dr. W. (Wim) Hulsink

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Member ERIM
Field: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Affiliated since 1999

Willem Hulsink is an associate professor at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).

His research interests include new venture creation and firm growth, entrepreneurial networking in high-tech industries, and strategic management in infrastructural and/or regulated sectors.

His findings have been published in a range of scientific journals including Small Business Economics, Organization Studies, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, and the International Journal of Technology Management.

He is the author of several books including Privatisation and Liberalisation in European Telecommunications (1999, Routledge), On creating competition and strategic restructuring (with Emiel Wubben, 2003, Edward Elgar), and Pathways to Research Triangles and High-tech Valleys (with Hans Dons, 2008, Kluwer/Springer).


  • Academic (42)
    • Forsberg, P., & Hulsink, W. (2024). Footloose and fancy-free in FinTech? Internationalization strategies of born regional and born global firms in the European financial service sector. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10843-024-00354-9

    • Eldering, C. J. J., van den Ende, J., & Hulsink, W. (2023). Why entrepreneur sourcing matters: the effects of entrepreneur sourcing on alternative types of business incubation performance. R and D Management, 53(3), 481-502. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12588

    • Burkholder, P., & Hulsink, W. (Accepted/In press). Academic intrapreneurship for health care innovation: the importance of influence, perception, and time management in knowledge commercialization at a University’s Medical Centre. Journal of Technology Transfer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-022-09974-6

    • Hulsink, W., & Rauch, A. (2021). About the lives and times of extraordinary entrepreneurs: The methodological contribution of autobiographies to the life course theory of entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Management, 59. https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2020.1865538

    • Schippers, M. C., Rauch, A., Belschak, F. D., & Hulsink, W. (2019). Entrepreneurial Intentions of Teams: Sub-Dimensions of Machiavellianism Interact With Team Resilience. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 2607. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02607, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02607

    • Dalmarco, G., Hulsink, W., & Zawislak, P. (2019). New perspectives on university-industry interactions: An analysis of the knowledge flow within two sectors and two countries. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 31(11), 1314-1326. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2019.1612868

    • Dalmarco, G., Hulsink, W., & Blois, G. (2018). Creating entrepreneurial universities in an emerging economy: Evidence from Brazil. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 135(October), 99-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2018.04.015

    • Hassink, J., Grin, J., & Hulsink, W. (2018). Enriching the multi-level perspective by better understanding agency and challenges associated with interactions across system boundaries. The case of care farming in the Netherlands: multifunctional agriculture meets health care. Journal of Rural Studies, 57, 186-196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.12.018

    • Hulsink, W., & Scholten, V. (2016). Dedicated funding for leasing & sharing R&D equipment and its impact on innovation, follow-on financing and growth of biotech start-ups. Venture Capital, 19(1-2), 95-118. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691066.2017.1261454

    • Hassink, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2016). Entrepreneurship in agriculture and health care: different entry strategies of care farmers. Journal of Rural Studies, 43(February), 27-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.11.013

    • Hassink, J., Grin, J., & Hulsink, W. (2016). Identity formation and strategy development in overlapping institutional fields: different entry & alignment strategies of regional organizations of care farms into the healthcare domain. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29(6), 973-993. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-07-2015-0122

    • Dalmarco, G., Zawislak, P., Hulsink, W., & Brambilla, F. (2015). How knowledge flows in university-industry relations: An overview from two economic sectors in Brazil. European Business Review, 27(2), 148-160. https://doi.org/10.1108/EBR-04-2013-0068

    • Hassink, J., Grin, J., & Hulsink, W. (2015). New practices of farm-based community-oriented social care services in the Netherlands: Boundary spanning and cross-sector collaboration between care organizations and farmers. Journal of Social Service Research, 41(1), 49-63. https://doi.org/10.1080/01488376.2014.937889

    • Rauch, AJ., & Hulsink, W. (2014). Putting entrepreneurship education where the intention to act lies. An investigation into the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behaviour. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14(2), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2012.0293

    • Rauch, AJ., Van Doorn, R., & Hulsink, W. (2014). A qualitative approach to evidence-based entrepreneurship: Theoretical considerations and an example involving business clusters. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(2), 333-368. https://doi.org/10.1111/etap.12093

    • Hassink, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2014). Farming with care: the evolution of care farming in the Netherlands. Njas-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 68(March), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.njas.2013.11.001

    • Hulsink, W., & Koek, D. (2014). The Young, the Fast and the Furious. A study about the triggers and impediments of youth entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18, 182-209. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEIM.2014.062876

    • Hassink, J., Grin, J., & Hulsink, W. (2012). Multifunctional agriculture meets health care: applying the multi-level transition sciences perspective to care farming in the Netherlands. Sociologia Ruralis, 53(2), 223-245. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9523.2012.00579.x

    • Jong, JPJ., & Hulsink, W. (2012). Patterns of innovation networking in small firms. European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(3), 280-297. https://doi.org/10.1108/14601061211243639

    • Hassink, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2012). Care farms in the Netherlands: an underexplored example of multifunctional agriculture - Towards an empirically grounded organization-theory based typology. Rural Sociology, 77(4), 569-600. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2012.00089.x

    • Lans, T., Hulsink, W., Baert, H., & Mulder, M. (2008). Entrepreneurship education in a small business context: insights from the competence-based approach. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 16(4), 363-383.

    • Hulsink, W., & Elfring, T. (2007). Networking by Entrepreneurs: Patterns of Tie Formation in Emerging Organizations. Organization Studies, 28(12), 1849-1872. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840607078719

    • Jaspers, F., Hulsink, W., & Theeuwes, JJM. (2007). Entry and Innovation in Maturing Markets: Virtual Operators in Mobile Telecommunications. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(2), 205-225. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537320601168144

    • Hulsink, W., Bouwman, H., & Elfring, T. (2007). Silicon Valley in the Polder? Entrepreneurial dynamics, virtuous clusters and vicious firms in Then Netherlands and Flanders. Revista Anual da ANPAD, 13(1), 7-22.

    • Dons, H., & Hulsink, W. (2007). Entrepreneurship@Wageningen: the WAEGHALS/Daredevil initiative. ECS Bulletin, 5(1).

    • Hulsink, W., & Jaspers, F. (2005). Na KPN nu NMA en OPTA aan zet (after KPN's move to acquire Telfort, it is now up to the regulators. Het Financiële Dagblad, 5-5.

    • Hulsink, W. (2005). Netwerkende ondernemers in de informatiesamenleving. NWO Onderzoek Berichten, 2, 3-3.

    • Hulsink, W., Jaspers, F., & Theeuwes, JJM. (2004). Reguleren? Reguleren! Nieuwkomers zonder netwerk in de mobiele telecomsector. I&I Nieuwe media in perspectief, 6, 34-41.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2003). Networks in entrepreneurship: the case of high-technology firms. Small Business Economics, 21(4), 409-422. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026180418357

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2002). A dynamic model of Cyber-entrepreneurship and cluster formation: applications in the United States and in the Low Countries. Telematics and Informatics, 19(4), 291-314. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0736-5853(01)00018-1

    • Jaipal, S., Kerste, R., & Hulsink, W. (2002). Van werknemer naar ondernemer: De bijdrage van de moederorganisatie aan het succes van de spin-off. M en O, 56(5), 44-60.

    • Hulsink, W. (2002). Editorial. TIC - Trends in Communication, 10, 3-6.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2002). Entrepreneurs, Innovation and High-technology firms: The Network effect. Journal of Management Research, 1(5), 22-44.

    • Kanters, SC., & Hulsink, W. (2000). De Spagaat van Interne Structurering en Externe Verantwoording: Het Effectief Gebruik van Kwaliteitshandvesten in de Publieke Dienstverlening. M en O, 54(2), 48-67.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). Het potentieel van venturing strategieen en permanent ondernemerschap. Interface (Rotterdam), 16(5), 44-47.

    • Tang, P., & Hulsink, W. (1998). The winds of change: digital technologies, trading information and managing intellectual property rights. International Journal of Technology Management, 15(8), 869-894.

    • Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1997). Two-speed Europe? Anglo-Dutch experiences of telecommunication restructuring. Communications et Strategies, 27(3rd qrt), 11-49.

    • Hulsink, W., & Davies, AC. (1997). The emergence of national champions in global telecommunications. Telematics and Informatics, 14(4), 349-356. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0736-5853(97)00012-9

    • Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1997). Meerdere wegen naar 1998? De open Europese telecommunicatiemarkt en nationale kampioenen. Informatie en Informatiebeleid, 15(3), 19-26.

    • Mansell, R., Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1996). The New Telecommunications in The Netherlands: Strategy, Policy and Regulation. Telecommunications Policy, 20(4), 273-289.

    • Hulsink, W. (1992). Internationalisering van de communicatiesector: spel zonder grenzen en spel zonder regels? Massacommunicatie, 20(2), 153-165.

    • Hulsink, W. (1992). De steen in de hofvijver? Informatie en Informatiebeleid, 10(3), 5-8.

  • Popular (2)
    • Hulsink, W. (2011). De volgende Tasty Tom: agropreneurs als redders voor de Nederlandse landbouw. Unknown, 50.

    • Hulsink, W. (2010). Een Science Park in Oss werkt niet. NRC Handelsblad.

  • Professional (16)
    • Hulsink, W., & Rauch, AJ. (2015). Learning to take the entrepreneurial plunge. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 24(4), 11-12. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/93031

    • Hulsink, W. (2011). Jeugdondernemers starten vanuit de luwte. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 4609S(DOSSIER), 61-65.

    • Hulsink, W., Jaspers, F., & Weterings, ABR. (2010). Kenniscampus als compensatie. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 95(4596), 666-668.

    • Hulsink, W., Manuel, DH., & Elfring, T. (2006). Erflaters van de ICT: innovatie, ondernemerschap en Nederlands succes. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 91(4494S), 39-43.

    • Hulsink, W. (2006). Banking on social networks and venturing with almost nothing. Interface (Rotterdam), 27(2).

    • Jaspers, F., & Hulsink, W. (2005). Op zoek naar relevantie in de mobiele markt. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 90(4468), 348-349.

    • Jaspers, F., & Hulsink, W. (2005). Innovation, entrepreneurship and regulation: the impact of KNP's acquisition of Telfort on competition in the mobile industry. Interface (Rotterdam), 22(1).

    • Bodewes, WEJ., & Hulsink, W. (2005). Entrepreneurship in space: experiences with the CEMS Blocked Seminar 'Turning technology into business'. Interface (Rotterdam), 22(1).

    • Hulsink, W. (2003). Monopolie, Stratego of Risk? De teloorgang van indicatieve planning en de opkomst van strategisch management in netwerksectoren (boekbespreking. I&I Nieuwe media in perspectief, 10(3), 44-47.

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2000). 'Herleven de Gouden Tijden van Amsterdam en Vlaanderen? ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen. Informatie en Informatiebeleid, 4, 12-20.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). Laat duizend nieuwe bedrijven bloeien. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 85(4251), 312-315.

