pearson. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/124190

    • Tierean, S.-H., & Berens, G. (2017). Why does psychic distance inhibit international buyer-supplier relationships? In A. Verbeke, J. Puck, & R. van Tulder (Eds.), Distance in International Business: Concept, Cost and Value (pp. 207-222). Emerald Group Publishing.

    • Berens, G. (2016). Reputation management. In C. E. Carroll (Ed.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation Sage.

    • Berens, G., & Popma, WT. (2014). Creating consumer confidence in CSR communications. In R. Tench, W. Sun, & B. Jones (Eds.), Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives and Practice (pp. 383-403). Emerald Group Publishing.

    • Berens, G., Fombrun, CJ., Ponzi, LN., Trad, NG., & Nielsen, K. (2011). Country Reptrak™: A Standardized Measure Of Country Reputation. In F. Go, & R. Govers (Eds.), International Place Branding Yearbook 2011 Palgrave Macmillan.

    • Hietbrink, JJC., Berens, G., & Rekom, J. (2010). How Do Companies Choose between Socially Responsible Suppliers? An Experimental Study. In J. M. T. Balmer, & K. Podnar (Eds.), Contemplating Corporate Marketing, Identity and Communication (pp. 137-143). Routledge.

    • Berens, G., & Rekom, J. (2008). How Specific Should Corporate Communication Be? The Role of Advertising Language in Establishing a Corporate Reputation for CSR. In T. C. Melewar (Ed.), Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation (pp. 96-119). Routledge.

    • van Riel, C., & Berens, G. (2003). Corporate branding: The marketing perspective. In Philip J. Kitchen (Ed.), The future of marketing: Critical 21st-century perspectives (pp. 113-124). Palgrave Macmillan.

    • van Riel, C., & Berens, G. (2001). Balancing corporate branding policies in multi business companies. In P. J. Kitchen, & D. E. Schultz (Eds.), Raising the Corporate Umbrella - Corporate Communications in the Twenty-First Century Macmillan Press.

  • Professional (1)
    • Berens, G. (2018). The role of social media corporate communications in sustainability. In R. van Tulder, & BSM. Collective (Eds.), Mainstreaming sustainable business: 20 years Business-Society Management, 20 year impact? (pp. 240-242). Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/124191

  • Academic (3)
    • Gaara, A., Kaptein, M., & Berens, G. (2023). It is all in the name: Toward a typology of public relations professionals’ ethical dilemmas. In 73rd Annual ICA Conference

    • Li, T., Berens, G., & de Maertelaere, M. (2012). Social Influence: The Effect of Twitter Information on Corporate Image. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce

    • Agarwal, M. K., & Berens, G. (2009). The impact of branding strategy on the link between CSR activities of firms and their financial performance. In MSI Reports (pp. 3-26)

  • Internal (1)
    • Berens, G. (2004). Corporate Branding: The Development of Corporate associations and their Influence on Stakeholder Reactions. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Academic (1)
    • Halderen, M., & Berens, G. (2011). 'Strategic framing' to position the corporate brand on important societal issues.

  • Corporate Reputation Review (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Yijing Wang
  • Time frame: 2008 - 2013
  • Role: Daily Supervisor
  • PhD Candidate: Silviu Horia Tierean
  • Time frame: 2012 - 2022
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Ahmed Gaara
  • Time frame: 2020 -
Parttime PhD programme
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Tristan Hahn
  • Time frame: 2023 -
ERIM Conference
As: Coordinator, Contact
Research Seminar
As: Contact, Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Contact, Coordinator


Visiting address

Office: Mandeville Building T11-47
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

Postbus 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam