
Fellow ERIM

Eric van Heck
Professor of Information Management and Markets
Pursey Heugens
Professor of Organization Theory, Development, and Change
Justin Jansen
Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship
Muel Kaptein
Professor of Business Ethics and Integrity Management
René de Koster
Professor of Logistics and Operations Management
Gui Liberali
Professor of Digital Marketing
Lucas Meijs
Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy
Hans van Oosterhout
Professor of Corporate Governance and Responsibility
Enrico Pennings
Professor Applied Industrial Organization
Taco Reus
Professor in Global Strategy
Marcel van Rinsum
Professor of Accounting & Incentives
Peter Roosenboom
Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity
Michaéla Schippers
Professor in Behaviour and Performance Management
Ale Smidts
Professor of Marketing Research