    • Bouwman, H., Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). Clusters in Beeld. ICT: De Dommel of Leuven. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 85(4283), D20-D24.

    • Hulsink, W. (1999). Van Afnemer naar Actieve Gebruiker: Houding van Telecomaanbieders varieert van arrogant tot onwetend. Telecommagazine, (1), 56-57.

    • van der Meer, BMG., & Hulsink, W. (1999). Van lokale bierbrouwer tot Internationale biergigant: Evolutie en Strategie van Heineken. Cultural Management Magazine, 1(1), 10-14.

    • Hulsink, W., & Kemme, GJ. (1997). Breaching the dyke? - The tide of telecom regulation in the Netherlands. Telecom International, 1(4), 20-24.

    • Hulsink, W., & Kemme, GJ. (1992). Van publiek monopolie naar gereguleerde markt. Bestuurswetenschappen, 46(5), 414-445.

  • Academic (7)
    • Hulsink, W. (2012). Privatisation and liberalisation in European telecommunications: Comparing Britain, the Netherlands and France. Routledge Publishers. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203023082

    • Hulsink, W. (2008). Pathways to High-tech Valleys and Research Triangles: innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and cluster formation in Europe and the United States. (Frontis series Vol. 24 ed.) Kluwer/Springer. Frontis series Vol. Vol. 24

    • Hulsink, W. (2005). From farming knowledge to knowledge farming: the contribution of innovative entrepreneurship and networking to agri-food and other technology clusters. Wageningen University & Research.

    • Hulsink, W., Stam, FC., & Manuel, DH. (2004). Ondernemen in Netwerken. Startende en groeiende bedrijven in de Informatiesamenleving. Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

    • Hulsink, W. (2003). Regional clusters in ICT. (TIC 10 ed.) Boom Uitgevers. TIC Vol. 10

    • Hulsink, W., & Wubben, EFM. (2003). On creating competition and strategic restructuring: Regulatory reform in public utilities. Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Mansell, R., Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1995). The New Telecommunications in the Netherlands: Strategic Developments in Technologies and markets. Rathenau Institute.

  • Academic (1)
    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2000). Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (in Dutch: Silicon Valley in the Polder: ICT-clusters in the Low Countries). Lemma.

  • Academic (67)
    • Eldering, N., & Hulsink, W. (2021). Incubation with space – Space for incubation. The European Space Agency’s network of business incubation centres. In S. Mian, W. Lamine, & M. Klofsten (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration: A Global Perspective (pp. 160-175). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2019). Dynamic networking by entrepreneurs: Collaborative efforts in developing opportunities and mobilizing resources. In J. Reuer, S. Matusik & J. Jones (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of entrepreneurship and collaboration (pp. 157-175). Oxford University Press. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/124538

    • Hulsink, W., & Scholten, V. (2018). Dedicated funding for leasing & sharing R&D equipment and its impact on innovation, follow-on financing and growth of biotech start-ups. In C. Bellavitis, I. Filatotchev, D.S. Kamuriwo & T. Vanacker (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Finance: New frontiers of research and practice Routledge. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/124519

    • Carvalho, LM., Kunz, M., Laker, A., & Hulsink, W. (2016). True fruits. In Small businesses, Big ideas. Global case studies in strategy, marketing and entrepreneurship (pp. 169-182). Cognella Academic Publishing.

    • Hulsink, W., Dons, H., Lans, T., & Blok, V. (2014). Boosting entrepreneurship education within the knowledge network of the Dutch Agri-Food Sciences: the new ‘Wageningen’ approach. In Handbook on the entrepreneurial university (pp. 248-278). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Stam-Hulsink, E., & Hulsink, W. (2012). Contextualizing entrepreneurship in administered markets: New entrants' stakeholder mobilization and legitimacy generation in Dutch health care. In Entrepreneurship in Context (pp. 60-75). Taylor and Francis Inc..

    • Stam, AMCE., & Hulsink, W. (2012). Contextualizing entrepreneurship in administered markets: new entrants' stakeholder mobilization and legitimacy generation in Dutch Healthcare. In M. Van Gelderen, & E. Masurel (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in context (pp. 60-75). Routledge.

    • Pronker, E., Osterhaus, A., Claassen, E., & Hulsink, W. (2012). Entrepreneurship and science-based venturing: the case of vaccine development. In M. Van Gelderen, & E. Masurel (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in context (pp. 214-229). Routledge.

    • Hulsink, W. (2012). Intellectual journeys with Frans van den Bosch: peddling between Fayol and Erasmus. In Professor Frans van den Bosch: A view from within (pp. 44-49). ERIM.

    • Hulsink, W., Hessels, J., & Suddle, K. (2011). Building entrepreneurial platforms and innovative hotspots: science and technology-based regional development in the Netherlands. In S. Mian (Ed.), Science and technology-based regional entrepreneurship. Global experiences in policy and program development (pp. 209-233). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Hulsink, W., Elfring, T., & Stam, W. (2009). The locus of innovation in small and medium-sized firms: the importance of social capital and networking in innovative entrepreneurship. In C. Petti (Ed.), Cases in technological entrepreneurship: converting ideas into value (pp. 80-106). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • van der Aa, W., Bodewes, WEJ., & Hulsink, W. (2008). New business in Rotterdam: het ritselt in Rotterdam van de ondernemende activiteiten. In J. W. Oosterwijk, S. Lamberts, & K. Van Rooijen (Eds.), Erasmus Universiteit van Rotterdam: Opstellen voor Opstelten en alle andere Rotterdammers. (pp. 114-117). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

    • Hulsink, W., Manuel, DH., & Bouwman, H. (2008). Clustering in IT: from Route 128 to Silicon Valley, from DEC to Google, from hardware to content. In W. Hulsink, & H. Dons (Eds.), Pathways to High-tech Valleys and Research Triangles: innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and cluster formation in Europe and the United States (pp. 53-77). Kluwer/Springer.

    • Hulsink, W., & Dons, H. (2008). Venturing and clustering in agri-food and high-technology hot spots: An introduction. In W. Hulsink, & H. Dons (Eds.), Pathways to High-tech Valleys and Research Triangles: innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and cluster formation in Europe and the United States (pp. 1-23). Kluwer/Springer.

    • Hulsink, W. (2007). Ondernemerschap als alchemie: het maken van goud vanuit het niets. In Technologie Toppers 06/07: Deloitte's Fast50 & Rising Stars. (pp. 5-6). Gopher-Fast50 Foundation.

    • Hulsink, W., & Jong, JPJ. (2006). Sources of success: Small firms' use of networks to support the development of innovations. In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 351-351). Babson College.

    • Hulsink, W., Elfring, T., & Manuel, DH. (2005). ICT-starters en hun netwerken. In J. de Haan, & L. van der Laan (Eds.), Jaarboek ICT en samenleving 2005: Kennis in netwerken (pp. 49-64). Boom Uitgevers.

    • Hulsink, W., & Manuel, DH. (2005). Venturing: spinn-off creatie en incubatie. In Inspirerend innoveren. Meerwaarde door kennis. (pp. 50-51). Expertisecentrum KVIE.

    • Hulsink, W., & Elfring, T. (2004). Entrepreneurs, New Technology Firms and Networks: Experiences from Lone Starters, Spin-offs & Incubatees in the Dutch ICT Industry 1990-2000. In W. During, R. Oakey, & S. Kauser (Eds.), New Technology-based Firms in the New Millenium (pp. 69-87). Elsevier.

    • Hulsink, W., Bouwman, H., & Elfring, T. (2004). ICT Clusters in Nederland en Vlaanderen. In W. Hulsink, D. Manuel, & E. Stam (Eds.), Ondernemen in netwerken: nieuwe en groeiende bedrijven in de informatiesamenleving (pp. 91-108). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

    • Hulsink, W., Manuel, DH., & Stam, FC. (2004). Inleiding. In W. Hulsink, D. Manuel, & E. Stam (Eds.), Ondernemen in netwerken: nieuwe en groeiende bedrijven in de informatiesamenleving (pp. 3-10). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

    • Hulsink, W., Manuel, DH., & Stam, FC. (2004). Conclusie. In W. Hulsink, D. Manuel, & E. Stam (Eds.), Ondernemen in netwerken: nieuwe en groeiende bedrijven in de informatiesamenleving (pp. 299-303). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

    • Hulsink, W., & Elfring, T. (2004). Netwerkeffecten op ondernemingsprocessen: startende bedrijven in de Nederlandse ICT-sector. In D. M. W. Hulsink, & E. Stam (Eds.), Ondernemen in netwerken: nieuwe en groeiende bedrijven in de informatiesamenleving (pp. 195-211). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

    • Hulsink, W. (2004). Reactie op 'De toekomst van het waterbedrijf in Nederland (van Bockel & Budding)'. In Uitgelezen! Een selectie uit het werk van Twynstra Gudde (pp. 291-291). Twynstra Gudde.

    • Bouwman, H., Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2003). High-Tech valleys in the Low Countries? Entrepreneurship, incubators and clusters in the Netherlands and Flanders? M. van Geenhuizen, D.V. Gibson & M.V. Heitor. In M. van Geenhuizen, M. V. Heitor, & D. V. Gibson (Eds.), Regional developments and conditions for innovation in the Network Society (pp. 335-359). Purdue University Press.

    • Hulsink, W., & Davies, AC. (2003). Making markets: telecommunications in Western Europe. In G. Madden (Ed.), World Telecommunications Markets: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics (pp. 413-429). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Hulsink, W., & Wubben, EFM. (2003). Making markets and controlling competition: Regulatory reform in public utilities. In Wubben, E.F.M., & Hulsink, W. (Eds.), On Creating Competition and Strategic Restructuring: Regulatory Reform in Public Utilities. (pp. 1-25). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Wubben, EFM., & Hulsink, W. (2003). A Waterloo of utility liberalization? How great deregulation expectations were dashed by the Dutch water industry in the 1990s. In Wubben, E.F.M., & Hulsink, W (Eds.), On Creating Competition and Strategic Restructuring: Regulatory Reform in Public Utilities (pp. 183-216). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Hulsink, W. (2003). Extrapreneurship: nieuwe combinaties van ondernemers, investeerders en incubators. In R. Risseeuw, & R. Thurik (Eds.), Handboek ondernemers & adviseurs: Management en economie van het midden- en kleinbedrijf (pp. 165-184). Uitgeverij Kluwer.

    • Hulsink, W. (2002). Editorial. In Regional clusters in ICT, No. 10: 3-6. (pp. 3-6). Boom Uitgevers.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2002). Networks effects on Entrepreneurial Processes: Start-ups in the Dutch ICT Industry 1990-2000. In Paper presented at RENT XVI 16th Conference Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, November 21-22,2000 Conference Proceedings

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2001). Fighting for Survival and Legitimacy: Growth Trajectories of High Technology Firms in the Netherlands. In W. During, R. Oakey, & S. Kauser (Eds.), New Technology-based Firms in tne New Millenium (pp. 4-25). Pergamon (Elsevier).

    • Hulsink, W., Elfring, T., & Bouwman, H. (2001). ICT-Valleys in the Low Countries? Entrepreneurship, Incubators and Clusters in the Netherlands and Flanders. In Paper presented at the Future Cities Symposium, Riyah (Saudi Arabia), 1-12 November 2001. Proceedings & Research Papers Volume One

    • Hulsink, W. (2001). Do Nations Matter in the Globalising Telecommunication Industry? Comparing Liberalisation and Privatisation Policies in the Netherlands, The United Kingdom and France. In Paper presented at Small States in World Markets. Fifteen Years Later. An International Multidisciplinary Conference, Goteborg, Sweden, 27-29- September 2001.

    • Hulsink, W. (2000). 'De Micro-elektronika Gordel rondom Leuven: IMEC als incubator en katalysator in de DSP-Vally. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 301-314). Lemma.

    • Hulsink, W. (2000). 'Een Spraakmakend Bedrijf en een High Tech Cluster vanuit het Niets: Het Succes van Lernout & Hauspie en Flanders Language Valley. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 259-282). Lemma.

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2000). "Innovatieve clustervorming: Het Twinning Concept als voorbeeld. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 207-230). Lemma.

    • Hulsink, W., Bouwman, H., & Manuel, DH. (2000). 'De mooiste meisjes lopen altijd aan de overkant van de gracht: Silicon Valley, Route 128 en Silicon Alley als inspiratiebronnen voor de Lage Landen. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 23-73). Lemma.

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2000). 'Silicon Alleys, Cybercities en Digital Valleys: ICT en Innovatief Ondernemerschap als Impuls voor Lokale en Regionale Ontwikkelingen. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 15-22). Lemma.

    • Hulsink, W. (2000). 'Case: Het Silicon Polder Fund van de Gebroeders Baan. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder:ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 231-233). Lemma.

    • Hulsink, W., Elfring, T., & Bouwman, H. (2000). ICT-Valleys in the Low Countries? Entrepreneurship, Incubators and Clusters in the Netherlands and Flanders. In W. Hulsink, T. Elfring, & H. Bouwman (Eds.), Paper prepared for the EUNIP Milenium Conference (pp. ---). Tilburg University.

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2000). A Dynamic Model of Cyber-entrepreneurship and Clusters: Applications in the U.S. and the Low Countries. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Paper presented at the 3rd USP Roundtable. E-Enterprise 2000: Structures and Systems (pp. ---).

    • Hulsink, W. (2000). Do Nations Matter in the Globalising Telecommunication Industry? In . - (Ed.), Comparing Liberalisation and Privatisation Policies in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France (pp. ---). Sociological Abstracts December/ASA.

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (2000). 'Naar een Dynamisch Model voor ICT-clustering. In H. Bouwman, & W. Hulsink (Eds.), Silicon Valley in de Polder: ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 375-406). Lemma.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). Growth trajectories of High Technology Firms: cases from the Netherlands. In . - (Ed.), Paper prepared for rent xiv, 14th workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, Novermber 23-24 1999 (pp. 83-88).

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). "Fighting for Survival and Legitimacy: Growth Trajectories of High Technology Firms in the Netherlands". In High Technology Small Firms Confgerence Universiteit of Twente.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). "Growth trajectories of High Technology Firms: cases from the Netherlands". In Paper prepared for RENT XIV, 14th workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, November 23-24,1999

    • Hulsink, W., & Davies, AC. (2000). European Telecommunications Champions: Preparing for Global Competition Strategic Management: An Introdcution to Business and Corporate Strategy. In P. N. Finlay (Ed.), Strategic Management: An Introdcution to Business and Corporate Strategy (pp. 718-726). Prentice Hall.

    • Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1999). Multinationals in the Making: Corporate Strategies of European Public Telecommunications Operators. In M. S. S. El-Namaki et al (Ed.), Strategic Issues at the Dawn of a New Millennium (pp. 277-296). LANSA Publishers.

    • Hulsink, W. (1999). Do Nations Matter in the Globalising Telecommunication Industry? - Comparing Liberalisation and Privatisation Policies in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France. In W. Hulsink (Ed.), Papers presented the WORKSHOP: On Big Systems - Small Countries: Formative in Holland (pp. 132-138). Uitgeverij Eburon.

    • Hulsink, W. (1999). The Formation and Growth of the New High-Technology Compagnies: Evidence from the Duch and Flemish Information Technology and Biotechnology Industries. In . - - (Ed.), Proceedings of 15th EGOS Colloquium, Warwick (pp. 123-130). EGOS - European Group for Organization Studies.

    • Hulsink, W., & Bolhuis, H. (1999). Death of the Cyber Sales Manager: The Rise of Electronic Commerce and the Fall of the Online Payments Firm Digicash BV. In . - - (Ed.), Papers prepared for 2nd USP Roundtable ERP and Beyond, Utrecht, October 26-29, 1999 (pp. 1-5). Baan Brothers Fountation.

    • Hulsink, W. (1999). Telecommunication Industry? Comparing liberalisation and privatisation policies in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France. In W. Hulsink (Ed.), Formative periods in the history of Telecommunication in the Nordic countries and Holland (pp. 15-19). Copenhagen University.

    • Hulsink, W. (1999). The Formation and Growth of New High-Technology Companies: Evidence from the Dutch and Flemish Information Technology and Biotechnology Industries. In W. Hulsink (Ed.), Paper presented at the European Group for Organization Studies, 15th EGOS Colloquium (pp. ---). Warwick Business School/University of Warwick.

    • Hulsink, W. (1999). Do Nations Matter in the Globalising Telecommunication Industry? Comparing Liberalisation and Privatisation Policies in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France. In W. Hulsink (Ed.), Paper presented at the Worlshop on Big Systems-Small Countries: Formative Periods in the History of Telecommunication in the Nordic countries and in Holland (pp. ---).

    • Hulsink, W., van der Meer, BMG., & Henniger, EJ. (1999). High Tech Entrepreneurship in the Low Countries? The Growth and Evolution of Start-Up Companies in the Dutch and Flemish Information Technology and Biotechnology Industries. In W. Hulsink, B. M. G. van der Meer, & E. J. Meeusen-Henniger (Eds.), Paper presented ath the 12th Workshop RENT XII Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (pp. ---). Management Innovation for SMEs E.M..

    • Hulsink, W., & Bolhuis, H. (1998). Electronic commerce and cyber-entrepreneurship: potential and problems of European start-up firms in ICT. In G. J. Doukidis, J. Gricar, & J. Novak (Eds.), Electronic Commerce in the Information Society (pp. 436-459). Moderna Organizacija.

    • Hulsink, W., van der Meer, BMG., & Henniger, EJ. (1998). High tech entrepreneurship in the low countries? Searching for successful start-up companies in the information technology and biotechnology industries. In . redacteur? (Ed.), Management Innovation for SMEs (Niet naspeurbaar!) (pp. pag?-pag?). uitgever?.

    • Wubben, EFM., & Hulsink, W. (1998). Het Waterloo van de marktwerking. In . redacteur? (Ed.), Jaarboek 1997/1998 Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staatshuishoudkunde (pp. 47-50). Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staatshuishoudkunde.

    • Hulsink, W., & Schenk, H. (1998). Privatisation and deregulation in the Netherlands. In D. Parker (Ed.), Privatisation in the European Union: Theory and Policy Perspectives (pp. 242-257). Routledge.

    • Hulsink, W., van der Meer, BMG., & Henniger, EJ. (1998). 'New Forms of Entrepreneurship? Successful Start-Up Companies in the Dutch and Flemish Information Technology and Biotechnology Industry. In W. Hulsink, B. M. G. van der Meer, & E. J. Meeusen-Henniger (Eds.), Paper presented at 14th EGOS Colloquium Stretching in the Boundaries of Organisation Studies into the Next Millenium, Subtheme 9: Entrepreneurial behaviour (pp. ---). Maastricht University.

    • Hancher, L., Hulsink, W., & Sevinga, K. (1997). Utility regulation in the Netherlands. In I. Lewington (Ed.), Utility Regulation 1997 (pp. 125-131). Privatisation International Ltd.

    • Hulsink, W. (1997). Monopolized, privatised, diversified, and incorporated: an institutional analysis of the evolution of the Dutch Postbank (1945-1994). In A. Bugra, & B. Usdiken (Eds.), State, Market and Organizational Form (pp. 105-148). De Gruyter.

    • Bouwman, H., Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1997). From PTT policy to telecommunications policy? unravelling the persistent powerbase of European PTO's. In L. Caby, & T. Vedel (Eds.), Tecommunications: Changing Relationships in Information Society. (pp. 53-91). Boom Uitgevers.

    • Hulsink, W. (1994). From State Monopolies to Euro-nationals and Global Alliances: The Case of the European Telecommunications Sector. In Changing Business Systems in Europe: An Institutional Approach. (pp. 455-484). VUB Press.

    • Hulsink, W. (1993). Domestic Policy Responses to Internationalization: Regulatory Reform of Dutch Telecommunications. In M. Christoffersen, & A. Henten (Eds.), Telecommunication: Limits to Deregulation? (pp. 73-95). IOS Press BV.

    • Bouwman, H., & Hulsink, W. (1992). The Netherlands: Bundling Successes or Bundling Failures? The Art of System Integration. In H. Bouwman, & M. Christoffersen (Eds.), Relaunching Videotex (pp. 39-51). Kluwer Academic.

  • Professional (5)
    • Hulsink, W. (2012). Ondernemerschap: de jeugd heeft de toekomst. Wat kunnen we van jeugdondernemers leren? In W. Mastenbroek (Ed.), Ondernemerschap: Succesfactoren voor prestatieverbetering en klantgerichtheid (pp. 14-21). management site.

    • Hulsink, W. (2010). Challengers hebben meer lef dan anderen. In Ondernemersgeheimen. De beste tips uit 5 jaar Sprout (pp. 50). Sprout Media.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2000). 'Fighting for Survival and Legitimacy: Growth Trajectories of High Technology Firms in the Netherlands. In . - (Ed.), High Technology Small Firms Conference (pp. 275-305). University of Twente.

    • Hulsink, W., & Wubben, EFM. (1998). 'De beurs moet van het drinkwater afblijven'. In . - (Ed.), Regionale duurzaamheidsdebatten NCDO/COS-kwadrant (pp. ---)

    • Hulsink, W., & Davies, AC. (1996). The Return of the Nation State. In Telecom International (pp. 20-23)

  • Academic (1)
    • Eldering, C. J. J., & Hulsink, W. (2020). Procuring innovation through the European Space Agency's network of business incubation centres. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2020-October.

  • Academic (5)
    • Hulsink, W., de Jong, J., & Elfring, T. (2005). De oorsprong van vernieuwing. De rol van sociale netwerken bij innovaties in het midden- en kleinbedrijf.. Paper presented at the Dutch-Flemish Sociology Conference, Brussel.

    • Hulsink, W., & Wintjes, R. (2004). The emergence of an industrial district: The brokering, outsourcing & clustering activities of the core firm Oce in the Eindhoven-Venlo Mechatronics region.. 8th European Network on Industrial Policy (EUNIP) Annual Conference, Bermingham Business School, December 13-15, 2004.

    • Hulsink, W., & Elfring, T. (2003). Much ado about nothing? The role and contribution of incubators in promoting entrepreneurship and fostering new companies. 11th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference 2003, June 12th & 13th, Manchester Business School, Manchester., Manchester.

    • Hulsink, W., & Bouwman, H. (2002). Silicon Valleys in the Polder. Entrepreneurial dynamics, virtuous clusters and vicious firms in the Netherlands and Flanders. Paper presented at RENT XVI 16th Conference Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, November 21-22,2002, Barcelona, Spain.

    • Hulsink, W., Henniger, EJ., & van der Meer, BMG. (1998). New Forms of Entrepreneurship? Successful Start-Up Companies in the Dutch and Flemish Information Technology Industry. 14th EGOS Colloquium, Maastricht.

  • Professional (4)
    • Hulsink, W., van Gelderen, M., & Verduyn, K. (2004). Entrepreneurship in the cinema: feature films as case material in entrepreneurship education. 20th EGOS Colloquium, Ljubljana (Slovenia).

    • Hulsink, W., Stam, FC., & Elfring, T. (2004). The Value of Failure, An Investigation into the collapse of ventures, firms and networks and its potential for flexible recycling and recombination. Twelfth Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference 2004, University of Twente, Enschede.

    • Hulsink, W., Stam, FC., & Elfring, T. (2004). The Value of Failure, Experimentation and recombination in knowledge-based firms and clusters.. 8TH European Network on Undustrial Policy.

    • Hulsink, W. (2003). From employee to entrepreneur. The contribution of the parent organization to the success of the spin-off firm. RENT XVII 17th Conference, University of Lodz.

  • Academic (2)
    • Hulsink, W., & Mian, S. (2009). Building Knowledge Ecosystems through Science and Technology Parks: A Comparative Review of the Emerging US and European Regional Models. In Proceedings of the XXVI IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

    • Berchicci, L., & Hulsink, W. (2006). Of bikes and men. Innovation patterns and strategic entrepreneurship in the human-powered vehicle sector. In Paper prepared for the workshop on Strategic Entrepreneurship: the role of networking

  • Internal (1)
    • Hulsink, W. (1996). Do Nations Matter in a Gobalising Industry? The Restructuring of Telecommunications Governance Regimes in France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Academic (1)
    • Rauch, A., & Hulsink, W. (2021). Just one Damned Thing After Another: Towards an Event-based Perspective of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 651-997. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10422587211061738

  • Academic (24)
    • Dons, H., & Hulsink, W. (2010). Zonder ondernemerschap vaart niemand wel! Een visie op versterking van onderzoek, onderwijs en outreach op het gebied van innovatie, kennisvalorisatie en ondernemerschap bij Wageningen UR (2010 en verder). Wageningen University & Research.

    • Hulsink, W., Suddle, K., & Hessels, J. (2008). Science and technology-based regional entrepreneurship in Netherlands: building support structures for business creation and growth entrepreneurship. ERIM.

    • Hulsink, W., Heijman, W., & Altena, P. (2007). Blue print for detecting and developing regional clusters. Wageningen University & Research.

    • Jaspers, F., Hulsink, W., & Theeuwes, J. (2005). Virtual enterprises, mobile markets and volatile customers: entry and innovation strategies of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) into the telecommunications services market. ERIM.

    • Hulsink, W., & Wubben, EFM. (2003). Creating competition & mastering markets: New entrants, monopolists, and regulators in transforming public utilities across the Atlantic. (ERIM Report Series Research in Management 2003-051 ed.) ERIM Report Series Research in Management Vol. 2003-051

    • Hulsink, W., & Elfring, T. (2003). Network effects on Entrepreneurial Processes: Start-ups in the Dutch ICT Industry 1990-2000. (ERS 2003-070 ed.) Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. ERS Vol. 2003-070

    • Molas-Gallart, J., Tang, P., Flowers, S., Davies, AC., Hulsink, W., Spaapen, P., & Gooijer, W. (2003). A review of the ICT Policy in the Netherlands and the UK: A study for the evaluation of the Swedisch national IT-policy. ITPS.

    • Bodewes, WEJ., Hulsink, W., & Slagter, M. (2002). Alumnionderzoek 2002: Ondernemendheid. Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen alumni en de faculteit bedrijfskunde. Erasmus Center for Entrepreneurship and New Business Venturing.

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2001). Networks in Entrepreneurship: The Case of High-Technology Firms. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Report Series Research in Management (issn 1566-5283)

    • Elfring, T., Hulsink, W., Busink, N., & Rijnders, DPM. (2000). Onderzoek naar Incubatoren en Participatiewerken in de Nieuwe Economie. Universiteit Wageningen/RSM.

    • Hulsink, W., van der Meer, BMG., & Henniger, EJ. (1999). High Tech Entrepreneurship in the Low Countries: the growth and evolution of start-up companies in the Dutch and Flemish information technology and biotechnology industries. (Management Report Series 01-1999 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 01-1999

    • Wubben, EFM., Janszen, FHA., & Hulsink, W. (1999). Agritech/Residentie in Veelstromenland. Een zoektocht naar kansen en bedreigingen in de Nederlandse energiesector. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

    • Wubben, EFM., Hulsink, W., Vis, J., & Zuurmond, T. (1999). Notitie over Price-cap regulering in de Electriciteitssector(DTE 1999). Eneco.

    • Bouwman, H., Hulsink, W., & van de Riet, JH. (1999). Arrogante aanbieders of onwetende vragers in een zich ontwikkelende markt. Stichting Telecomgebruikers Nederland.

    • Hulsink, W., Bouwman, H., & Davies, AC. (1998). The external control of European PTT's: about resource dependencies and countervailing powers in a deregulating environment. (Management Report Series 19-1998 ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 19-1998

    • Hulsink, W., & Bolhuis, H. (1998). Electronic commerce and cyber-entrepreneurship: potential and problems of start-up firms in ICT. (Management Report Series 6-1998 ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 6-1998

    • Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1998). Multinationals in the making: corporate strategies of European public telecommunications operators. (Management Report Series 40-1998 ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 40-1998

    • Wubben, EFM., Hancher, L., Hulsink, W., & Schenk, H. (1998). "Stille wateren hebben diepe gronden" Deel I: over vormen van ordening en toezicht in de Nederlandse wateleidingsector. (Management Report Serie 58-1998 ed.) Management Report Serie Vol. 58-1998

    • Wubben, EFM., Hancher, L., & Hulsink, W. (1998). "Stille wateren hebben diepe gronden" Deel II: organisatie en regulering van de drinkwatervoorziening in Engeland & Wales, Frankrijk en Schotland. (Management Report Serie 59-1998 ed.) Management Report Serie Vol. 59-1998

    • Davies, AC., & Hulsink, W. (1998). Corporate strategies of European public telecommunications operators. (Management Report Series 46 ed.) [publisher unknown]. Management Report Series Vol. 46

    • Hulsink, W., & Tang, P. (1997). The winds of change: digital technologies, trading information and managing intellectual property rights. (Management Report Series 44(13) ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 44(13)

    • Hulsink, W. (1993). In Pursuit of a New Consensus?: the Liberalisation, Privatisation and Regulatory Reform of Telecommunications in the Netherlands. (Management Report Series 139 ed.) Erasmus Universiteit, Faculteit Bedrijfskunde. Management Report Series Vol. 139

    • Hulsink, W., & Kemme, GJ. (1992). Van publiek monopolie tot zelfregulerend kartel? Institutionele en bestuurskundige aspecten van de openbare elektronische informatievoorziening. (Management Report Series 106 ed.) Erasmus Universiteit, Faculteit Bedrijfskunde. Management Report Series Vol. 106

    • Hulsink, W. (1991). Actors, Telecommunication Systems and Public Policies: the Diffusion of Videotex in the Netherlands. (Management Report Series 96 ed.) Erasmus Universiteit, Faculteit Bedrijfskunde. Management Report Series Vol. 96

  • Professional (8)
    • Hulsink, W., Boons, FAA., & Berchicci, L. (2013). Learning from Learning Regions? What can the emerging Rotterdam Clean Tech Cluster learn from its own evolution and innovation hot spots elsewhere? Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

    • Hulsink, W., & Kraaijeveld, P. (2004). From Go to IPO: The hyper-growth strategy of the new European telecoms operator Versatel, Case study & teacher's guide for class discussion (2004-1 Eship - EUR). Eship.

    • Hulsink, W., & Bodewes, WEJ. (2004). Nieuwe bedrijvigheid in de life sciences: Op zoek naar passende bedrijfsmodellen en technisch- en commercieel haalbare ideeen. BioPartner.

    • Hulsink, W. (2003). Death of the Cyber Sales Manager: The Rise of Electronic Commerce and the Fall of the Online Payments Firm Digicash BV The E-business Review III: 82-85. (The E-Business Review III ed.) International Academy of E-business. The E-Business Review Vol. III

    • Kraaijeveld, P., & Hulsink, W. (2003). Governing Dutch Banking: A longitudinal study of standards setting in retail payments. (The E-Business Review III ed.) International Academy of E-business. The E-Business Review Vol. III

    • Elfring, T., & Hulsink, W. (2002). Entrepreneurs, innovation and high-technology firms: The network effect. (The ICFAIAN Journal of Management Research 1 (5) ed.) Institute of Chartered Financial Analysis of India. The ICFAIAN Journal of Management Research Vol. 1 (5)

    • Janszen, FHA., Hulsink, W., & Wubben, EFM. (1999). Onder Hoogspanning? Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

    • Wubben, EFM., Hancher, L., Hulsink, W., & Schenk, H. (1998). Stille Wateren Hebben Diepe Gronden. Over vormen van ordening en toezicht in de Nederlandse waterleidingsector. Erasm Business Support Centre.

  • Popular (1)
    • Hulsink, W. (2005). Tides in communication politics ? About shifting involvements and technologies of freedom and the relevance of albert hirschman and ithiel de Sola pool for today's communication studies. Gazette, 67(6), 569-574. https://doi.org/10.1177/0016549205057563

  • Subtheme 3: Technological Innovation and Organisational Change, 13th EGOS Colloquium Organisational Responses to Radical Environmental Changes, July 3-5

    Attending an event (Academic)

  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Ferdinand Jaspers
  • Time frame: 2004 - 2009
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Manuel Hensmans
  • Time frame: 1999 - 2010


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